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Everything posted by dwwojcik

  1. Well that's just great. Hopefully I'll have my Big Reactor set up by the time Tekkit is updated to that version.
  2. Try this: When it doesn't respond, don't touch it for 2 minutes. If after 2 minutes it still isn't responding you have a problem, but if it fixes itself like it does for me every time I start up modded Minecraft then you just have to wait.
  3. You might think it's supposed to get steam, but it does in fact work with water. Pretty well, too. Around 80 rf/t with a steady supply. I wonder if it outputs more if you feed it steam... Here's an idea: Try putting the pipe in the side. You put it in the bottom and it isn't working, and I put it in the side and it is working.
  4. What. How is this possible? I can't imagine how.
  5. Too scared to go to the nether? I used to be scared of the nether. But then I went. Now the nether isn't scary, its just boring. So my point is: Be a man. Go to the other video game dimension. It can only hurt you if you let it. Go! Defeat your fear!
  6. Why would you want to do that? Without the ores you'd basically be playing an old version of Tekkit!
  7. /gamerule mobGreifing false This is in vanilla, by the way.
  8. So... you're saying the Technic Launcher somehow made these websites mess up your password?
  9. Some things change in any update. If it's a minor update such as this one you can generally disregard these messages, especially if there's only one or two. Of course, always back up your world, and if you did anything with advanced genetics some items might dissapear, but overall your world will be unharmed. The other day I updated my Tekkit world from 1.2.6 to 1.2.7 and I got a few item ID mismatches, I loaded it up anyway and I could not detect any changes whatsoever.
  10. It does not. Tekkit Classic runs on a very old version of Minecraft, anything from that wiki is irrelevant.
  11. Thats exactly what I did in Tekkit, the version of MFR in AoBT must be bugged.
  12. Vanilla (type) spawners only work with actual players. There aren't any substitutes available.
  13. Have you tried plugging the power in yet?
  14. Have you accidentally applied a redstone signal to the Steam Turbine? MFR machines turn off with redstone.
  15. You should be able to keep most of your stuff, but keep in mind that you should not backdate worlds. If you are playing on a Minecraft 1.7 server you can't use Tekkit because Tekkit uses Minecraft 1.6. It might work, but it probably wont and everything in 1.7 that isnt in 1.6 like podzol, stained glass, dark oak and acacia trees, as well as the new biomes will not be carried over. If for whatever reason you are playing on a 1.6 server it should be okay, but I'd start a new world anyway. Also, this has nothing to do with Redstone in Motion, so you should have made a new thread.
  16. This doesn't mention that ability. I don't think it's an option. It's not like I've heard they could be pointed down anywhere, I guess I just assumed they could be like vanilla droppers and dispensers.
  17. Yeah, I guess. But changes everything! D: All my plans come to nothing! AE it is, I guess. I'm never going to be able to afford those though, at least not for a while. I suppose I could just use tunnel bores and quarries until then.
  18. That's cool and high-tech and stuff, I guess. Wouldn't it be easier to just use terrain smashers?
  19. haha, yeah. This room is basically the lobby. I'm taking inspiration from Aperture Laboratories. I like how (Especially in the 1960s) Aperture would lavishly furnish offices down the hall from a salt mine.
  20. Not even a fence? -EDIT- More progress: This is the central room, directly below the entrance. Currently it serves as a hub for the rooms just under the surface. (One so far, but more are planned) Once I've outgrow those I plan on sealing the surface rooms and building a larger facility closer to bedrock, which will be reached via a RiM lift. Also, I thought I'd share a neat house I built last summer on Tekkit 1.5. My awesome and unnecessary chunkloader pillar is blocking the dirt H. I was saying hi to my cousin who built his house on a mountain just within draw distance across a lake.
  21. I used dropbox, imgur would work too. Just make sure you get a direct link.
  22. Something just occurred to me- does anyone know the seed for the Minecraft title screen panorama?

    1. TheBytemaster


      I doubt there's a seed for it, It's probably some kind of pre-made thing.

    2. dwwojcik


      They are images, but I assume they are screencaps of a regular random world.

  23. Update: New door.
  24. Of course! 64 bit java is always a good idea.
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