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Posts posted by TheBytemaster

  1. i thimg they dont have to put the lapis ore to normal you need it very much with tconstruct

    I'm not sure exactly what you are saying, but lapiz ore does spawn at all heights. In vanilla, however, lapiz had a wide height range for spawning, but a low overall concentration. I wonder if this particular behavior has carried itself over to hexxit.

  2. I do have to question what anti-technic malicious code would even do in IC2, since it's not in the packs anymore.

    It is in tekkit classic, but an anti-technic update would be caught far more quickly then technic classic updates anyways.

  3. Let's, (hypothetically, of course), say that I recently came into a large amount of money that needed to all be spent by the end of the month or I lose it. What would you recommend I get computer-wise as far as graphics cards go? (I don't really care about noise or power consumption.)

  4. Can I request you do a redline of something I drew forever ago? I know the posture/proportions are all wrong, but I can't figure out for the life of me how.


    (And I'm too lazy to make a DA account and put stuff in it. :effort:)

  5. but when i click the launcher again, it redownloads the folder. Then when i click login it starts out by saying error retrieving information for the selected pack:tekkit classic

    This sounds similar to a network issue I had a while ago. What kind of network are you on? (Or rather, who's network are you on?)

    The launcher does weird things if the network blocks it from doing its thing.

  6. I see the end goal as modifications made directly to the human body in order to enhance running speed, strength, etc. I think we should start this process by wiping out stupid people from the gene pool.

    Step 1- Remove warning labels from everyday products.

    Step 2- Allow natural selection to occur

    As much as I want to agree with your plan, that would probably just destroy a lot of companies with a flood of stupid lawsuits. Any everyday :airquote: product that has a warning label probably won't be lethal enough. We need to find a way of increasing the leathality of stupidity to the point of almost guarenteed death.

  7. I played it but didn't like it as much. I don't know what it was about it - perhaps the lack of dinosaurs...

    Here ya go. Enjoy. http://games.adultswim.com/dinosaur-zookeeper-simulation-online-game.html

    Dinosaur zookeeper, by vlambeer.

    My favorite game no-one played is Super Scribblenauts. Seriously, I have never met a person who knew what that game was until I told them. That game is amazing. What other game allows you to summon a supersonic metal flaming invincible giant kingly pregnant winged zombie robot llama and make it wear a sombrero, then tie it to a tiny flying anarchistic shovel? I rest my case.

  8. Well I found a glitch thing that I'm not sure whats up with it and there is no Hexxit Bug Forum so do I just post it here?

    What? There's totally a hexxit bug forum!

    *goes to look to give you a link*

    Uhh...nevermind. I guess you would just put it here. As for why there is no hexxit bug-report forum, I have no idea.


  9. Hm, just did some research on those, and they are quite fascinating. The person who thought up those must have had too much free time do to the lengthy process required to create. Although most modern AntiVirus programs easily detect them, and won't extract them to scan them. Although if you make them correctly, they still will extract just fine, although I don't see the practical purpose of them. They lock up your computer, and that is it. How someone trying to exploit your computer would use them I don't quite get.

    Although the process is (at least from the research I collected,) only done with standard .zips and also bziped files. The way they are essentially made is zip a large file containing only 0s, (typically around 1.6 gigabytes.), change it to a text file, copy it 16 times, zip all them, repeat the process until you get a small final zip file.

    If crafted carefully, they can do more than that. Know what happens when your hard drive is entirely out of sectors?

  10. How.


    I don't understand how a minecraft map could be a virus, it literally is a folder that you run nothing inside.

    Ever heard of a compression bomb? Those can be quite nasty/destructive. They are literally compressed folders that you run nothing inside, but they can still cripple your system.

    ON topic now, I will most likely give 'er a whirl when I get some time.

  11. Seeing as you've suggested a lot of horror games...i take it you're a horror fan?


    EDIT: Gah, I just actually watched the video I posted. Really doesn't do the game justice.

    Can someone else verify that it is actually an amazing game so I seem less lame gushing about it?

  12. So. I just re-read your OP, I feel like an idiot for suggesting Imscared now. Must've missed the non-horror part the first time around. Sorry about that.

    Anywho, If you want somthing free that is a great mind-bender, go get Perspective. It's by the same guys who made Nitronic Rush and holy crap does it bend your brain in ways it wasn't meant to bend.

    Lots and lots of wonderful brain-busting puzzles and such. Reminds me a lot of portal. The ending is also amazing and reminds me of Inception.

    I seriously walked around for a week after I finished the game just showing the ending to everyone I knew.

    You control both a 2d and 3d character in conjunction with another. Moving the 3d camera alters the terrain of the 2d character. But I suck at complaining, so have a video instead.

  13. Nah, I prefer to avoid GUI whenever possible. A keystone approach is much neater. You could even set up multiple of the same keystone and it would pick randomly between all loaded ones. (The chunk with the key stone would have to be loaded for teleportation to work.)

    So if I used chunkloaders, and the teleporters could be activated via redstone, then there's nothing to stop my nether automation?

  14. Yeah, that's what I was considering: You would have a teleportation source engine on the carriage, a teleportation sink engine where the source engine should end up in whatever dimension, and they would basically swap, taking their contents with them. You would color-code them like ender chests or something similar.

    Would that be automate-able? I'm imagining some kind of automatic lava-gatherer that goes to the nether and then drops off lava at your base.

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