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About TrueDelta

  • Birthday 03/21/2000

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Grass (2/9)



  1. IGN: TrueDelta Age: 14 Location: Alberta, Canada Modpack experience: I know most of the mods very well, some more "Magical" Mods are the ones I'm not to familiar with Why you?: Do not have the best organization skills, But what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over 14 years. Skills that make me a joy for people like you. If you let me join your server now, that’ll be the end of it. I will not spam you, I will not get mad at you. But if you don’t add me to your server, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will make you laugh.” Anything extra you want to add?: I have a high pitched voice, Just saying, I don't like talking about it...
  2. First Name : Damian In Game Name (mine-craft name) : TrueDelta Timezone (or location, via city, state, country, etc.) : Alberta Canada Amount of time you're able to play on the server (brief explanation of preventions that might happen, if not able to play two (2) hours per day, or more.) : I baby sit on Tuesdays and Thursdays, But thats the only time I cant be on Minecraft Purchase Date (I use this to understand how much experience you have, and how much you know about minecraft overall.) : This is hard... I played with my friends account when Beta 1.8 came out... Tekkit first started getting popular when Version 1.2.5 came out so.... About Version 1.2.5 is when I owned my own account Any bans from previous servers (I use this to estimate if you are a good elector for a slot on the server.) : I was banned once but about an hour later I was unbanned due to the fact that I was wrongly accused Why you wish to join. (This is the important part, I don't just want a one liner like ; hi i want to join the srvr plz im awsome at minecraft) : Hei der i gud a mieceraft led mi on new ples... All seriousness I want to join a server full of people in my age group (Who are mature) And that can toss around a few jokes, I also want a server to record a series on where by the next day my base hasnt been ransacked for all its lewt. Any comments (optional, but please post it if you have one.) : None...
  3. This is a small AOTBT Server for youtubers (And others you'll still get the same chance as others) Rules: No greifing No Stealing Do not Harass players Be polite Application: IGN: Skype (will contact you with this if your accepted): Do you accept the rules?: Age: Youtube: How active you will be: Why should I pick you?: ip:
  4. IGN(in game name): TrueDelta Reason of wanting to join: Would like a nice server where I dont get greifed every 10 min, and would like to meet new people Your favorite mod: Morph Age:(optional but you should be 15): 14... But what may interest you is that I have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over 14 years. Skills that make me a joy for people like you. If you let me join your server now, that’ll be the end of it. I will not spam you, I will not get mad at you. But if you don’t add me to your server, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will make you laugh.” Youtube:(optional, I'm personally not doing anything youtube atm): http://www.youtube.com/user/BetaCrew231 Skype account(yes or no, it wont hurt your chances of joining): Yes. DeltaCrafter231
  5. IGN: TrueDelta Age: 14 Location: Alberta, Canada Modpack experience: I know most of the mods very well, some more "Magical" Mods are the ones I'm not to familiar with Why you?: Do not have the best organization skills, But what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over 14 years. Skills that make me a joy for people like you. If you let me join your server now, that’ll be the end of it. I will not spam you, I will not get mad at you. But if you don’t add me to your server, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will make you laugh.” Anything extra you want to add?: I have a high pitched voice, Just saying, I don't like talking about it...
  6. IGN: TrueDelta Age: 14 What do you like to do: Build What do you dislike: Greifing What do you like to do in real life: Play minecraft Time zone, nearest city if you don't know: I'm in canada, Closest city is Edmonton
  7. In-Game Name: TrueDelta Age: 14 Why do you want to play on this server: I want to play on a server where I can meet nice people and where I dont get stolen from every day What DO you like to do (Build, Mine, etc.): Build What DON’T you like to do: Resource Ginding Experience with modpack (1-10): 9 What is love: Pokemon is love Pokemon is life Squirtle or Pikachu: Squirtle 4 LIFE
  8. -player section- Minecraft username: TrueDelta (optional)Age: 14 Why you want to play on this server: Would like to meet a nice community and have some fun while doing so! How you found this server: Browsing The Fourms Have you been banned from other servers, if so why?: Never How well do you know the mods?: Very well, the only mods I'm not familiar with are Witchery and Necromancy How often do you play?: About 2-4 hours a day Why do you feel you should be accepted?: I love rping, its so much fun, I can easily make friends and Can always brighten a mood I have read the rules and know I will get banned for breaking them: yes -Roleplay section- Role-play character's name: Jacob McClain Prefer to be called Jake Character's background story: 12 years ago when little Jacob was the age of 4, his father was experimenting with technology to move his family to space. After his fathers death from one of his failed tests, Jacob vowed to complete his fathers goal and create a functional way to get to space Character's age: 16
  9. Ok I sent you a message on youtube from my personal account Damian Delta, my main account (Ishare it with a friend) is BetaCrew
  10. IGN: TrueDelta Age: 14 Why do you want to join: It get very annoying when you get very far on a modded server, then the next time you log on theres signs all around your base saying "GET REKT" So I would Like to join for a Mature community and so my creations can stay safe Strengths in Minecraft: Building, Redstone (Somewhat) And Creativity How many years have you been playing MC: 3 years How much will you be playing: Atleast 2 hours a day, I still have a Vanilla Microphone: Turtle beach P11 Will you be posting vids to Youtube: Yes Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/betacrew231
  11. IGN: TrueDelta Age: 14 Youtube (Optional): https://www.youtube.com/user/BetaCrew231 What you are good at: Most of the mods, Mainly Advanced genetics, and A decent at building and redstone Why should I pick you/why do you want to join: I'm someone who is easy to get along with, Can take a joke, and In general cause a really good time Time Zone: MST Skype: DeltaCrafter231
  12. IGN: TrueDelta AGE: 14 SKYPE: DeltaCrafter231 WHY YOU ?: I am a person who is easy to get along with, and most of the builds I do will be to help the others, and I'm always willing to help
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