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Everything posted by jominer247

  1. Holy turds in a dick flying on an ocean of shit in the south of the universe. Why do you need that many mods!?!? Noonder, it's probably the CPU that servers running on (and the RAM) getting a total beating! Try allocating more permgen.. jee..
  2. how many mods are in that pack...
  3. Wow, wait really? I used 9MC, 6MC 5MC etc to help me find mods for the Deatrix Official modpack! Thanks plowmanplow, i'll be sure not to use them anymore And ozurr, don't use a mod that's suspect, It's easier to try and change it. When you get a crash you can diagnose the issue yourself by adding .disabled onto the mods, then starting the server and doing what you where doing before the crash, that is how I found out that it was infact, the extra battle towers or whatever that mod is called that was causing the crashes If you want faster help feel free to add me on skype @ deatrix.joseph117
  4. First of all - I take back what I said about Windows being better then Linux, Linux is far better then windows in every way i've currently noticed ^.^ CentOS is a fantastic OS to use with minecraft servers thanks to its low resource usage. For me it's one of the fastest OSs I have ever used. CentOS stands for Community Enterprise Operating System (C.ent.OS) Sometimes however, around 30-50 players, I was experiencing short bursts of lag that took my server down to about 19.66666/19.696968 TPS etc. At one point even down to 18.3, Don't get me wrong, but im a complete performance hog and I hate even the slightest tinge of lag, for me my server has to sit on 20.0 TPS or I go crazy and start eating my fingers off on my keyboard looking for more ways to optimize CentOS to reduce lag even further. I know, from speaking to plowmanplow, that to gain performance in one area, you have to lose performance in another, which is true. Also, from the saying "if it aint broke, dont fix it" comes to mind, but lets say i've ruined multiple OSs on my dedi and had to reinstall the OSs multiple times in order for me to get things working. Infact just now I almost screwed over grub in my CentOS, but managed to fix it with a rescue system. First of all, I reccomend giving your server more permgen space using the flags -XX:PermSize=XXXM -XX:MaxPermSize=XXXM (example: -XX:PermSize=128M) Deatrix runs off 1GB of permsize, but thats to reduce the GC spikes that come from the garbage collector itself. Now, To the part of disabling intel_idle on your processor, do the follow: To tell if intel_idle driver is enabled, telnet/SSH into your CentOS server and run the following command: cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpuidle/current_driver If intel_idle is enabled, you will see Intel_idle show up on the line directly underneath the command you just entered. Now: If your grub.conf is located in /boot/grub/grub.conf (It was for me) then run the following command: nano /boot/grub/grub.conf Now, you should see something similar to this : DO NOT CONTINUE PAST THIS STAGE IF YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING, MISCONFIGURING THE GRUB.CONF CAN LEAD TO YOUR SYSTEM BEING RENDERED UN-USABLE. (This can be easily fixed on a machine your holding, but for a remote server it means a complete OS reinstall) Now. After "ro" leave a space and enter the following: intel_idle.max_cstate=0 processor.max_cstate=0 idle=poll now, save and exit the grub.conf. Restart your dedicated server or machine to see if this has worked, if you have done it right, then you should see the following: If you have not done it right, and intel_idle is still there, please refer to this post: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12111954/context-switches-much-slower-in-new-linux-kernels If your system is not booting, you may have to reinstall your OS. TERMS I TAKE NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR DAMAGE TO SYSTEMS, INCORRECT CONFIGURATIONS OR ANY MISLEADING (There shouldnt be, but even if there is) CONTENT. WHAT YOU DO WITH THIS IS YOUR OWN RESPONSIBILITY. Background. Intel_idle is a driver which forces your processor into sleep/idle mode causing major performance issues, After doing this to my server, it reduced lag 10 fold. Another thing which can help you increase performance is the use of -XX:+UseNUMA, 32bit systems should see a 30% performance increase in there systems, while 64x will see a 40% performance increase. Source(s): http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12111954/context-switches-much-slower-in-new-linux-kernels http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/technotes/guides/vm/performance-enhancements-7.html plowmanplow
  5. So could it be an enchanted item ON the skeleton thats causing this? Just wondering for future referance
  6. There seems to be a skeleton in your world causing the crash, it's probably corrupted. -- Entity being ticked -- Details: Entity Type: Skeleton (net.minecraft.entity.monster.EntitySkeleton) Entity ID: 28955 Entity Name: Skeleton Entity's Exact location: 30,28, 65,00, 183,30 Entity's Block location: World: (30,65,183), Chunk: (at 14,4,7 in 1,11; contains blocks 16,0,176 to 31,255,191), Region: (0,0; contains chunks 0,0 to 31,31, blocks 0,0,0 to 511,255,511) Entity's Momentum: 0,00, -0,08, 0,00 Stacktrace: at net.minecraft.world.World.func_72939_s(World.java:1836) at net.minecraft.world.WorldServer.func_72939_s(WorldServer.java:500) Seems to me as if its in an invalid location. Try regenerating your world and see how that goes.
  7. Try changing the build of thaumcraft. Outdating it to (I was on a 1.6.4 client) 1.5.2 really helped for me.
  8. Bears server was sorted, He added me on skype, turns out all he had to do was run a forge universal jarfile
  9. Better dungeons lags to an extent - I don't reccomend using it, especially if you're planning on running a server with it, it causes alot of lag and unstability.
  10. Hmmmm, bear, add me on skype @ deatrix.joseph117, I'm good with modpack servers.
  11. I wish he would, Although EE is a very OP mod.. It would certainly be fun, but would end up putting more bugs in later servers, sadly, Perhaps he would fix them?
  12. You can never work to hard when it comes to servers, Make your server good and fun for all the players, and you'll see for yourself how rewarding it is
  13. MCProHosting is actually a very poor host, From my own experience with helping others who where hosted on there, it's a very laggy host and there panel has loads of issues such as crashing when deleting alot of files. They also overpopulate there nodes, and the staffing is not very good. They also have very low end processors and there price is a complete ripoff for what they are. If anything, I advise getting a dedicated machine from OVH, colorcrossing, rackspace or fasthosts. But if you must use a minecraft-panelhost, use mineocity,
  14. If your cauldron doesnt want to stop, kill java Multicraft: Spam the stop button xD Windows: Task Manager > Stop java/javaw.exe Linux: Depends on OS, For CentOS $ pidof java and then end the PID.
  15. Hmmmm, I normally load damage indicators into the servers I make with modpacks... Glad to know I no longer need to do so, thanks plowmanplow.
  16. Add me, deatrix.joseph117
  17. Damage Indicators has to go into the server to get the damage from the server else you'll end up with a broken indicator. Rei's minimap doesnt tho, you can leave that out.
  18. Time: 28/07/14 1:24 AM Description: Exception in server tick loop java.lang.NullPointerException at co.uk.flansmods.common.teams.TeamsManager.tick(TeamsManager.java:136) at co.uk.flansmods.common.CommonTickHandler.sTick(CommonTickHandler.java:32) at co.uk.flansmods.common.CommonTickHandler.tickEnd(CommonTickHandler.java:25) at cpw.mods.fml.common.SingleIntervalHandler.tickEnd(SingleIntervalHandler.java:34) at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.tickEnd(FMLCommonHandler.java:141) at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onPostServerTick(FMLCommonHandler.java:274) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p(MinecraftServer.java:622) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:484) at net.minecraft.server.ThreadMinecraftServer.run(SourceFile:583) That says it all, its deffinitaly an error with flan's. It seems to me that a file is missing from your flans directory, hense "NullPointerException" Try redownloading the server and copying over the redownloaded servers flan's directory, maybe that would help, if it doesnt try updating java or running it without flans.
  19. mosen, If you want you can add me on skype (deatrix.joseph117) and I can lead you through the installation of multicraft on your server. Heres multicraft info: http://multicraft.org/
  20. I need some bulk. It appears your running windows, first of all, try and change to a nice solid linux distro like debian. Also, heres what I need: Your JAVA Version Your start line Your exact OS If theres an antivirus on the pc How you port forwarded (windows firewall/behind a router default)
  21. Oh alright, So Debian works really well in a headless setup (SSH) And ionice seems to be working fine and has reduced lag so ill keep it on Thanks plowmanplow.
  22. Also - Added a small ionice onto the start of my launch code and the performance has gone up 10 fold. May I ask what exactly IONICE does? I heard it's something to do with priorities and disk I/O.
  23. Thanks plowmanplow. I found many hosts use CentOS. So I might try it on a VM (VMs are not as good for mc I know) But when I tried CentOS I struggled with IPTables :L is Debian good in a headless setup? Also what exactly is a headless setup?
  24. I used to use windows server 2012 R2 until I decided I'd try Linux to see why people say its so good. Now I understand, its really fast. I'm using Debian 7.5 Wheezy. I understand everyone will give a different answer - But whats the best OS for a popular tekkit classic server? I'm not changing back to Windows so dont even go there
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