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Everything posted by TonyVS

  1. hehehe an american who says eh, awesome +1 for us canadians whoohoo LOL
  2. bad jar file, I have gotten error like that before. re download the jar or reset the whole pack
  3. redstone is no longer needed with 1.6.4 that actually turns the liquiducts off by default. steam can only go up one block, you cant stack funnels anymore. not sure what else to tell you here is my setup below
  4. a guy just came back from holidays and his me system is lagging out the server currently (all of ours where, he is the only one left), he will have that fixed soon, try again in a day or so, could be that is all it is. mind if I ask where you live? one of our members lives in Florida and he get a bad node every so often, he says he has to reconnect a couple of times once in a while then everything is fine
  5. it will only use half what you set it at, to allow for spikes in memory usage, chunkloading of new area and such
  6. not at all, the supplier pipes do that, as I mentioned with the first picture, and the provider pipe allows the me system to see levels, the only thing I set was the supplier pipes, everything else is default
  7. yea the version in 1.5.2 was awesome, I am waiting for that return of excellence, it will come
  8. both kinds of mushrooms, oak sapling, netherwart, wheat seeds, carrots, potatoes, cactus greens, cocco beans, I have auto farms for all of them using mfr machines and deep storage
  9. nah the nei is fixed, a guy just came back from holidays and his me system is lagging out the server currently, he will have that fixed soon ,you have to run 64 bit java with at least 4 Gb given to the launcher or you will always fall though the earth. 200 mods is a lot to run. I run at 6 GB with no issues
  10. your missing out on a 1/3 of the pack then, I have about 50 bukkit side plugins as well
  11. yea it has been progressively getting worse I am using a version above 1.2.7 and I am even more broken then they are. so don't update atomic science if you don't have too
  12. come, welcome, more the merrier. just sign, up the mod pack link is there at the website as soon and you sign in (some of our mods wont allow public pack so we have to do this grey list workaround) we have team speak to
  13. burning of biofuel you mean? nah I have a valve on the bottom of my steel tank feeding directly in to a tesseract which transports the fuel to another part of my station. the tanks work off gravity feed with I find adds realism
  14. that mod is not part of tekkit, probably have to edit a config file for that mod, I can tell you what to edit if you can tell me the name of the mod doing that
  15. atomic science is currently broken. best to come up with other power solutions until further notice.
  16. 64 bit java is the only way to fly
  17. http://session.minecraft.net/ is a dead url, where did you get that link?
  18. sounds like a corrupted world, crashes can do that, you can try and mcedit out the errors or start fresh, so unless you have a backup I think you might be hosed.
  19. tekkit addon? what are you talking about?
  20. I can confirm, I have been updating Atomic science on my own and the issue is currently getting worse. in Atomic-Science- the turbines do not spin at all, will not merge to large turbine properly and no power what so ever is being generated. I have a post on the atomic science forums as we speak. https://bitbucket.org/calclavia/atomic-science/issue/253/non-working-turbines
  21. here is an updated fully functional picture. the only difference is I added a provider pipe (it is what allows the request from the supplier pipes to actually work continually) the supplier pipes on their own where able to request a stack of each item but the me system had no way of knowing what was being consumed so it never refilled. the provider pipe allows the me system to see into the reactors and view levels of items, started out with 2000 buckets of bio-fuel at that first picture at just over 10,000 now. I would say it is working better then expected
  22. the you program the supplier pipe with how many of each item you want (usually one stack) and that is the max it will go to, and by choosing partial, it will refill up to the set amount and not above and all nine items, if you run out of the one then you have one empty spot is all
  23. I figured out the logistics/me cross for bio reactors, you use logistic supplier pipes to request your nine items, partial. plug into a me interface and away you go, that way the suppler will only request when it needs something and not get overloaded.
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