So, I recently discovered this Touhou doujin music circle, (If you haven't heard of Touhou, I don't really blame you. It's an absurdly difficult bullet-hell type game made by a man known only as ZUN), called Tutti Sound. They make fantabulously amazing epic orchestral music.
Example: ->
To make a short story even shorter, I want to buy the -newest album- that just barely came out, but it says that they cannot ship internationally, and to “Contact me by e-mail or Facebook”
I cannot find, for the life of me, any way to do this. All of the pages I found on Facebook appear to be unofficial.
So, essentially, what I am asking is, can anyone find a way to contact this group, OR can anyone find a way to purchase this and have it shipped internationally to America? I would be extremely grateful if you helped.
Many thanks!
EDIT: To be ABSOULUTELY CLEAR,I am aware that it would probably be easy, but I -DO NOT- want to pirate this music. I respect them more than that. Thanks