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Everything posted by Torezu

  1. Or maybe to the Great Bit Bucket in the Sky?
  2. You have an old launcher version. Go get the new launcher. You may have to redefine installation directories and/or reset the mod pack.
  3. Problems like this are almost always the result of an overzealous firewall or antivirus. Be sure you've also disabled Windows Firewall during the installation.
  4. OP: You need a version number in your title. And I don't think you truly have 120000 slots. Running more than 100-150 players on a Minecraft server will slow the server to unplayability unless you're well-prepared for it. Running 1000 times that many...you're done. Let someone know what you want your title changed to if you can't change it. Use a PM or the Report button.
  5. Bees that fly around are from Mo' Creatures, I believe.
  6. English is clearly not his first language, or maybe even a language he understands. I got something about API keys, but I'm not sure what they have to do with a modpack or launcher.
  7. Server thread closed at owner's request.
  8. What does this post have to do with the Platform?
  9. You didn't see it? It's written in invisible digital ink.
  10. Yes, but again, reporting it is fine by itself. Letting the mods tell people what to do is easier than trying to determine if you're backseat modding or not.
  11. Try wording it as a suggestion instead of a command, if you feel the need to post. Really, reporting it is sufficient. We don't go by post count here.
  12. Also, unless you're using a 64+ texture pack, Minecraft really only needs 2-ish GB assigned (or less). Allocating more is asking for Java's garbage handling to screw you over. This situation seems like it might be best to listen to Gerard on, though.
  13. I have a very simple reason for wanting to pack as many mods in as possible. I like to experiment with different types of machines, etc., and new mods, and I like to play survival. I don't want to get a very good start, which takes hours to weeks to accomplish, on a server, then discover another mod I want to play around with (Thaumcraft, for example, which is rather resource intensive for research) and discover that I need to start all over building up resources on a different server. I also like to incorporate elements from several different mods in my machine rooms and buildings. Sealed doors from Thaumcraft on an engineering block wall from Xycraft? Yes, I can and will do that. Bottom line: different people have different play styles. Pick a mod pack you like, and don't jump on others because they don't fit your standard.
  14. Guess what? Some things get more popular by being popular in the first place. It's an interesting cycle. Top. Men.
  15. And what was your point again? I've played, and enjoyed, this pack.
  16. Try a bug report for Tekkit, or a thread in the Server Op Swap Shop. This isn't really the right place for help requests.
  17. Since I (sort of) created this monstrosity, I'll try to stay on top of keeping the thread clean. Please be aware that requests for packs not in the OP's required format will be summarily deleted, and warnings will most likely be issued if off topic posts are made in here. This is not the same place as a different monstrosity that doesn't need to be named. Hard and fast rule: If there are less than 5 mods in the request list, it's not a mod pack. It's something you can throw together yourself.
  18. Not really, because it doesn't have the bug report info. Please repost. Thread closed.
  19. Be careful what you wish for... ;)

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. lukeb28


      Wheres the dislike button? I DISLIKE ALL TOREZU SAID HERE ^

    3. Torezu


      *Palpatine voice* I'm afraid the dislike button will be quite inoperational when your friends arrive...

    4. lukeb28


      You make me hate you then make me laugh... Truly I tell you, you are an evil to be contended with.

  20. It's all fun and games until someone loses an avatar. >:)

    Welcome to the club.

  21. Nah. While we can ban by IP, it doesn't actually do any good because most people have dynamic public IPs. Either way, I don't think this guy is coming back, unless he stays carefully in disguise, which for some people just isn't possible.
  22. Is the old portal deactivated while you're in the nether for some reason, or broken? That would cause a new one to spawn. Otherwise, you have a glitch of some kind.
  23. You are getting rather close to backseat modding. Reporting the thread is all that's needed.
  24. It's been there for a week and a half. Only sort of. It changes periodically.
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