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Everything posted by rogueclon946

  1. Message me some more info on what you need to know and i'll write something up when i get out of work in 5 hours. A cell phone isnt the best way to make long posts and i cant do screenshots either, so ill do it from home. And theoretically its possible to drain all the lava from the nether, good luck though. The bottom lava lake can be upwards of 30 blocks tall and is mostly lava, islands that actually extend downward aren't common. Combined with the theoretical max dimension size for minecraft, thats a lot of lava, upwards of 108 quadrillion source blocks unless i was wrong about max map size.
  2. Lol how many rifts u got there? And is the cluster at least producing threads? I cant really make out details on my phone :(
  3. I have several of those. I just use a timer and lever on the engine with a qcraft portal moving along with it. Itsnot remote controlled but itworks fine.
  4. This could work nicely. And unless something changed, as rift clusters deztroy blocks they can drop more threads to make even bigger clusters!
  5. I was just listing the first thing that came to mind, I was at work at the time posting from my phone. Those both work but itemducts are cheaper than AE unless he has a network up already. And I've never used logistics pipes
  6. Hold left shift while mousing over the conduit itself in inventory or NEI, it lists max rate as 10k rf/t. Honestly I keep my actual dynamos in the overworld. Here's a pic of one of my nether pump setups. In the middle on the bottom there is the ender thermic pump. The cobble is only hiding fluiducts connected to the top of the pump, every magmatic, and the ender tank you see there. When I used magmatics for power I didn't have anything with a constant power drain, nor did I use a lot of power, so the comparator and redstone there is to disable the magmatics when the ender tank is full, to prevent the dynamos from breaking down. In the overworld all you need is a setup with an ender tank with the same color combination, linked to magmatics via fluiduct, basically how your setup is, just replacing the crucibles with an ender tank. I'd use a combination of cells and tesseracts. Cells to store power as a buffer in case something goes wrong, but your main power transmission would be tesseracts. What you could do is have a single resonant cell directly connected to your dynamos to hold power, and have that outputting into a tesseract that is your primary power sending tesseract, or you can use multiple cells/tesseract channels if you want. And in his picture, the bottom is a stack of particle accelerator rings likely producing antimatter that he is using in a fulmination generator somewhere offscreen or something to that effect. The next layer up looks like 4 fairly large fusion reactors setup, with steam funnels above them to collect steam produced which is piped through the fluiducts to his tesseracts for offsite steam storage, or those tesseracts are powering the reactors, not sure which is right. Either way the steam is also piped up to his layer of turbines up top, which use steam to produce power. LOTS of it.
  7. Are those stacked PA rings below those reactors? Also do you have more tesseracts/cells up top? 44 turbines with none running full speed is already more than enough to max out a redstone conduit, so just from what i see youre losing out on a lot of power.
  8. 120 magmatics is 9600 rf/tick or 960 mj. You can also just use either a pump or ender thermic pump in the nether with 2 magmatics per pump.. you can have the pumps connected to the dynamos and an ender tank, which would have a matching tank in the overworld replacing your crucibles. Then the entire system would need no additional power since after an initial bucket of lava the pump setup is self sufficient. Also reactors are much more powerful. A 5x5 (6x6 including outer walls) ring fusion reactor setup easily outputs 40k rf/tick. And one last thing, in your design replace any bc pipes with fluiducts/ energy conduits. They're better. Oh, and due to the fact that you can pump liquid deuterium directly into reactors now instead of needing canisters of it, fusion reactors are currently maintenance and resource free.
  9. Thermal expansion itemducts are configurable with a wrench. Red and green affect routing priorities, the option you want is round robin distribution. As far as i know that tries to evenly distribute its output between all available inputs inthe duct network. Round robin is orange and only available on the same duct that is set as an output, which would be your harvester.
  10. That's what sound mufflers are for!
  11. Makes sense. Could also rig a reactor to blow i suppose.
  12. It does work across dimensions. An ME p2p tunnel is also an option to transmit redstone, as long as network bridges work between dimensions Also what do you need the redstone signal for? Unless an update fixed it WRCBE doesn't work with redstone in motion carriages.
  13. Actually that would be the best way to start. Even if using mining wells you need the terrain smasher setup or else your bore gets stuck. So since this thread was originally about earlier digging i think, starting with just a carriage with terrain smashers is great. Also very easy to expand or upgrade with mining wells. As a note from sea level at max power, a timer connecged to the carriage engine set at 3.2 seconds is enough time to hit bedrock. From the top of the nether its around 6.5
  14. Was the harvester facing the right way? Also with the way they search for trees if trees are connected in any way, by leaves for example, it counts them all as a single tree
  15. A quarry's max output rate is 1 operation every 3 ticks and this is at around 500 rf/tick. Mining wells can only mine straight down in a single spot but max at 1 operation per tick at about 250 rf/ tick. As long as you're willing to spend extra resources making multiple wells and a ton of wood for redstone in motion carriages, you can make a crawling strip miner that easily outpaces a quarry and can just be set and forget, as well as more energy efficient. The quarries he's enchanting are from quarries plus, a mod that he added to tekkit himself. And i guess i will have to switch over to ME buses before i add in some more reactors and expand my miners lol. Also, ender chests can directly connect to quarries as well, and they're much easier to make than tesseracts.
  16. Do you know what the base pull rate is on import buses? Impulse ducts are like 2.5 stacks a second i think. Depending on the difference i may consider changing.
  17. First a few basic questions i suppose. Did you remember to save the config? Did you do this with the game closed and then open tekkit? Was this before or after the most recent pack update? Also why would you want to disable qcraft ores? Those portals are awesome.
  18. Throughput or amount of items? Because opaque itemducts attached to all 6 sides of an enderchest easily keeps up with my strip miner currently running around 16 items/tick
  19. If you really don't want to make dynamos you could always rely on a grind stone until you can make some kind of reactor, but good luck with that.
  20. Applied energistics matter cannon can also break blocks quickly, if you have a lot of lead nuggets and power to use with it.
  21. Pretty much deal with it until you can build large quarrying machines. With TE terrain smashers and redstone in motion carriages you can make a crawler that uses no power. Or if you can build a fusion reactor, a fully powered mining well takes around 3 seconds to mine from sea level to bedrock. But all of these are very resource intensive. I suppose you could use quarries with a couple steam dynamos or magmatics, takes around 7 to fully power a quarry I think.
  22. If you had a base and glass bell setup before tekkit updated to 1.2.7, pick up both pieces and place them again. Then it should work.
  23. yeah, 100 RF/t does in fact keep a reactor running enough for 40k rf/tick. It could probably do even more but is limited by TE conduits from what I can see. Anyone willing to try a compact reactor design with multiple RECs or tesseracts to see what it can really get up to?
  24. Is there a mod that does nether retrogen in this pack? Every time the modpack updates the nether, mainly around anything I build regens back to its default. One chunk even just completely disappeared, went from fortress to just lava lake. I'm getting tired of replacing my nether pumps every time the pack updates lol
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