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Everything posted by Frizzil

  1. You can totally LAN Hack/Mine! That's what it's made for! Just make a server and run it on your computer-- it's just as easy as installing the client. Then you just double-click it and you're there, easy peasy. You can find the download and instructions here.
  2. Just fyi to everyone, you can make your own spells and classes now, and they'll transmit over the network and everything O.o Stop suggesting and start creating! Make something good and I'll add the danged thing to the default set of classes.
  3. If you're absolutely desperate to get rid of them, and for whatever reason decided not to reroll your server before building on it, and don't want to no-mob the entire area, there's a few hacky things you can do via the "areaData" folder in your world save: Delete the area file, and a new one will be created with a different mob composition. If you're unable to deduce which area you want with an nbtEditor and a little persistence, you can delete everything inside areaData, which will result in all areas in your world being regenerated and your error log getting flooded with "couldn't find area, generated one" messages. Manually change the mob compositions within the desired area using an nbt editor. There will be a bunch of "m_", "mr_", "mn_", and "mx_" entries, corresponding to mob type, mob likelihood, min group count, and max group count respectively. Change any mob types (m_) equaling 11, 12, or 13 to a lower number (or set their likelihoods or group counts lower if you want) and you'll have fixed your creeper/phase creeper/roflconda problem(s), respectively For reference: 0: dire chicken 1: naga 2: raptor 3: giant rat 4: scorpion 5: spider 6: zombie 7: enderman 8: orc archer 9: skeleton 10: wizard 11: creeper 12: phase creeper 13: roflconda
  4. By "talking about," FlyingDucky meant, "I asked Frizzil and he said no outright." If you're gonna ask someone to hand over a massive, highly sentimental, actively developed project, you could at least have the courtesy of, you know, checking on the current status of the project before doing so. I.e., playing the mod or checking the official thread. Also, making the title of the thread "MUST READ" is beyond criminal...
  5. Try the new launcher, as the old one was known to have issues (it'd say but actually be on and other weird stuff.) This is assuming your server is as well . I'm surprised it's saying "Outdated Server" though... if after you got the new launcher and are certain you tried with, and it still says the same, then let me know.
  6. Hi there, Could you go to the Bugs subforum for HSM and post the bug over there? Be sure to follow any rules listed there! Otherwise, I won't have enough information to fix the problem (your current description is the typical symptom of many bugs, unfortunately.) They'll explain how to retrieve the logs, etc. If you haven't noticed, there's zero tolerance on these forums for non-rule-reading. (One-track road to getting "Hellen Keller'd"/"Stupid newbied".) Just fyi. And apart from that, sorry for the frustration! Re-post the bug over there and I'll do what I can to fix it or help you get your game running again.
  7. Wooaahhh-ho-hoh, this is awesome! No comment on correct subforum placement, but you deserve a trophy or something. This reminds me of those Dwarf Fortress visualizers people would come out with, except far prettier, given the Minecraft-iness. You should market this to server owners around the place, I bet having one of these on their threads would look super-slick...
  8. Me too, haha. Server owners seem to really rely on it, unfortunately for the vanilla implementation H/M is built on :(
  9. It'll be ported over at some point (unless the new Minecraft server implementation happens to be freaking awesome, in which case I'll just rely on that. Hard to say though.) Don't count on it happening very soon, though.
  10. Hey guys and gals, Just like to update the folks on this forum and the Technic crew on Hack/Mine's development (including bug fixing) and my recent ghostliness around the community, and just generally communicate with you guys since I haven't done that explicitly in a while. Firstly, sorry for not hanging around the forums, servers, and other places as I had done over the summer-- the school year's kicking in with research and project deadlines looming, and I'm pretty frickin' busy. I actually am struggling to even create this thread, since if I don't make progress on a particular research project tonight, my professor will kill me, heh. Anyhow, I'm still developing the mod and am committed to it (as always), but I'm just too swamped to spend countless hours in the community like I used to. Things will improve, though! Don't worry community, we're still friends It may be a while before I can be as involved as I previously was, though Secondly, H/M's progress is definitely slowing down (frustratingly so since it's nigh a huge release with that spell system), but it's still chugging along and will continue to do so. Since the last patch, I've fixed some hilarious problems with the mystery dimension (like the extreme lighting-related lag, and entities within it appearing on both the surface and new dimension), added 'dem Phase Creepers, and added that entire scripting language for the spell system, which still has a little ironing out to undergo. However, the new language is at least 95% done, and I've already recreated the existing spells in H/M and then some. Furthermore, those spells are improved from their prior versions, so that change plus the new block physics means things are really exciting. Again, frustratingly so since I'm so busy with other commitments... *sigh* This patch is on the edge of completion, if only I had the time to push it on over... Thirdly, to bug posters on the other subforum: I apologize for large delays in my responding to bugs, but I always get around to it, and when I do, I tend to sweep through them all at once and pay attention for days thereafter. Again, other commitments are really draining my time, but I do read the bugs and mark them as solved when they are so. And finally, THANK YOU to everyone who report bugs, it helps me tremendously and makes the mod better for everyone who plays. I can't emphasize enough how helpful bug reporting is to me-- that is likely the number one way to give back to the mod, more than suggestions, textures, and models combined. So thank you! And don't be discouraged by the far-from-immediate-responses as of late, since I do address each post (well, of bugs that haven't been reposted thirty times ) Finally, to the Technic crew, forum mods, and other devs: I'm still extremely thankful for the opportunity to be around these forums and spotlight you shone on the mod (or is it shined?), and I'm still committed to making the community a better place to be. So much so, that I'm announcing ultra-formally as opposed to just telling you in IRC. But if you need me for anything, please don't hesitate to email me, since I can't always hang around IRC, but I'll always be scanning my inbox. Your combined in-your-face attitude and sense of humor still deeply terrify me, but regardless, I remain loyal to the Technic crown. Sorry again for the absence :/ Progress is progressing! Slowly! But I remain vigilant in the name of godless entertainment! Well, not that godless. Just thought I'd level about some things, mainly my disappearance, so you wouldn't think I'd disappeared forever. I'll try to be on IRC soon, and as soon as my schedule frees up, I'll resume lurking the forums, occasionally posting things, and hopefully posting videos/images of fabled progress. Cheers!
  11. The concern's been brought up, and it's a bit of a doozy. However, I like the idea of allowing a sort of entire "world reset," though it'd be better if I could have dungeons entire reset themselves after some time interval. Ideas in this regard are definitely in need, though.
  12. You can also just select "Use Development Build" from the Options menu in the launcher, but whatever floats yer boat :)
  13. Instructions for Snow Leopard are on the official threads. I'm sure Lion is possible, and the process is probably the exact same, if not easier (if Apple's gotten their game together, anyhow)
  14. Dunno about guns, but cannons might be a l'il more believable, oddly enough. Non-instantaneous bullets are more fun in my book anyhow Epic mounts are planned, with lots of ridiculous ideas already being dreamt of XD Rainbow Dash is among them. Lapras ain't a bad idea neither! The F***ing DeLorean, with that exact name, is another distinct possibility. The idea was to have a set of difficult quests that each reward you with a random epic mount during the plot. For example, a quest could go 1) Chase after villain, 2) Villain speeds up and is too fast to catch by foot/current mount, 3) Ridiculous epic mount swoops in to save the day, with Mexican-border style theme song! 4) Quest complete, mount earned.
  15. "Armorkini" XD
  16. Legendary Longsword that Won't Come Out of the Damn Sheath
  17. Hack/Mine doesn't currently have a /sethome /home system, though it does have a /spawn /setspawn one for the whole server, if that makes sense. As for MCEdit, I've heard you can use it, but I imagine getting dungeon bricks working may involve working with "pink" or invisible blocks Item placement, if possible, I'm sure is wonked up too. You can't zoom in on the radar past that level because it's showing blocks at a 1:1 ratio (you're already seeing all the detail, though the detail may only be a pixel big if your interface is set reeeeaaally tiny.) As for things on the Vertigo server, it's custom code, though if you're just looking for /home I'd just hold off until it's added. I know the guy who added those features, and something tells me he'd be charging you if you asked for them... bear in mind that Bukkit integration is planned for later (not soon.)
  18. Please do file a bug report! Only if you can put a list of specific enchantments that aren't working or are exceedingly overpowered-- would help me tremendously.
  19. All mobs other than slimes spawn specific to the area-- so each area has a set of mobs that always spawn in it, in addition the slimes which spawn globally. I've seen people try making a wall of stone around the village, where the inside of the wall is accessible via a million inward doors (so the villagers crowd to them XD) This will be addressed at some point, no worries :P
  20. After playing a lot of Smash 64 with my friend, I'm considering the possibility of "all races being broken" being fun XD Not too sure about it, though, hehe. Balance is what made Starcraft I the first good RTS, but imbalance is what made Smash so awesome...
  21. Unfortunately you can't use plugins, as the mod is built on the standard, vanilla Minecraft server. However, many useful server capabilities have been added with 0.6, and you can check them out on the Wiki! www.hackslashmine.net/hsmwiki/ EDIT: Also, I'll later be integrating with Bukkit or some likeness of it, so patience :)
  22. In 0.6 that was just released, the bonuses should appear in the tooltip and your item should glow (also, it should glow in multiplayer!) However, you still can't see your current enchanting level, but this will be fixed whenever the heck I get around to it, probably soon Several of the enchants are probably broken (not working), and many of them area also broken (incredibly overpowered in the context of the mod.)
  23. Integrating with Bukkit is all kindsa possible, just an incredible pain in the arse. I was planning on doing it in the future, but I hear that bukkit is dying to the new Minecraft server implementation, in which case... I'll be updating to that, assuming it's as amazing as I hope it will be.
  24. Climbing makes such a mechanical difference that I wouldn't give it based on race, I'm sure that'd result in even more imba-ness. There will definitely be differences though, I'm just not sure what they should be yet XD
  25. I'm considering a few things, some of which can be combined. Basically, I'm thinking I'll make each bag 3x3, but display multiple bags at a time depending on the gui. So for vanilla Minecraft guis, since they each have a 9x3 window into your inventory, I could display 3 bags at once and add a little slider to view more; this has the advantage of working with existing texture packs. For the existing armor/inv screen, split it into two screens-- one to equip and one to view inventory. The former would be exactly like the existing H/M inv screen, minus the crafting grid and plus another bag viewable at once. The latter would be a screen with your stats on the right, action bar on the bottom, a crafting grid, and as many bags viewable as possible. Still thinkin' about it, though.
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