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Everything posted by marble

  1. Please read our post on our forums about the server's recent update: http://ghostsgaming.enjin.com/forum/page/1/m/12708020/viewthread/7311300-important-news-concerning-tekkit-lite-server
  2. Yea this used to be an old issue, saw your post relating to other IC2 machines. Sometimes it can be fixed by relogging, but in this case it is more of the mod version I think... but it looks like you're in 0.6.5 - same as me - so I'm not sure if perhaps a plugin conflict could cause the same glitch?
  3. (trade-o-mat is an actual item; just for clarification)
  4. 1. GriefPrevention 2. Trade-O-Mat or iConomy credits with ChestShop for selling items 3. Essentials or several other plugins 4. Haven't tested Dynmap on TL, unsure 5. Essentials
  5. How I understand this: "Hello makers of Voltz this is a request for an update it will be good if ICBM is added to tekkit lite I want to run a server and I am debating between Voltz or Tekkit Lite If the ICBM mod comes to Tekkit Lite I would then prefer Tekkit Lite Thanks"
  6. Agreed, 1 sapling, in a 3x3 dirt area, no bonemeal, depends on server tps as well
  7. Pebcos I have promoted you and you are free to play! Remember to read the rules and please register on our forums http://ghostsgaming.enjin.com/
  8. This weekend we'll be changing up Voting: -More $$$ for the players -Easier voting -Logs on the website to potentially give rewards to highest voters! As for quarries, we were testing multiple methods to remove the chunk loading from them but we were unsuccessful once again. The modder has said perhaps in a later version it will no longer chunk load. We are sorry that the changes from the Classic version to the Lite version had to have that feature implemented, many would agree it ruined it for bigger servers. We'll also be swapping around plugins and performing maintenance on them. Please help us improve the experience and use the forums! We have many topics being discussed so please share your thoughts
  9. Jaren is your in game name the same? I can look it up for you to see if either a staff member was not present or if you were denied for some reason. -Please leave your in game name here or private message me it if you want it private. acvlni you're a member now, feel free to join whenever :)
  10. Minerpipo you're a member now, thanks for letting us know! You're free to go out and build etc just remember to check the rules if you haven't already.
  11. Fleabag4 was already member upon me logging on this morning, thank you
  12. Turbo you're a member on the server as confirmed by myself, thank you for letting us know and welcome to the server! *For all others who may read this post, an application on here is not necessary, our staff will process you once you log on as a guest. A simple check on your ban history is all it takes! If we are not on, I will be sure to process your request on here - if not another staff member as someone had already done for Turbo*
  13. Here is a peak at what you will encounter in the resource world: http://ghostsgaming.enjin.com/gallery/m/12708014/detail/132192#pid=1218990
  14. On the moon the power suit moves as if on regular world gravity, causing the body to be out of sync. This happens because its more like a cover and not true armor sticking to the skin.
  15. Also the bags have a dupe glitch -.- I'm just gonna stay away from this version of tekkit for now
  16. Meh I jumped on to test EE3's updates and all I got were crashes haha, I'm fine with a WIP but the statement "My guess is they'll appear rebalenced later on." doesn't apply with EE3 in my opinion. I feel EE is more of a fun based mod, it doesn't work well on large servers in the long run. I feel EE or frEE as I call it has too many balance issues I'd like a better configuration because atm it'd be nearly like having creative with EE: MFR Tree Farm as one example + EE3, 8 Wood = 1 Iron --> Profit, pretty sure an AE/ME system can auto craft with a minium stone, but if not its fairly imbalanced. I'd like ingots --> other ingots and besides that not much else... besides that I hear that the bypass protections issue was changed ^.^ ***sign of hope***
  17. Just a note: If you're looking to go mining head to '/warp resource' and enjoy a 24/7 daylight (even underground) resource world that has awesome Mystcraft features like a colorful sky :)
  18. By the way since people sleep leave a message here if you were unable to acquire the member status and we will process you. Thanks! Leave your IGN: Previous Ban explanation (if applicable): Anything else?: We'll get to asap!
  19. Welcome to IndustryCraft, a Tekkit Lite 0.6.5 server by Ghosts MultiGaming (http://ghostsgaming.enjin.com/)! Here at IndustryCraft we strive to stay up to date while providing a lag and glitch free server while providing a friendly and fun environment for players. Our staff are highly experienced and our gaming community extends beyond Minecraft/Tekkit(Lite). We are up 24/7 with 20tps(No lag) because our plugins are updated frequently while providing functionality like an economy dominated by player markets and compensated with a Server Shop to fill gaps. We have a team/guild system so players can form groups, protect their land with GriefPrevention and PvP without losing their items! PvP is to be halted if the victims are not in the mood at that current time but players do not have to worry about being ganked and having someone steal their items. We screen every player entering, meaning that no whitelist is required and quick Member status is applied. This prevents notorious griefers and hackers from disrupting our honest players. Our staff will still assist with those who slip through or have alternate accounts! IP: Details at a glance: -20 tps: No Lag! -Server Shop & Player Markets -Teams/Guilds -0.6.5 (Tekkit Lite of course) -Protected land (Anti-Grief)! -Mystcraft Resource World -Automatic Donation Package System through http://ghostsgaming.enjin.com/ -Friendly & Experienced Staff -PvP Enabled -Keep Inventory on Death! -AutoRank or Donating to acquire a higher rank -DOUBLE Ender Storage! Store more in your locked Ender Chests (Lock with Diamond) -Gaming Community extends beyond Minecraft/Tekkit Lite! For more information on our server or gaming community come by in game or on our website listed above!
  20. I just posted this elsewhere, but I had the same issue, removing the config for the mods seemed to fix it.
  21. It seemed to fix when the configs for the mods was deleted for me, had to redo them but it wasn't anything too big to do.
  22. With the new 0.6.1 update old items persist, and there is a new item that requires banning (tested on other servers and single player). Please provide evidence that you are indeed a server owner/admin currently on Tekkit Lite in PM. [Once again for duping, I don't see any way of fixing it - as is typical.]
  23. This is meant to discuss the actual features and issues of tekkit lite, if I am correct - meaning you should still put it under advertisement even if it isn't up yet.
  24. Have you tried reinstalling/clearing cache? It may have installed wrong for whatever reason, just trying to help/give ideas :P
  25. I've gone over plugin settings over and over, I'm thinking its decreased rate of grass growth for some reason some spots more than others. I also think it has to do with a plugin that is rather old but the latest update is for newer versions (multiworld).
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