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Everything posted by PsychoBob

  1. Complete agreement with you on this Jakj. I don't/can't mod, but I find it silly how mod makers get to protective over thier mods.....
  2. ....yes it is? The technic team is anyway. They've made that reaaaaaally clear.
  3. No. Long version- Technic is highly against pirates, so you have to use the technic launcher for it. Don't bother arguing about it, you can check the whale box for a few cases of how that turns out.
  4. I really need to check up on some deadpool comics....I've only seen a few images of em, but they all made me laugh
  5. I can't recall there being anything in the rules against it... And it seems the mods don't mind you having this here, so I'd guess testers would be fine :3
  6. Re: Notch has an..................interesting sense of humor Interesting.....and creepy.
  7. Not much of a comic fan, but i love deadpool as well :p
  8. Love to, but have no modding ability :p
  9. I posted part way in the post...nothing major, just taking in boths points in the argument. Was a bit surprised to see Jakj probated though.
  10. Whoa man....Just blew my mind....Jesus, it there was like, A white and black version, like birch or something...I just don't know what I'd do with myself.
  11. Re: Avatar : the Last Airbender Tabletop Hm, true. What about energy bending then? I'd imagine Airbenders as being fast or some such thing. Most of their fighting seems to revolve around going with the flow of things, and not getting hit.
  12. Re: Avatar : the Last Airbender Tabletop ..Actually this sounds fairly really interesting.... Sticking with the main bending powers, or will you be adding energy/sand/swamp benders and the like? Honestly though...keep us updated.
  13. I keep suggesting the sparklefarts mod, but no one takes me seriously.
  14. ...Ever notice how kellers seem to suddenly be mentally disabled every so often?
  15. PsychoBob


    Hm, interesting.... I had a thought on a gui mod, that would make a clientside thing, with would load up a schematic. Bascially, showing semi-transparent blocks on a certain location according to the schematic Not sure if it's even remotely possible, as I don't know too much about Java...or Minecrafts limits.
  16. PsychoBob


    I think I would like something similiar to the Aether. But with larger amounts of breasts in it. And now to wait for people to prove you wrong..... On a more serious note, what are we limited to asking about?
  17. Oh really? Well thats good. ....Should really try out the new buildcraft stuff...last time I played, everything was run by redstone current, rather than engines.
  18. Jay? Weeell, might wanna try Pex. Pex is what most Tekkit mods use on here.
  19. Always glad to make someone laugh :D
  20. You could always ask for a burger without tomatoes Jay?. Tomatoes are delicious though....
  21. Ok, lemme break this down for you. We're not required to help anyone. We don't have the time, nor are we required to be nice to people. If you act like an idiot or ignore rules and such, we aren't holding back on you. The search bar is there for a reason. We can't have a sticky for every bug or minor fix that happens. We don't have to help you, and chances are we won't unless you post things properly. If you need more hints on what not to do, Read the rules or browse the whale box.
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