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Everything posted by jominer247

  1. Yes, It's me. I've started the hexxit server, and from where its at through SSH everything looks online. But for some reason, I cant connect. The new IP has been added to sysETH0:0 in CentOS, and the 25565 port is 100% forwarded.
  2. Add me on skype at deatrix.joseph117. I cannot solve this merely from this post. Like Kalbintion said, MFFS acts like a chunk loader.
  3. Yeah, But I prefer not to use raid anyways. Edited: Added in extra details to RAID, thanks disconsented!
  4. I know. But this is based for modded servers which are often <1.8. Banned by ISPs doesn't happen often at all. But could still happen occasionally from what i've been told. When you can get DDoS protection from OVH for that cheap. Then yeah, it's good. Not to sure what you meant by the TPS thing.
  5. A) I don't know I got 64GB of ram to showoff. I preffer Titan Z GPUs because I have used Titans and ... I like to showoff.
  6. Hello. I have myself, for some time been experiencing lag, even on Linux CentOS. In my opinion CentOS is the best OS for minecraft servers as it offers a premium OS (redhat) for free, although some upstream artwork may not exist in CentOS. Anyways, down to business. Pre installation Configuration. The best way, or the way I do it for most speed, is to make sure your server is on SSDs and make sure you're using the EXT4 filesystem and not the EXT3 filesystem. Also be aware that Linux nor SSDs fragment. So there will be no need for defragmentation. If you are on OVH, Make sure to install the distrobution kernel. You can actually do this after the server is installed through grub, although I recommend installing the kernel from the start. Make sure you also have a seperate filesystem called /servers that uses the remaining space, don't put you're server in /home or /root or / otherwise these partitions may be messed with by the OS (Just a theory that came to mind.) Also, I know this is a little more risky, but don't use RAID. RAID will end up slowing you're drive down to the speed of the slowest drive. I prefer not to use RAID at all. But disconsented has a very valid point, so i thought i'd better add it. Packages to Install I find the following packages help improve performance: preload IRQBalance. These as far as i'm aware are available on all linux distributions, and massively help improve performance Preload loads commonly accessed files into RAM, meaning it's faster to access IRQBalance balances load across multiple cores. I'm not sure if this works with minecraft but it certainly speeds up the OS a considerable amount. To install preload: wget ftp://ftp.pbone.net/mirror/ftp5.gwdg.de/pub/opensuse/repositories/home:/halocaridina:/fun_stuff/CentOS_CentOS-6/x86_64/preload-0.6.4-3.1.x86_64.rpm Then rpm -Uvh preload-0.6.4-3.1.x86_64.rpm To install IRQBalance: yum install irqbalance Installing java. Yes, the java version matters. Technic recommend java 1.7.0_67. So thats the one that I use, but I use a server package of java that improves performance. Here's how to install the server package: cd /opt/ wget wget --no-cookies --no-check-certificate --header "Cookie: gpw_e24=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.oracle.com%2F; oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie" "http://download.oracle.com/otn-pub/java/jdk/7/jre-7-linux-x64.tar.gz" tar xvzf jre-7-linux-x64.tar.gz cd <java directory after extracted, should be in /opt/> alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /opt/<directory of java> /bin/java 2 alternatives --config java /etc/fstab configuration Add the following arguments to your /servers /home and / partitions in /etc/fstab: nodiratime,noatime,barrier=0,trim TRIM IS FOR SSDS. Multicraft I'll make a tutorial for multicraft soon. MySQL yum install mysql yum install mysql-server mysql_secure_installation mysql -u root -p CREATE DATABASE <name of your database>; Thanks for reading Joseph
  7. Common miss-understandings about MC servers and the hardware they run on. I found a post similar to this on spigotmc.org which highlights misconceptions in minecraft server hosting. I thought i'd bring these to technic to help newbie server owners in deciding which server to get (mainly aimed at those with dedies). I'm gonna make it as simple as I can, I will put this down in my own words but I am NOT going to go rambling on forever about alot of complex processor stuff. Let's start. The higher the CPU GHz, THE BETTER! This is EXTREMELY common around server owners. I've heard people speaking about this quite often, and just decided to note it down. I'm going to use the same example as what was given on spigotmc.org. Thread speed can vary between processors, and can be often differentiated not only by the processor GHz, but by the way the processor is built and handles operations. Here is a prime example: Intel Xeon X5698 (4.40GHz) - scored 1,856 - low on Passmark's single threaded CPU tests. Intel Xeon E3-1265Lv3 (2.5GHz) - scores 2,175 - #14 on Passmark's single threaded CPU tests. That's a big difference, the E3 would be faster then the X Xeon, even though the X Xeon has almost double the GHz! That's quite a difference! Remember minecraft servers do NOT run on multiple cores/threads. The actual minecraft server itself runs on one core. The garbage collection however is another story. Disconsented posted about the MHz myth in the comments, not sure how it applies to processors myself but might as well include it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megahertz_myth RAM is the most important resource for a minecraft server! We all know a minecraft server of any kind will not start properly without dedicated RAM allocation (or burst). But RAM is actually one of the least important resource for a minecraft server. All resources i'd say are completely balanced, a minecraft server will not start without a CPU/RAM/BackingStorage. If I was to put it in order from 1-4. 1 being the most important: 1. CPU 2. Network Connection 3. HDD/SSD 4. RAM Yes, RAM is one of the least important resources. A minecraft server has been hosted completely off of SWAP on an SSD VPS and ran fine with 3 players on! Disconsented posted the following link: http://www.computermemoryupgrade.net/memory-influence-on-performance.html Homehosting is mostly fine! HomeHosting is in most cases bad, some ISPs actually ban you from hosting a server on there network. You're home network is most likely not going to be powerful enough to run a minecraft server. The minecraft server, if loaded, may cause problems for anyone connected to the network. If your network is powerful enough, then your PC may not be powerful enough to handle the server without lag. Even if it can, you're risking the cause of fire in your house if you're leaving the server/machine on 24/7 as your house is most likely not setup and professionally monitored in the way a data-center is. Minecraft hosting is fairly cheap, and if you can't afford it, then just play on someone elses server. DDoS protection is expensive, and for use by large servers only! This is completely false. I don't have alot to say about this other then the fact, go and have a look at http://ovh.com/. They offer 460Gbps DDoS protection on all there servers, and even VPSs starting at $3/mo! If your TPS is below 20, something is wrong. Now, If you're running an MC server you should be running spigot anyway, it's much faster. But if you're server goes to for example (I'm talking 1.4.7 and over) 19.98 TPS. then you don't have a problem, it's most likely caused by thread inaccuracies. However, if you're on tekkit classic, thread inaccuracy is extremely rare. If your servers running at 19.696967 TPS then you may need to check that out, that's actually very noticeable. If you are starting out a server, make it a hub from the beginning Think about it, four servers connected to a hub means you'd need quadruple the amount of players to make up for the players you would have only needed to have on one server. Unless you're going to go mad with paid advertising, you should stick to one server. Hosting your server off root user is fine. I've been told myself a million times not to do this, yet i still do this today. It's often seen as a security flaw, even though I myself don't see any danger in doing it. Cx. Thanks for reading. If anything else needs added/changed. Tell me.
  8. Get clearlagg and CommandScheduler, then setup to do /lagg unloadchunks every 2 mins or so. Works for deatrix. But yes, a few of your plugins could be causing lag as well. For example: Factions can cause a tiny little bit of lag, not sure why though. mcMMO is extremely laggy, i don't know why either but it really slows down any server I run it on. A good server with an E3-1245v2 processor or over could easily withstand upto 20,000 chunks (If it's a dedicated machine). Mine does, though my specs are insane (and can be seen in signature). My server runs 200,000 chunks with 20 tps easy. It also may depend on a few ways you can actually optimize your server if you're a OCD freak like me and HATE it when tps goes below 20.0.
  9. I now, officially have the most gorgeous girlfriend in the world <3 And she's about 8-9 years younger then me (I'm 24, 25 in oct shes 16). Next move: Bang her. Simple. Lol

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Mooseman9


      I can't stop laughing. Jesus Christ. That lol at the end figuratively killed me.

    3. Gio²


      Its not something for a 24 yearsold to say something like this on a MC forum. Or you really are a creep.

    4. Soupa


      I don't know why but I feel incredibly offended.

  10. I tend to use CoreProtect with tekkit classic along side with some mod-modifications so it logs all mod edited blocks. For about £30 I can get the dev squad to custom program something for ya.
  11. Lol I put 68GB/s after the ram to make disconsented happy because he's always ranting on about the MHz myth xD
  12. Hi I went mad this week and thought i'd go crazy and get the best computer parts out there and build my self a crazy computer xD heres the specs: - Intel Core I7-5930K 3.5/3.7GHz 6 cores, 12 threads - 64GB DDR4 2133MHz RAM 68GB/s - Dual HyperX 480GB SSD 555MB/s write 510MB/s read - Dual Western Digital 2TB HDD (Idk the speeds) RAID1. - Dual nVidia Titan Z GPUs - I don't have a disk tray as I really don't need one - Ice cold water cooling - cool red lights at the side - PCI Express Revision 3.0 - 40 PCI Express Lanes - Very VERY noisy - over 900 fps on tekkit with settings on high! - 11 second boot speed from HDD, 2 second boot speed from SSD (measured with wisecare) - Linux Debian 7 Wheezy OS. It's phenominal. The power is BAAUUUSSSS!!! Omg but the power bill isnt gonna be pretty xD (The whole thing cost me about £5000 GBP). I was sooo drunk last night. had like 10 cans of rum/coke and 2 bottles of vodka (small) lol. Anyways - thanks for reading my post on my stupidly mad pc. Joseph P.S I have the worlds shittest internet... no kidding. Look at these internet results v.v: http://gyazo.com/f5392e5dba7e67e12d5df38e1017dc54 I WAS NOT KIDDING WHEN I SAID WORLDS SLOWEST INTERNET!
  13. I don't want it. I wanted thr 1620. Although we may get one in the future.
  14. Hello. I'm jominer247. I'm an experience SYSAdmin with dedicated servers, I know java and I am a small time graphics artist. I'm looking for someone who knows hexxit inside out, has atleast 5 months hexxit server experience and 1 year mc experience altogether. We're going to be hosted on a dedicated server, specs are in my signature. Thanks. Joseph
  15. Sorry. I didn't really read the fiorst part of the log, I skip to the second part where the crash error normally is. I aint a big bigdig user, but resetting the server files /world etc normally helps xD
  16. Try resetting the servers world. What java version are you running?
  17. Also, look for a MCPC+ jar to use with your server; I've found that to reduce CPU usage.
  18. A quote is essentially using someone else's words to be insulting.

  19. Please paste the rest of your logs. List plugins (if any) List mods. Forgemod loader version. Version of mc. OS your running (operating system) Java Version And modpack We cant help you without more details.
  20. Make sure your computer has the amount of RAM installed that you are allocating to your server, pagefile will NOT work as ram, and neither will your backing storage. Also preferably use Linux CentOS as an OS and not windows. Also don't play on the PC your running the server on.
  21. Vlandox was banned for wearing a tux on a game platform. Tux XD. My penguins called tux xD
  22. A) Make sure the files are in the root directory of the ZIP folder. Make sure your folders are as follows "bin" "config" "mods" "coremods" C) Run the mods directly onto a client (install them onto your MC) then compile them into a modpack.
  23. Ubuntu may look good, but it lags like the dual buttocks of life. Try CentOS
  24. Hey guys. I'm looking for a server monitor, coded in either HTML5 or PHP. I'm wanting to put it on my forums website (http://forums.deatrix.net) and im wondering if anyone knows of a free configurable one I can use? It doesn't HAVE to be free but i'd prefer if it was. Thanks.
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