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Everything posted by _Mataroyale_Modpacker_

  1. I take offense to that. I'm not that old.
  2. Your page seems lonely...

    1. _Mataroyale_Modpacker_



    2. Kocken926


      I'm all for posting random shit on my page, but try to put some effort in it, would ya? It's basically art at this point, let's not turn it to modern such.
      That being said: ÄÖGKS*DFGKSÅEPO=I%¤#(/¤

    3. TheBytemaster


      OH NO YOU DIDN'T YOU BIG H:F*U&#)PH)*(HF)9)~

  3. Too many midi-chlorians.

    1. holymage!


      isn't that a good thing for Syndra?

      then she has more power...

    2. _Mataroyale_Modpacker_



  4. From what I've been hearing, the mod is CoFH core. I'm not positive, though.
  5. If forums were fruits, this one would be an avocado. Basically, so cool people forget it's a forum. It has ascended forum status.
  6. The feels are strong in this one.

  7. What is this even. It is like...

  8. Free champions are the way to go when you are beginning! Ashe, Jayce and Quinn are the free marksmen/women this week! Just don't be like me and try out Orianna for your first game.
  9. Other good options: Caitlyn: Really long range. Ezreal: Skillshots! Corki: Dunno, never played him.
  10. Jennifer Hale is a goddess.

  11. That doesn't mean you love it more than me.
  12. My name is Mata. I go by several personas, each lasting no more than a several weeks. I sneak through the shadows, materializing when only I see fit. My motives are for myself and myself only. Only one thing I will divulge: Only when the forums falls will I truly depart from the dark corner from which I call home. butts butts butts butts butts butts butts
  13. Coke is actually the perspiration of Sasquatch, which is mixed with copious amounts of sugars and alien urine, to give it it's carbonated nature.
  14. Your page... it is...interesting.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TheBytemaster
    3. Kocken926


      No, I mean the new forums sadly don't have the same kind of personal pages. Any post I post on someone's profile will also be seen on my page. It's horrible ;(

    4. TheBytemaster


      Oh yeah. I miss that too. A moment of silence for the old forum profile pages, please...

  15. Hey guys! 2013 is coming to a close and it's been a phenomenal year for video games. This will be a post full of lists from critics and gamers alike. Ars Technica 10. Towerfall 9. Bioshock Infinite 8. Divekick 7. The Stanley Parable 6. Super Mario 3D World 5. Antichamber 4. Grand Theft Auto V 3. Hearthstone 2. The Last of Us 1. Papers Please Entertainment Weekly 10. Papers Please 9. TIE: Assassin's Creed: Black Flag/Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon 8. Legend of Zelda: Link Between Worlds 7. Gone Home 6. Tomb Raider 5. Rayman Legends 4. Super Mario 3D World 3. Grand Theft Auto V 2. The Last of Us 1. Bioshock Infinite Business Insider 10. Super Mario 3D World 9. Legend of Zelda: Link Between Worlds 8. Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch 7. Beyond: Two Souls 6. Tomb Raider 5. Injustice: Gods Among Us 4. The Last of Us 3. Assassin's Creed: Black Flag 2. Grand Theft Auto V 1. Bioshock Infinite I played really only three that you could say came out this year and rank in this order: Mata's Picks 3. Contrast 2. Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch 1. Bioshock Infinite. So, what are your favorite games that came out this year? Feel like these lists are missing something? Post in the comments below!
  16. Stop messing about and just give me ahri. pleeeeeaaaaaassseeee.

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. holymage!


      (i just laughed at the irony)

    3. _Mataroyale_Modpacker_


      That gives me enough time to scrounge up that 975 RP.

    4. holymage!


      Fun fact of the day: i was 2 weeks late and my parents were getting worried i would be born on Halloween...

  17. Merry Christmas ol' chap.

    1. TheBytemaster


      Merry Christmas to you too. http://knowyourmeme.com/photos/432172-league-of-legends

    2. _Mataroyale_Modpacker_


      This is too bootyful for words.

  18. I am a dumbo. Thanks for the shader name though.
  19. So are the topaz shaders the only shaders you use for screenshots? If not, could you provide their names?
  20. riot plz

    1. TheBytemaster


      riot. whut r u doin. riot. shtap.

    2. _Mataroyale_Modpacker_
    3. TheBytemaster


      riot I will giv 5 stars to u if you nerf the laser.

  21. We need to do LoL again. Like, this Friday.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. holymage!


      oh its forward? that makes since my sister is in Alberta and is 1 hour ahead.

    3. holymage!


      the ethernal question: Do we VOIP?

    4. holymage!


      Turns out that 11 pm pst isn't 8pm est....sorry :(

  22. What is love...baby don't hurt me.

    1. dwwojcik


      I don't know what love is, but It'll be hard to restrain myself with my nuclear submarine.

  23. AP Syndra

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. _Mataroyale_Modpacker_


      What's this? Did Byte just make a Zhonya's hourglass joke? Give me your fucking summoner's name right now.

    3. TheBytemaster


      Nope; I don't have a LoL account, nor do I have time to learn LoL any time soon. I just Googled, "how to beat Syndra" and went from there :P

    4. _Mataroyale_Modpacker_
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