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Everything posted by CharlieChop

  1. someone around here was gathering all the texture pack addons that tekkit needed as he found them... i kinda forgot who he was though....
  2. never had this happen to me.... maybe its your AE. regarding the area chunk loaded. are you playing SSP or SMP? ive noticed that if the server restarts you need to load the areas personally for chunk loaders to take effect (it happened to me with quarries y placed on the moon) i noticed that if i left at night and the server restarted the quarry stopped working, and i had to go there personally for it to load again and keep working. dunno if this is somehow mixed with the AE network shutting down, but it certainly explains why you could be loosing the signal, which then creates another error..... might just be wild speculation... XD
  3. never really thought of this... but i think you're suffering from lack of power... try pluging each to a side of a tesseract.... also.... why 4 ? and i cant really make up how each is connected to the ME cable. other than that looks ok.
  4. try using spot loaders, those allow you to load just one chunk, expand as needed. the bonus of using spot loaders is that it allows you to load irregular áreas, instead of sticking to the weird ones the dim anchors offer. regarding your issue with the QEB, why not give us some images of your setup...that will surely help us get an idea of what youre doing.
  5. i mean like === Means QEB --- means wireless or physical connection [singularity A1] ====== Pocket Dimention ==== [singularity A2] ------ [singularity B1] ==== Nether ==== [singularity B2]
  6. what i do know is that you should Avoid at all costs things like os.pullEvent and stuff that starts taking too much processing power. just keep it simple.
  7. are those quantum networks like relays? like one quantum bridge connected to the end of another network coming from the first quantum bridge? maybe there is a limit as to how many you can plug in seccession, maybe they cannot be connected like that.
  8. look, ill start by saying that i dont do much programming but i know a little. what i believe you need is a "function" set up a function for everything you want to show in that monitor, then add another function called Draw or Whatever. once you're done with all the functions start with the main program, the one that will request all the computers for status and then at the end call for the Draw() function using all the info stored. Edit: my post was too ambiguous or W/E ill explain a little more. Function getEngineStatus() Code to get the status and store it in a variable goes here end and one more function for each data you want to represent, or maybe all in one. after that you start the program telling it to actually call those functions and store the values as you see fit. after that tell it to display each value at a specific coordinate to make sure that each one lines up as you want. basically, the code you showed us would be the function for Engine status.... some other pc would give you the status for the fuel tanks, the current heat level, the amount of mobs in an area etc etc.
  9. http://bdcraft.net/community/pbdc-patches-rel-packs/tekkit-t274.html thats the link plowmanplow provided us in the post weir talks about.
  10. hmmm all i can think of is a small checklist.... maybe provide with some images? check that the cables are plugged into the Big squares surrounding the QEB.... remember only the 4 direct blocks get energy or trasnsport info. the center does not transfer data either!!! make sure that both, your system and the QEB's are properly powered. remember they do NOT take power from the NEt but from direct power sources. is the other side properly chunk loaded? you said 4, bridges.... are you absolutly sure all the bridges belong to the one network? try getting access to the controler and see the number of bridges currently part of the system.
  11. Steam funnels have no requirements as to how many you can stack, nor the reactor. place them as you need them. i placed several up to 3 high because i wanted all the steam coming out at the same height.
  12. if you tried all the sides top, bottom and back and it doesn't pump out it probably cant in the first place.
  13. 1. i might sound like a broken record, but if you really want it to be efficient you should removed the turbines from the steam and pipe it outside. 2. one REC should be enough and it should also be able to be self sufficient. adjust the power output of the REC so that it remains charged but you see some change in the charge. 50 to 55 Mj/t should be enough. 3. as for how much energy it produces... cant say about your setup, but ive seen some people crunch numbers with other setups and they climb up to 6 Million Mj/ deuterium cell used. 4. not reliable as backup energy as it takes some time to run. should be the other way around... main power this, backup a magmatic array or bio fuel. and pretty much what jakalth said
  14. keep in mind most of these mods start with the idea that they could be the only mods installed, so they are made self sufficient. sawmill would be awesome in a modpack without something as harvesters. also why every mod has a tool specfic for it... no one knows if they'll have omniwrench installed. xD
  15. this. youll notice if you start building it.
  16. yes. the one with the pick shoulve been ok. dunno about the hand or the wrench.
  17. Add an M beside that 1.6 and itll be more Accurate XD fulmination gens produce more power the bigger the chamber inside is. i think there is a max of 11*11*11 or something like that. and if i recall grows exponentially. just don't forget to add water xD also, the fuel that generates the most power out of these fulmination things is the antimatter cell, so basically it should be feasible to get the most out of it. try it in creative. read through this " http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/atomic-science-fuel-life-config.51474/ " thread to make your reactor as efficient as possible.
  18. not at all, unless you count the "all tanks shared" default as setup. Oil Tank Input Oil To Refinery Fuel to tanks Fuel to engines Biofuel to tanks Biofuel to engines those are the 6 frequencies i have set for those tanks you see in the picture. pretty explanatory XD otherwise you get confused with what each freq is called. each of those freq conects to a specific liquiduct network, so its 6 freq, 12 liquiduct networks (ins and outs)
  19. use a pickaxe, dont worry about the contents, nothing happens. unless its liquid fuel or biofuel, liquids do get destroyed
  20. first credit where credit is due, Gildan helped me a bunch to do this in the end my addon to his idea was to use tesseracts.....16 of them. its quite simple really, how i built it: first layer is this http://imgur.com/a/HvcTv#1 (dont worry about the direction of the flow with the tesseracts yet. just mimic that design.) second layer is empty! it has to be nothing else but blocks with access to the tesseracts or the liquiducts wont be able to input/output properly. the next X layers should be like this http://imgur.com/a/HvcTv#2 pay close attention to each liquiduct in this design, all the vertical liquiducts input liquid, while all the horizontal liquiducts extract liquid. this is the base for this setup to work, all liquid managers have at least one input and one output. after that its just setting up each tesseract to the proper config (i imagine send/receive in this case is not important but it never hurts to be sure nothing is going to clog your system. after that all you need is to fill the empty interior corners with redstone blocks or redner cable. anything specific you want me to explain?
  21. Warhammers, from balkons weapon mod does it slightly faster. well a lot faster actually.
  22. i THINK, they are from EE3...... soon te be used items once those mods update? anyone here can correct me?
  23. no, but ive had a scenario in mind where the tesseract would be outside those 25 chunks (i used to place the tesseract away using redstone conduits). after that scenario came into mind i just decided to solve it by just placing the tesseract below the quarry. im prolly exaggerating as the quarry could load 2 or 3 chunks around the quarry block to avoid issues... but its better to be safe than returning after a 6 hour trip and notice the quarry never even started to mine.
  24. ill be honest, something as simple as a mental checklist can save you from a lot of trouble. the reason i have never found myself with the quarry chunk not loading the tesseract is bacause a got the habbit of placing my tesseract Just BELOW the quarry. its a guaranteed load. problems like those arise when the quarry and the energy systems as well as sorting are Outside the quarry load range. again, this is speculative as i dont know how chunk loading works with quarries.
  25. make sure there is space between each wood block for the cocoa bean to be planted!!! the edges need one block, and 2 blocks between each line of wood. edit: the wood has to be INSIDE the plant area otherwise it wont plant.
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