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Everything posted by sct

  1. Well it sounds like you have something configured wrong then because all of those plugins are perfectly compatible with Tekkit.
  2. I really know nothing about computercraft but by looking at the code it looks like it should say turtle.digUp() not turtle.digUp
  3. You want to switch back to XP because you can't have USB autorun? Is there sarcasm I am missing here?
  4. The app is Tapatalk and yes our forums fully support it.
  5. If they were kellered before the new forums they are perma-kellered which is why we sometimes remove them. Otherwise we pretty much would never do it.
  6. How fast does that thing go
  7. Then try what Halibut said He's on point with this one.
  8. Besides posting in the wrong section I don't see any problems with your log.
  9. edit: Also what Halibut said ^^^^^^^^^ When you say significant progress gone... do you mean ALL modded blocks are gone? Can you find any trace of modded items? If you can't its possible you aren't loading the server properly and its wiping all the modded items from the map.
  10. There are no plans to have a Wiki. Use the official wikis for each mod.
  11. Yeah you definitely don't want the shell script converted but you want to preserve the format of the config directory. Codechickencore is weird like that.
  12. Please don't link to server builds outside of our own. And as Industrial Miner said, we have a link to the old build on the Tekkit page.
  13. The item conflict in the original post of this bug report is completely unrelated to the block 241 item conflict. Two different things.
  14. Okay guys. Now that I am seeing logs with the ACTUAL server stopping error things are different. The only reason you would get that error is if you did not properly extract your config files! Re-download the Tekkit server and re-extract all the files. And of course, make sure to back up.
  15. http://forums.spout.org/threads/spigot-the-most-performance-savvy-craftbukkit-mod-out-there-craftbukkit.3776/ There is a link to the MCPC port right on there.
  16. I don't know why exactly your server isn't starting up on linux Blizzard. As others have said the server was extensively tested on linux (ubuntu and centos). One thing I can assure you of though is that the problem is far deeper rooted than the item conflicts. Like I have said those are normal and are not what is stopping your server.
  17. Those conflicts are normal and can be ignored.
  18. Sounds like your server config files are off. Try re-extracting the latest config files over your current ones. (Back up first!)
  19. Well lets seeeeeee The new website, these forums and tekkit is what I do here. I suppose it's not much but the blowies make up for my lack of effort. :smug:
  20. And now we wait for release. Oh gosh its so close but so far! On a side note the ending event was great and I didn't die because I am so great
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