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Everything posted by Turgle

  1. Ah alright, I didn't realise that if you've modified your own DNA that a syringe would have all that data inside it. Thanks for the help, guys! And I wonder, is it compatible with Sync mod? Like do your Sync'd copies have the same DNA?
  2. Biomes O Plenty seems to make villages spawn in more biomes - more specifically BoP biomes. I live in a village that's in a BoP jungle biome, and I've seen one made out of Mossy Cobble next to a forest biome.
  3. Is there some setting to make it so that when I die I don't lose all my abilities that have taken hours of work to obtain?
  4. Perhaps it would be best if you posted this in the Tekkit section, but in Tekkit (Classic, not the new one) at least you can just build a couple of Steam Engines (which in Tekkit Classic don't explode) and get a Quarry set up.
  5. I ended up getting a Sacred Oak Sapling and when I decided to move my base from a forest of about 6 Giant Trees into a Jungle-esque biome I planted one and I love it! I really love any kinds of "nature" look and so I end up with nice looking greenery around my Jungly biome village.
  6. I'm unable to test this right now and I'd just like to know for when I decide to make my own ship.
  7. Make a giant forest out of the massive Redwood trees (the ones that have 2 separate blocks for bark and the inner wood).
  8. If you could provide some more information on your problem I'm sure people would be able to help with your issues for sure
  9. And alas my tale is of a lost Cleaver... I was prancing through my Nether Fortress hunting down Wither Skeletons, clearing out my inventory of random items I'd gathered, when I dropped my amazing Cleaver into the lava lakes below! This Cleaver was made of Cobalt and Manyullyn, and had Moss, Life Steal, Beheading, Luck and Sharpness. Ah, it was my favourite Cleaver, it could kill any mob in 1 hit after getting a Strength boost. Now I've remade it (albeit rather badly... I hate my new one) and it's fully Manyullyn. I want to recreate my old one simply because I was attached
  10. Who knows, I reckon it's legit, the amount of things you can use in the modpack to increase your health could end up stacking (especially if you have 10x Red Heart Canister and 10x Yellow Heart Canister), not to mention the obvious Iron Golem genetics.
  11. I've got 1 unused yellow heart, and about 3 or 4 unused red hearts. My main limitation is Apples/Enchanted Golden Apples.
  12. Something to do with Yellow/Green Heart Canisters perhaps?
  13. So my storage chests have Extractor Chips, Stock Keeper Chips, Broadcaster Chips and Responder Chips, and the dump chest has a Broadcaster and an Extractor Chip. Am I doing something wrong?
  14. I have a routed interface pipe connected to the dump chest, which chip/s should I put in it?
  15. I want a chest sorting system like the one Generik created in his playthrough. I'm unable to watch YouTube at the moment, but the only trouble I'm having is with the chest that puts items back into the system, so that I don't have to manually go to my chests everytime my inventory fills up.
  16. Ah alright, I'll go back and just mine out for a little bit, thanks
  17. Alright so I've been majorly playing around with Advanced Genetics, and so I wanted to get some Skin Scales off the Ender Dragon, so I made some Eyes of Ender, found where the Stronghold is meant to be, but alas there is nothing there but stone and ores. Anyone else getting this? Know any solution?
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