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Everything posted by _Mataroyale_Modpacker_

  1. I for one am quite OK with the lack of PAINS matches and whale box threads.
  2. Eat some oranges, they prevent scurvy.
  3. Mark me absent.

    1. Munaus


      I've marked you observant

    2. _Mataroyale_Modpacker_


      I only appear when I care.

  4. Wastin' all my time playin' Path of Exile.

  5. That seems more like spellcheck error or somethin'.
  6. Common sense, either he was on a phone and abbreviated or he just was being lazy. This isn't a literary forums, we don't all need perfect anglais.
  7. Istanbul. Not Costantinople.

  8. Press F11 while in game.
  9. Looks like either SMP's revival or Johnsmith.
  10. Crashing or not loading? If it just isn't booting up, that's a problem of how much RAM you allow for technic.
  11. Please look at the date!
  12. I'm betting the single player tekkit, they called it technic.
  13. Try updating your launcher and see if Hexxit's in the default mudpack list. You might just have an old launcher version.
  14. Try doing F11 to fullscreen it, that might help. If not, I'm afraid I can't help you.
  15. Je ne chante pas. OU, je chante mal. Sigh.

    1. TheBytemaster


      Vous chantez en français? Ou en anglais?

    2. _Mataroyale_Modpacker_


      Je chante en francais? Non. Je chante en anglais? Oui.

  16. ♪Now I only want you gone.♪

    1. TheBytemaster


      Me? Oh. Okay. Cool. Fine. Give me an hour to pack up my stuff. *sniff*

  17. I haven't played Big Dig since it's first update after it was an official pack, but here are some ideas. AFIK, Thaumcraft was never in the pack, due to permissions. There was still support to download and install it. The boilers were from Railcraft, again AFIK, Railcraft was removed from the pack too.
  18. Go to france, they have horse hamburgers.
  19. Ye Olde Mata on the Ye Olde Forums.

  20. Oh, you survived. That’s interesting. I guess I should have factored in your weight.

  21. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beehive
  22. Because they've never ever seen looked up breasts on the internet before.
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