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Everything posted by jakalth

  1. heard suggestions about having every other block sand, and planting cactus on them. but not sure of the cactus are completely harvested or if the harvester treats them the same as sugar cane. Also not sure how they react to being next to the solid block of a tree trunk. If that works, the can be seperated, cooked in a powered furnace, and added to the bio reactor.
  2. Since its internal storage is empty, try removing the crucible and placing it back again. Might reset the issue your having without loosing any resources. Sounds like an odd issue there though.
  3. Tekkit for me goes to what the computer thinks is a "not responding" screen while it loads. I thought it was unable to load until the one time I left it at the load time while I went to get something to drink. came back and there it was, running. So simply put, try letting Tekkit load for a while, over a minute sometimes, and it should finally load the game. For me it usually takes 47 seconds(yes I actually counted) for Tekkit to load up on my computer. Big Dig only takes about 12 seconds and Tekkit Lite about 8. Not sure why it takes so much longer to load since it has about the same number of mods as tekkit lite, and less then Big Dig. But it does. Runs just fine once it loads as well.
  4. Agree, Mystcraft. make a sacrificial age and mine to your hearts content there. When it's all full of holes from the quarry, just make a new age. btw: Quarries can take over 50MJ/tick now. They mine quite quickly if given enough power.
  5. And that's when the topic goes right back to where it started. The thing about biofuel power systems is figuring out how to get it working for the first time. I've tried following so called tutorials before and still haven't had much luck getting it going. And besides, what are you going to use for power until you are able to build all the equipment needed to get your self sustained biofuel power grid running?
  6. The power armor claw can mine obsidian with both the mining pick and diamond tip upgrades installed, but it still takes time, and now MJ, to move the blocks. Your other option for getting obsidian is using the vanilla Obsidian generator. Converts redstone into Obsidian, indirectly. Works similar to a cobblestone generator, with lava and water, but you need to place down redstone each time before adding the lava. But this still does not help with the time involved with mining the obsidian to use on the structure.
  7. rather impractical as well as not looking as nice as the other building blocks. Not to mention how long it takes to fix mistakes if you place a block wrong. Time wise.
  8. the results should be quite different, unless the blast resistance was changed for some reason, by one of the mods. So no more hardened stone or reinforced concrete?
  9. That is actually pretty interesting. Did you give regular obsidian a test, just for comparisons? I know the results should make it even more apparent.
  10. The (thermal converter?) does suck heat out of your armor if you have it installed. With that, the solar panel, and the kenetic generator, you can keep yourself well powered. The kenetic generator still produces more heat then the thermal converter uses up, but the rate is now managable and as long as you walk, you can stay cool enough for several minutes to do exploring. Not sure how much faster the heat drops with the cooling unit installed as well, have not tried that yet. forgot to note, I also have the sprint assist upgrade installed and at half power, which adds more heat to the system but it is still easy to manage this way.
  11. You missed a simple fact. I stated joules for both. 4mj/tick = 4000j/tick easier to compair if both use the same scale.
  12. your limited to engines that do not involve combustion, unless you already have an oxygen filled room to run them in. Magmatic engines should work and sterling engines might work. Combustion engines, steam engines and biofuel engines all require "air" to run so would need a pressurized room to run in.
  13. Only thing I can see is the troubles of setting up a moon base without a reliable source of power there. Not all engines will work on the moon, and keeping them supplied from your main overworld base can get costly and impractical. Sure, given enough time to get something set up like a magmatic power unit works quite well. But it is not always practical until your base is already well established. having the option of a passive, if quite weak, power source to get things started would be nice to have. The solar arrays from Mekanism are fairly weak, the adv ones only outputting up to 180J/tick compared to the output of a single magmatic engine for example, which is up to 4000J/tick. They are quite weak and take up a lot of space needing a 3x3 area available to place them. far more realistic then the IC2 ones and their single block size. And keeping the output of the solar panals/arrays low like this would be good for balance. Atomic science, yeah that could be fun as well. Lots of interesting toys available to experiment with. A bit more available to the player late game as well.
  14. It seems to me that Mekanism might be a good addition to the Tekkit Mod pack. It has some of the features that several people have been crying about(adv power generation and passive solar arrays) and as a bonus, it happily works directly with the MJ power system thanks to it being a Universal electric mod. Combine this mod with Thermal Expansion(which you already use) and you would have a complete replacement for IC2. The power systems in Mekanism seem to be as smart as TE. Now the big question is, would this mod be compatible with the mod list already in Tekkit, AND would the other items it adds be worthwhile or just redundant?
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