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Everything posted by _Mataroyale_Modpacker_

  1. Bethesda E3 Conference Rundown - Doom Battlecry Elder Scrolls Online (and Elder Scrolls: Legends - a CCG?) Dishonoured 2 Fallout 4 Fallout Shelter (iOS APP)
  2. ​I bought it for 10 dollars. The weekend before and the weekend after it was 5.
  3. ​I dunno, I kinda hate myself because I managed to buy New Vegas in the ONE week between the Fallout 4 Trailer sale and the summer sale.
  4. ​Maybe if you make one starring ME.
  5. I've won a couple slam-poetry contests (just at bars, nothing serious). I'll see if i can dig them up. EDIT: Ahah! Found this in a folder." "WHAT DO YOU SAY TO THE GIRL" - Alexandrija Bellamy Social anxiety. Noun. The discomfort or fear of interaction with other people. Introversion. Shyness. The feeling of being put on a stage with the spotlight shining and you've forgotten all of the lines of your part. When I was six I moved from Hue, Vietnam to a city in Britain. Carlisle. And on the first day of preschool I came home crying because How are you supposed to make friends when all you can say is "Hello" and "Nice to meet you" We moved a year later. I never made any friends. My first panic attack was in seventh grade, my first day at a new school and what do you say to the girl who freaks out in the middle of chemistry and starts crying, sobbing, into her notes because the world started closing in on her and she can't breathe? And the teacher is standing still, pale because how often does this happen in middle class Montreal? And what do you say to the girl who you've invited to a party about a dozen times but she never R.S.V.P.s, And what do you say to the girl who walks out of the elevator as soon as you enter, her face hidden from your view but you can hear her muffled apology. What do you say to the girl who cannot look you in the face when you interview her for the job she's overqualified for because she's got too much time at home Alone. Do you tell her it's OK? Do you tell her you understand? Or do you shut up and mind your business and secretly file her away as a story to tell your friends over lunch, to chat about, to marvel. I've learned to deal with my anxiety. I can order at a restaurant, I've started going out more. I can answer the phone - most of the time But it's always scared me. It still scares me. It will never stop scaring me.
  6. ​Just don't question it. It's better that way.
  7. Dolla dolla bill y'all.

    1. _Mataroyale_Modpacker_


      My goodness that's a long duck.

    2. Kocken926


      I used to have a long duck but it got eaten when it tried to mess with our cats.

    3. TheBytemaster


      I wonder if trained guard ducks could be a thing. They're loud, mean, and can fly.

  8. Glockenspiel frigorific ataraxy obstreperous.

  9. The last post on this thread was close to 10 months ago. If you have a bug report or problem, you can find help in the tracker.
  10. Fuck EA

    1. holymage!


      what Enormous Assholes eh? (pun intended)

    2. _Mataroyale_Modpacker_
    3. Mooseman9


      I dunno I got Dragon Age for free from them, they're alright.

  11. Please post this in the tracker.
  12. It's also because we ritually sacrifice kittens to steal their youth and transfer it all to the Kitty Jail.
  13. Bob Mc Bob is banned for banning in advance.
  14. Please post your crash log in the tracker.
  15. This is not the correct place to post this. Please post this in the tracker.
  16. Your profile picture: A+

    1. TheBytemaster


      Sempai noticed me!
      (つω⊂* )

  17. No. It's Mojang's property, not theirs.
  18. AFAIK, the mod they used for Big Dig and Hexxit is CoFH core.
  19. This is not the correct place to post this. Please post this in the bug reports section.
  20. Dishonor on your cow.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Akeffala


      dishonor on your ancestors!

    3. planetguy


      Cows on your dishonor.

    4. TheBytemaster


      OH SNAP. Cow'd.

  21. I just couldn't wait.

    1. _Mataroyale_Modpacker_


      Here's some more monthly nonsense.

    2. _Mataroyale_Modpacker_


      Ba boom ba bang. La la lu lu. Cheerio, mate! Throw a croc on the barbie.

    3. TheBytemaster


      Croc on a barbie, hey ho!
      Shave and a haircut, let's go!

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