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Everything posted by sct

  1. Well "blazed"Ginger. Looks like you need to lay off the pipe.
  2. It's highly recommended you avoid using the current implementation of Solder unless you already had a mod repository setup before the Platform. The reason for this being is the current version of Solder is very user error prone. It can't do much to check if mods actually exist in its current state in the master branch. If you are hell bent on trying Solder, play with the dev branch. It's way less error prone. In fact, I am making a video on it now.
  3. You will need to add the php.exe from the xampp install to your PATH. Look it up :v:
  4. What vortex said. This is the very wrong way to do it. You do not need to include any minecraft files in your modpack.jar. Just Forge and any other mods that are required to be IN the minecraft.jar
  5. sct

    Crash Bug

    Heh, well you need to find hosting for you pack. Using C:\Users\kwak\Desktop\T3sla.zip for the pack URL isn't going to work :v:
  6. sct

    Crash Bug

    It would help to know the name of your pack
  7. Have you tried hitting resend in the last hour? We just recently moved to a new email server.
  8. I went ahead and reset your description. This is currently an issue with people using external BBCode editors and just pasting it in the editor without thinking twice. Some features like font changing and such isn't supported by the platform. The main issue with yours was there was all kinds of nesting issues in the bbcode. I suggest just using the editor itself for now to format your post. Ill look into fixing this so it doesn't break the whole modpacks page though when it has issues parsing the BBCode.
  9. Can we get the name of the modpack?
  10. Tekkit Lite works great for SSP and SMP. Use that instead.
  11. You wouldn't have mods on the platform. No one does. The platform doesn't host any mods at all.
  12. Incorrect.
  13. Whoa bro take a chill pill. it was on-topic for the most part. No need to get so mad at the dude!
  14. im spit
  15. Ok.
  16. People playing video games let me accuse them all of being stupid for playing what they like!
  17. No suggestions necessary. The new launcher has a solution for this, although I cant share the specifics just yet.
  18. Yep what agaricus said. We were happy to offer hosting for the time we did but it just makes much more sense for md_5 to host it at this point.
  19. Switch to using Tekkit Lite instead of Tekkit Classic.
  20. Haha what? VLC works fine on Windows 8. You realize you aren't forced into using Metro apps right? Get something like http://www.stardock.com/products/start8/ and WIndows 8 is just as good as 7, if not better.
  21. sct

    Launcher source

    Necro or not that is the old source for 1.0 and the new source. They are in different branches.
  22. :siren: Good news everyone! The new Technic Launcher is making massive strides in progress and we are ready to have everyone start testing it! Download it here: http://beta.technicpack.net/download The launcher will automatically update when new builds are pushed. For now if you have issues with the launcher please refrain from posting beta bugs on the forums until we have a proper place set up for it. Instead, come hop in IRC by clicking Chat at the top of the forums or joining us with your favorite IRC client and let us know in there. The launcher is very much beta so a lot of stuff is still bound to change! Enjoy guys! Let us know what you think!
  23. This should be resolved now. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  24. http://www.technicpack.net/download/ Download the latest jar version of the launcher here. Pick Voltz. Play.
  25. Some random link to a random ip address with a random query string? No thanks.
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