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Everything posted by ace223

  1. I love Dubstep and all those sorts of music (or sounds as some people say), but for me i cant seem to go past Swedish House Marfia's Until One. This is the youtube: and this is the wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Until_One If anyone knows any music simular let me know, i would love to find some like that.
  2. Rusty, i would have to take a look at your creation, it sounds great and gives me an idea. i will hit you up with a PM so you can pass me on the ip. If you dont mind me sort of copying you that would be very much appreciated. Industrial Miner, that has to be the coolest story i ever heard. Apple are just down right up themselves sometimes. Amazed they havent tried to sue Windows for copying their idea of a Operation System yet -.-
  3. The Trade-o-Mat doesnt give the prices that i want, it would need an admin to stand and watch it because there is a high chance people would short change it and i dont want that Showcase is a nice plugin, but doesnt it require some form of economy plugin?
  4. In my server i have decided to disable Collectors and Condensers but i still want my players to be able to get access to some of the EE items.The idea came to me that they could trade diamonds and items in a shop (that has a condencer or tablet or something) for dark matter or any of the EE items. I just not sure how to go about doing this. because i cant constantly have one of the admins man the shop and control the condenser thats just too demanding for the admins. The only thing i have been able to think of (thats a bit of a hassle) is that players (with an Economy plugin) sell diamonds for ECON cash then go to the store and buy stuff with the ECON cash, but thats taking the only way around So does anybody have any ideas on how i could go about this. I havent tried very much with shop and Economy plugins but i am willing to give it a shot.
  5. jack-o-lanterns no mods required :D
  6. i have skype, but i dont have a mic at the moment. the inbuilt mic in my laptop only gives out static when i am on skype. sorry.
  7. but just disabling your internet connection, like the Merchant of Menace said, makes up appear ingame (and on a server) with the name Player. and thats not good when 2 or more people do that then becuase you share inventories and then its not really multiplayer minecraft.
  8. i can see this plugin going a long way, congrats to you. i love it, within 2 minutes of finding this thread i installed it to my server even better then i already use world guard for safe areas keep it up and there will be a donation headed your way :)
  9. make sure that if you are using a permissions plugin such as PermissionsEX or permissionsBukkit that the players you want to see the motd have 'essentials.motd' in their permissions. hope that helped :D
  10. i understand where you are trying to come from i have/had a similar problem.. the first thing you can do is cry yourself to sleep at night or you can bridge internet connection from a 3G enabled device (running andriod or IOS) then again you could just set up a normal minecraft server. or cry, crying helps sometimes.
  11. damn, now i really had an invisible ring. What about a tunnel bore? :D
  12. lol, dam i made another good one, but it didnt post..... FML
  13. i would imagine that in EE(2 or 3) for minecraft 1.4 they would incorporate something like that. they would be stupid not to anyway.
  14. i had this problem. how regular is it in the console? if its every 1-3 seconds then there is most likely mass of drops on the ground (due to buildcraft pipe over flow) or some extremely big quarrys causing the server to be forcing too many block updates. These things helped my server, it might do the same for you.
  15. I would LOVE to help set up an Australian Tekkit server. i dont host a public server but i know a lot of the ropes from my private (10 people) tekkit server. How can i be of service?
  16. oh, appears i skipped over that too.. but still, it was no reason to call him retarted. Seeing as that doesnt work, you could try a EU detector cable. i have never used it before but as the name states tells you when EU is in the cable system. if the MFSU is full it will not be requesting the EU, causing the detector to give out a NULL (or no) output, if you then invert this power it will turn off your reactor. Just an idea. :D
  17. are you always this rude to people helping you? Disconsented is right, set it to emmit when full then wire that redstone up to your reactor, how you like red alloy wire being good because it can go up walls?
  18. If think what you are looking for Progrendon is a Bukkit plugin that will do that for you. I am not exactly sure what you are trying to explain but i would bet there would be a plugin that can do it (plugins can do almost anything)
  19. oh yeah, completely skipped over that one :D
  20. BUILDCRAFT WAY 1. The Nuclear reactor consumes the cells 2. Buildcraft Advanced Wodern pipe pumps it out. 3. pipe it back in via chest. if you want buildcraft to pump it in and out then you might have some problem with the cell going back into the other reactor, so maybe have 2 different piping systems for each reactor. REDPOWER WAY 1 The Nuclear Reactor consumes the cells 2. filter notices that the cell is empty and ejects it to an adjacent pneumonic pipe or chest. 3. Pneumonic pipe with more FULL cells detects a free spot in the reactor and pipes the cell into the empty spot.
  21. you could try RedPower filters, so it pulls out the empty cells when they are, herp derp, empty cells. but if you so sure you want to use buildcraft, just stick a buildcraft pipe in the cross road and buildcraft will automatically split the items in half, half one way half the other. let me know if you need more help i am willing to give it :D
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