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Everything posted by dwwojcik

  1. Starting materials, of course. I've never played an RTS that doesn't start you off with enough supplies to get a beginning base going. However in the case of KSP it would make more sense to have some basic parts in stock, instead of basic resources.
  2. That's not what I meant. I didn't mean Steel: 1/1 OK launch Steel: 0/1 No launch, get steel. More like Do you have the parts you need in stock? Yes? OK, launch. You don't? OK, go mine some materials and fabricate them.
  3. Nice and easy is also boring. How about not having enough steel to launch from the KSC, so you have to send a rover out to your mining installation in the mountains to pick up more iron ore?
  4. In an all out interplanetary war, I don't think funds would be an issue. What you could build would only be determined by if you have the resources to build them. Money should only be a trading mechanic. Oh, good point.
  5. Yesss... We'd need 0.5 and/or 0.25 meter parts to build air-to-air and air-to-surface missiles, and a version of SAS with a simple autopilot because manually piloting missiles doesn't make sense. And of course guns and turrets and explosives and warheads. Kerbals could be equipped with a space-ready assault rifle too. This would be best played in Science mode, that would go well with the raw resource mining/refining.
  6. What do you mean by that? Starmade has nothing to do with Minecraft.
  7. What do you plan on using 64 GB of RAM for? Also, you wasted your money on those Titans. A pair of 980s would have been better for gaming.
  8. Well we've brought it up ourselves now, which pretty much disqualifies it. Ah well.
  9. I find that's a common theme in the whale box.
  10. No offense or anything, but as an impartial 3rd party Neowulf seems under better control than you.
  11. That's good news.
  12. I'd like to see Open Blocks and Chisel. The building possibilities of Chisel and Carpenter's blocks combined are incredible. I don't like Mekanism, as its fairly redundant with TE plus the art style of the textures is so out of place in Minecraft, and I don't think a biome mod is necessary, the 1.7 terrain overhaul really worked wonders. RAM is memory :P
  13. Thank you! This! Microsoft may mess this up, but you can't deny it's already messed up. It would be my dream to see Curse lawyered. Worst case scenario: The Technic launcher has to include installer functionality, like back in the day before the launcher came out. yeesh, that was like 3 years ago. Before my time, I've only ever heard of it.
  14. Wait what Holy crap. That's... awesome.
  15. The back-end server stuff has been modified to work for the new launcher. The old launcher doesn't work.
  16. "Everything not saved will be lost." -Nintendo quit screen message.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. dwwojcik


      It's from /r/im14andthisisdeep

    3. TheBytemaster


      But does the inverse apply?

    4. Kalbintion


      Doesn't make my comment about it any less true :P

  17. Now using Linux Mint.

  18. Sorry. I was confusing refresh rate with response time. Carry on!
  19. Slightly? That's twice as fast!
  20. jominer247 is banned for getting images from Google instead of making it himself like me.
  21. You're banned for double posting. -.- And stabbing that penguin with a SSD.
  22. Call it a day and head home?
  23. Spend time with your grandmother instead of playing video games?
  24. I redeemed my code on gog.com and never installed it, I feel bad now. I'll get around to playing it with you guys, promise.
  25. I like the new contracts. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=288868677
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