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Everything posted by _Mataroyale_Modpacker_

  1. Orange...how could you. I'm dropping you for Peach.
  2. Please don't sign your posts. Also, this is not Technic's problem. You may want to talk to the owner or creator of this pack.
  3. We should dress up like ghosts too.
  4. Let me translate: Hi, i'm js39193 and I have a problem. I made this totally awesome modpack with mods that aren't compatible with each other. After this crashed my Minecraft, I decided to have somebody do it for me. Except that would make me sound lazy and lame, so i'm going to give you the idea so you can make it yourself but in case it comes famous you have to credit me because I copyrighted this mod pack idea and I don't want you stealing my hard work that is putting together this list off un-compatible mods. Thank you, -my name-
  5. No bad blood anymore, Maxie, the fans on each side just need to calm the fuck down.
  6. Yay. Another excuse to put off a butload of work.
  7. Amaxter should be banned for having a mine craft skin head. What makes you think minecraft is allowed here? Plus, he should be able to tell the difference between a he and a she.
  8. Lethosos should be banned for being purple. Purple is a stupid color. I hate purple. Everyone who's avatar is purple should be banned from this forum.
  9. This is your fault. I'm going to kill you. And all the cake is gone. You don't even care, do you?

    1. TheBytemaster


      Nope. Know why the cake is gone? I stole it all.

    2. _Mataroyale_Modpacker_
  10. Like lashing out at the community. Seriously, put on a happy face. You'll notice the whole community reacts when you do!
  11. Cake, and grief counseling, will be available at the conclusion of the test.

    1. TheBytemaster
    2. _Mataroyale_Modpacker_
    3. holymage!


      Do i have to throw anything into the Aperture science emergency incinerator?

  12. TheBytemaster should be banned for being upside down, seriously, the blood's rushing to his head!
  13. Je ne parle pas français.

  14. This is Off-Topic. Off Topic means non minecraft chat.
  15. In the server files designate yourself as op.
  16. You think you all cool 'cause you don't care for the rules?
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