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Everything posted by pimhazeveld

  1. i found three items from the scale set and 3 hexical essence ind a ice tower guess what i was doing then
  2. but a cleaver has a very low attack speed
  3. i think those arrows are not flying very far
  4. the ghastly effect (fireballs) can burn your gear or he picked it up and disspawned the blastoff is trowing in the air fiery sets you on fire and poisonous poisons you
  5. with me too cleavers are really slow but the battleaxe does as much damage as the cleaver an got a nice speed/strenght/jump move by charging if you charge about 2 minutes you get speed 3 8:00 strenght 8:00 jump boost 3 8:00 and hunger 4:00
  6. and maybe the falling stars from legendgear
  7. this is the best modpack i ever played tekkit packs get boring because you can kill every enemy easily
  8. i think lapis spawning is good but i think diamonds must be spawning lower to keep the fun in hexxit
  9. maybe you must look in caves that what the chocopedia says
  10. i found nine in a half hour i was mostly in a plain/savvannah
  11. are you now falling in the sun everytime you spawn?
  12. i had the same problem until i looked at the hexxit series on youtube
  13. i found it already a couple of times i still dont know where all those zombies skelettons and creepers spawn (not the armoured ones)
  14. lapis does normal spawn very deep so you'll have to search very long to get an fortune enthant an a tconstruct weapon but if i can find it in a hill (or so) i can easily get an enthant
  15. it would be a horror if jou find a monking with 12000 hp its so much >_<
  16. i found a RARE hydra i cant see its effects but its whole body was glowing
  17. i found an ultra regenating zombie of OMG LIGHTNING does that sounds scary too?
  18. i tryed to put an salamanders eye on my head an them my player crashed and again and again i had to delete the player :(
  19. i had the same with a walker he had lifesteal bulwark vengeance dia armour and my diamond giant sword only heals him (it was funny)
  20. i thimg they dont have to put the lapis ore to normal you need it very much with tconstruct
  21. yes sometimes they also appear when figting a harbringer and when you kill a enemy with a charche attack with a scyte
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