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Everything posted by sct

  1. Whoa dude this is all kinds of in the wrong place and a terrible post.
  2. I don't know what made you think posting in this terrible thread would get you any help. On top of that you pretty much provided 0 information. Ah fuck it. Enjoy your warning.
  3. Jay? literally put my thoughts into words better than I could have ever done. You sound like a complete idiot. "Before ROCK RUINED EVERYTHING!!!!!" ugh. :frogout:
  4. I have never seen chunks jumble around after they have already been generated. You probably have some sort of plugin interfering with something. I have never seen a base Tekkit build do any of this.
  5. Hey pal. Jay? was just trying to help and you gotta go and be a huge dick about it. How swell. It goes against my better judgement to offer help to someone like you but HERE I GO ANYWAYS! Are you opped on the server? There is no "cheat mode" option for SMP. This is in the Tekkit section after all.
  6. Seriously? Are we just going to ignore what I said?
  7. sct


    It means your two hours are up!
  8. Looks like you touched your config files. I suggest downloading the server pack again and overwriting the config folder with the one from it. Back up your world as well!
  9. You should not be using development builds. You should be using the recommended build (3.0.4) Switch the launcher to "Always use recommended builds" and then hit clear cache and try again. If it still isn't working you can wipe your tekkit folder and try again.
  10. It would be nice if you didn't abuse the report feature
  11. Hey pal the report feature isn't for getting help with your problem.
  12. Well then the server you are playing on is doing something wrong.
  13. You are clearly missing my point.
  14. Well the magic of Forge means you can pick and choose what mods are enabled. Isn't it just wonderful :allears:
  15. Well, you can customize the entire thing but it's not a final decision. I only added it to see how well it panned out in SMP. They are pretty ridiculous and I have no idea if it will be included in the final build. Just testing out the port :v:
  16. There is no need. He shouldn't be using the development build.
  17. The sticky at the top of this forum has a link directly to it as well.
  18. You have to disable Towny's bukkit version checking in the config.
  19. You should upgrade to the latest server. (3.0.4)
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