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Everything posted by dwwojcik

  1. He just put together a build of the upcoming launcher update. EDIT: Lookin' good! Can't wait! Some feedback in case an Admin sees this: I suggest the advertisement be changed to a wide short strip-size thing at the bottom, I think it would be less obtrusive that way.
  2. Yeah, like in the Enrichment Center.
  3. Do you pipe sunlight in from the surface too?
  4. Poor kerbals. I started career mode. It's fun to have limited parts.
  5. NO I was so close to my first mun landing. This is my ship just before I accidentally slammed it into the surface. Stupid timewarp controls.
  6. It sounds like a cross between Tekkit and Starmade. O.O Wow. I can't wait for the demo!
  7. The English vocabulary is extended from an already substantial tens of thousands of words to effectively infinite. Nobody can know that many words, so all the extras simply serve to complicate dictionaries and grammar rules. I wish I had a credit card I could never lose possesion of that has unlimited inexhaustible funds.
  8. You have a supercomputer, but they don't run Windows. Or Linux. And of course not OSX. So what can you use it for? Nothing, of course. I wish I had an australium wrench.
  9. There is no excuse. You can literally search a word on google to see if it's right.
  10. Well, I'd say there's a 0% chance, but if those things do happen there'd be nothing stopping you from making your own mod pack.
  11. 5 percent? Don't you think that's a bit generous? I'd go with 0.001%
  12. We all do. :,(
  13. Yes, exactly. No maintenance required, no melting down or blowing up whatsoever. Fill a reactor up with Yellorite and it'll provide steady power for several real life days. If you want 0 input, hook up a Cyanite re-processor and a bit of itemduct to make an infinite power loop. It's that easy. The base materials are as simple as graphite (smelted coal) and iron, too.
  14. Ahh, yes, what you're looking for is the Big Reactors mod. Zombie?
  15. So? You have it, don't you? Isn't that what's important?
  16. No, it's not a bug. World generation is partially randomized.
  17. I did. I went and jumped in a lava pool down in my mine. Anyway, h63, we'll have Tekkit Classic updated if you update EE2, IC2, and RP2. Deal?
  18. Look, we don't care. Buy the game or don't play it, it's as simple as that.
  19. Well, I don't know. The RiM Lisence seems to be a little restrictive.
  20. Yeah, exactly! That's what we all said!
  21. He didn't feel like playing mine craft any more. Technically he didn't need to stay, but his dev team hasn't done a good job. The developer didn't like technic, so he added some code that corrupted worlds if forestry detected that it was part of Technic or Tekkit. Sengir has since taken the code out and apologized, but I guess somebody at technic holds a grudge. Correction: Here at dwwojcik3rdperson Inc. We regret our incorrect choice of words and regret any undue mental duress or confusion we may have caused.
  22. 1.7 is available on the launcher for modpacks to use, but you still need the updated mods. Chances are 'Craft Mine' has mods that are not yet 1.7 compatible.
  23. There's always someonw who doesn't like change. Oddly enough, your friends responded to unwelcome change by voluntarily changing even more. Weird.
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