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Everything posted by TonyVS

  1. man your lucky, I have heard of this issue once before. unfortunately mine worked exactly as excepted . how did you do it? if I could get mine too, I wouldn't be complaining LOL
  2. nah I did that too, liquifying ender pearls, gives it to you, but a couple hours in the end will make up for that. the fact you have it is liquid already just saved you a few steps. I have a steel tank with 12 mil millibuckets of the stuff
  3. 512MB damn .....my phone uses more then that, set the server is at 4GB and client is at 6GB, and call it a a day. Like trying to tow a 35 foot boat with a 4 cylinder, you can do it but my god why would you
  4. and I can add I tried the beta of ic2 last week to get the charge pad for the power suit (or anything you can hold in your hand that can take a charge) server crashed and single player wouldn't even load. so it wouldn't work anyway
  5. it retroactively generates stuff???? I did not know that, that is the first I have heard of any mod doing that, crazy
  6. I doubt it, they are just online status checks as far as I know. I think the new version of tekkit is just that much more demanding is all. you are running a 64 bit java yes? better throughput that way. some mods are really heavy though, computercraft, logistic pipes, applied energistics. if those are not used properly those can lag out a server hard. biome-o-plenty (extra mod) can lagg out a server too. my server runs at a constant 38-53% with 5.11GB ram in use constantly. as long as people get 20 tps they don't care (i have 200 mods running which adds to that)
  7. those ipaddress disconnects are just mojang/minecraft server lists, I was concerned about it one time too, it is just checking for online status is all, nothing to be concerned about
  8. I guess I should have clarified, with railcraft you can do things like sell tickets to different stations for the full subway/rail experience. just depends how much you want to get into it, but steves carts alone will do it
  9. Galactic craft machines are the only thing I can't automate and it annoys me to no end LOL, funny though would think this would be the one futuristic mod you could automate everything........sigh
  10. Cannot be done, I have tried. people have posted on the glacticraft forums asking for this too. and so far no responce
  11. I rewrote my script. a lot of the old commands are redundant with java 7.51 64 bit START "MINECRAFT-TEKKIT" /ABOVENORMAL /B java -Xms4G -XX:PermSize=256m -XX:NewRatio=3 -XX:SurvivorRatio=3 -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=80 -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=8 -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=10 -XX:GCPauseIntervalMillis=50 -XX:MaxGCMinorPauseMillis=7 -XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent -XX:+UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnly -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=60 -XX:+BindGCTaskThreadsToCPUs -Xnoclassgc -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui pause
  12. I think after the third reposting it should be a public flogging, could sell tickets, donate the proceeds to the running of the forums....wonder if we could get sponsors? TODAYS FLOGGING BROUGHT TO YOU BUY JOLT COLA, 3 TIMES THE SUGAR AND ENOUGH CAFFEINE TO KILL A HORSE.
  13. oh hahaha I am a tool, I have NotEnoughItems on the server it was the neiplugins- that is client side only and causes a entity render crash if I forget to remove it.
  14. is there a special nei for server side or is it just regular nei with the neiserver.cfg instead. lol disable seeing silverfish. I want to see those little buggers from as far away as possible so I can kill them. nasty little things. I would be interested in your waila fix too just incase it happens on our server too
  15. issue as in hiding microblocks? 9/10th of nei is microblocks it feels like nei server eh? I will have to look into that as for walia. yea I dont run it server side nor see a reason to, clients can view whatever they want. I just have the default setup in our modpack and it seems to work fine I do hope you get that figured out though.
  16. my suggestion is you are playing with a bunch of friends who are good with minecraft servers. start your own mod pack. we are at 200 mods on my server with a tekkit base, we have all the cool items from ftb, tekkit, b-team and hexxit plus more all in one server.
  17. Oh I know what it can do, just don't know HOW do you know how?
  18. starting fresh is a lot less painful trust me. a lot of things have changed and if you search the forums you will see loads of posts of people too stubborn to start again. you just have to decide, do you want to fight continually with plugins and mcedit to get things to work or do you want to play and learn new things. Take me for example, we tried to upgrade our server. 3 of us fought with it for a few days, frustrated all to hell. then we decided, lets just start fresh, sucks but fighting with the plugins was painful. I had a huge logistic system I was not looking forward to rebuilding. then it was suggested to try applied energistic instead. I was starting fresh why not. oh my god what a difference. my logistic system was like living in cave man days. and I discovered this all because I started again, now I am happy I did. the one thing we did to make the start over a little less painful was mcedited empty shells of our structures. I mean who wants to build a building all over again especially a big one. it is working well now. only took us a couple of weeks to get mostly back to where we were because we knew what to do already. couple of quarries, couple of weeks you will be right back up there. I am actually glad we restarted, learn so many new things along the way. That is just my take on it though regardless what you choose I wish you luck
  19. nei is different and actually people have been asking for what the server side is for, mostly to hide things in nei, microblocks and creative items. no one seems to know though. I would love to know the server side of nei too
  20. I believe all properties it has to load at all times, how does it know what you are going to do next except to be ready for it. all a blank server hasn't done is the placement of ores and such, even the world layout is predetermined by the seed even if you haven't logged in yet (you can tell it is doing it when you start a server fresh and it says building spawn 1% - 100%
  21. all the mods and their items there is a lot more stuff and functionality in the new version, something has to look after all that stuff and in this case it uses ram take for example thermal expansion 3, notice how they are not called liquid ducts anymore and are called fluid ducts, the author stated that fluid has different properties then liquid does. I believe he mentioned things like volume, density etc that is more demanding on a server/client cause now for example it has to look after 10 properties for a fluid vs 3 for a liquid, and multiply that by x number of mods = higher server requirements that is just my take on it, hope that helps
  22. waila is a client side only mod and should not be installed on the server. I am actually surprised you got it to work server side, when I forget to remove it during as server update I get a entity rendering crash
  23. so you downloaded the server from mojang and ran that? straight/vanilla means right from mojang no forge,no spigot,no bukkit etc Xms1200M Xmx1200M still isnt enough you need to up that Xms 2g or xmx2048 if you prefer however java prefers you use 2g and not 2048M this is the script I run (you will have to have java 64 bit) START "MINECRAFT-TEKKIT" /ABOVENORMAL /B java -Xms4G -XX:PermSize=256m -XX:NewRatio=3 -XX:SurvivorRatio=3 -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=80 -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=8 -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=10 -XX:GCPauseIntervalMillis=50 -XX:MaxGCMinorPauseMillis=7 -XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent -XX:+UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnly -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=60 -XX:+BindGCTaskThreadsToCPUs -Xnoclassgc -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui
  24. *shrug* glad you figured it out mining in mystages will help too, cause they will be created with what ever world generation options the server has at time of creation, regardless of what the world had originally
  25. quarry plus is an additional mod and it comes with it's own enchantment table, you put in the quarry and and enchanted pickaxe and you can put the enchantments from the pickaxe onto the quarry
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