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Everything posted by jominer247

  1. Hey guys Just thought i'd ask, is there any way to stop them annoying chunk lag issues (void chunks, chunks taking ages to load, lazy chunks) in tekkit main? Thanks in advance Joseph
  2. Gregtech removed :L
  3. Should I just remove gregtech? It seems important as without it some IC2 items cannot be crafted...
  4. Right. Read pm. You are definitely someone we need.
  5. Hey, I recently updated forestmc (mod list can be found down in the custom modpack server section) but i'm having some issues. gregTech. It has taken a full 9 minutes and 42 seconds to load off of SATA III 550MB/s SSDs. I would hate to imagine how long it would take on Traditional Mechanical Drives. Please help.
  6. I'm the owner of ECNetworks page 1 tekkit Classic I know how to run a modpack server, I have a CUSTOM modpack I need help with getting popular.
  7. Hello people. This may seem short but, I'm in need of a server owner (who ofcourse owns (preferably not anymore)) a custom modpack server. I'll discuss the details on skype. reply to this topic and then ill PM you. Cheers chaps. Joseph
  8. Thanks man.
  9. ECNetworks has made a new modpack called forestMC. This modpack is professionally developed and works by taking mod suggestions from the community and using them to make the modpack better then ever. ForestMC Is a modpack focused on enhancing the natural aspect of minecraft with some machinery, but only a tad. The mods we have add new trees (ExtraTrees adds 72 new types of trees!) and extrabees adds a ton of new honeycombes. So if you are the type of person who enjoys the thought of running a massive farm on minecraft, breeding trees, flowers and bees, then this is surely the modpack for you. Proven atleast 5x lighter then feed the beast by our developers, and launches within 30 seconds on a mechanical drive (32GB RAM, 4.8GHZ 8350) and 10-20 seconds on an SSD (32GB RAM, 4.8GHZ 8350). ForestMC Is a server modpack, made by ecnetworks both client and server have absolutely no bugs to date. We take suggestions off the community and update the pack regularly with new mods or config changes. Currently solder has not been configured but we have two developers of our five working on our dedicated machines to bring solder to ForestMC. ForestMC Includes the following mods (NO ITEMS OR MOBS HAVE BEEN DISABLED): CodeChickenCore NotEnoughItems (With NEI Plugin) Forestry MoCreatures ExtraBiomesXL DamageIndicators Redpower IndustrialCraft 2 CompactSolarArrays Botania BuildCraft ExtraTrees ExtraBees Rei's Minimap Applied Energistics PLEASE NOTE NONE OF THESE MODS ARE MADE BY US. ALL MODS BELONG TO THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS. THANKYOU. Currently we have a server, the server is already added to the modpack under the multiplayer tab if you wish to join us online. Server currently has: Secksy spawns. Factions [PVP/Grief/Raid] Towny [PvE] 24/7 all year round Is on a purely dedicated platform (Using dual Xeon E5 CPUs and DDR4 RAM) 20 TPS Solid. Auctions and Player Shops CHEAP Donor ranks (Starting from $1 or £0.50) All of our staff are hand picked professionals. None of our staff will bug you. You're free to play. We have minimal downtime (99.9% uptime guarantee unless jo forgets the dedie's password again :D) Any questions can be answered on the forums. MODPACK URL: http://api.technicpack.net/modpack/forestmcofficial website is located at www.forestmc.com. Forums etc are included. Donor store ain't completed yet. Thanks for reading. Hope to see you online.
  10. Does anyone know where I can advertise a custom modpack server if I can on these forums, without getting into trouble for it?
  11. Hi guys Sorry not been around for a bit, how is everyone? everyone doing good?
  12. Hello my fine technic friends Having a slight issue, first of all lets dive into java specifications Java version: Jre7u71 OS: Linux Debian 7.5 Stable CPU Cores: 20 CPU Threads: 40 Here is the error: java.util.ConcurrentModificationException at java.util.ArrayList$Itr.checkForComodification(ArrayList.java:886) at java.util.ArrayList$Itr.next(ArrayList.java:836) at net.minecraft.server.World.getTileEntity(World.java:1786) at net.minecraft.server.WorldServer.getTileEntity(WorldServer.java:38) at eloraam.core.TubeLib.isConSide(TubeLib.java:303) at eloraam.core.TubeLib.getConnections(TubeLib.java:355) at eloraam.core.TubeLib$RouteFinder.find(TubeLib.java:222) at eloraam.core.TubeLib.findRoute(TubeLib.java:398) at eloraam.machine.TileTube$1.schedule(TileTube.java:51) at eloraam.core.TubeFlow.update(TubeFlow.java:76) at eloraam.machine.TileTube.q_(TileTube.java:227) at net.minecraft.server.World.tickEntities(World.java:1275) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(MinecraftServer.java:559) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:457) at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:492) I am aware this comes from redpower tubing, and possibly worldediting redpower tubing, I'm not 100% sure how to fix it, I do not wish to reset the world as this would cause quite alot of distress. Anything that could help would be grand. NOTE: This normally occurs when the server unloads chunks (via custom version of CLAG). I've tried fixing it myself, but to no avail. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks ~Joseph
  13. Actually. Very maybe, as long as the client has the modpack installed, the server could put call through the clients jVM and launch the other modpack (I think?)
  14. We use TekkitCustomizer and Tekkitrestrict as backup plugins. For the things most of our custom plugins take full care of.
  15. I'm also pretty damn sure that you must have gotten over that grudge you quite possibly still have against me about what I did in the past, surely, it was quite a while ago.
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