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Everything posted by Torezu

  1. This thread should have stayed dead.
  2. Why would you help someone that posts in the completely wrong place with no additional info and clearly didn't look around at all before asking? It's just encouraging them.
  3. Just report the offending posts and we'll take care of it, instead of posting here. All you do then is punish the server owner for someone that may not even be associated with the server.
  4. It looks like I might. I got lured away by Tekkit Lite and some custom packs, though, so we'll have to see. There's only so much time in one day, and most of it is not spent on Minecraft. :D
  5. Don't necro a 6-month-old (or 1-month-old) thread to post drivel like this. There is a basic computer literacy required to apply texture packs or otherwise deviate from the launcher in any way. You may want to ask someone that knows what they're doing, or follow the installation procedures better. I also suggest looking in the section designed for texture packs.
  6. I don't think he's planting flowers here. :D
  7. You say we don't need an application, yet we are not whitelisted. ;)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Torezu


      It's the same as it is here. It never occurred to me that they would be different. *slaps forehead*

    3. lukeb28


      Your added! Enjoy the server!

    4. lukeb28


      Some people like myself have a different forum name. My IGN is elitehater28. Quite different.

  8. If someone overflows their machine, remove it and all the piping connected to it. That will encourage people to be more careful about machine construction. Warning the general population about this first will help.
  9. Cool, thread's over. Your shiny new avatar will go away in a month. No big deal.
  10. The trolling was over after less than 2 pages, and people kept it up for 9. That has to show...something. Anyway. Thread's over, folks, go back to wherever you post from.
  11. Rules you broke, if you want to know: - Not reading the stickies and section titles, which tell you where to post. - Posting in the wrong place. - Signing your post. Any two of those is enough to get a shiny new avatar. By the way, I'm not the one that did it. Defacing avatars is just what we do around here to get people to wake up and read the rules again. I also recommend a spell-check and a good sweep of your post for grammar and spelling before hitting the Send Reply button. If you're actually a male in your 20s, you'll want to brush up on that. It'll get you further in the world.
  12. This is not the place for server owner/player/ex-player/admin/mod disputes. Moderators here will not ban players for earning a poor reputation on a server. We will warn or ban them for breaking the forum rules. We will clean threads within reason, but we will not mediate. kosmmart, I suggest that if you have proof, you post it, and see if people believe you. Anything on the internet can be doctored, though. The proof goes the other way, also.
  13. Or you could, you know, go look at the server sections on this forum. Also, you very clearly didn't read the stickies like you were supposed to, since one of them says not to ask people to find you a server.
  14. He answered your question.
  15. Indeed. Searching before posting would be a good option too.
  16. We need a launcher log, not a Java log. Those aren't very helpful. They should be located in the C:\Users\*username*\AppData\Roaming\.technic\*modpack*\logs folder. The .technic folder may be .techniclauncher instead. Also, you're in the wrong place. This isn't a launcher bug if the mod pack loads. As a result of the location of this thread, we don't know what mod pack you're using, and you become more difficult to help. That may even be why no one has responded to you yet.
  17. Did you happen to do a basic search before posting this? It's been done to death, perhaps not in the very recent past, but certainly not that long ago. Add to that the fact that you will have difficulty finding anyone that will say modding itself is illegal, and will instead find people saying using others' mods without permission is illegal, and your post is starting to look more like flame bait by the minute.
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