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Everything posted by EvilOwl

  1. He did. Psssst: click on the 'Nope, no more tries. It's over.'
  2. It's happening now... This was just an example Give me some time dig out some trash Edit: Done.
  3. OK. A little drama I can go with. How much drama is OK with the mods? Which one is better? XCompWiz is charging money for the new Mystcraft version. or XCompWiz is testing new Mystcraft version.
  4. If the Minecraft/Microsoft drama will be over I can do a Modding News topic if anyone is interested. Suggestions? Edit: Facts only. If someone wants drama here you go.
  5. ME Subnetwork. Is the Cargo Manager (I don't have practice with it) considered an inventory? If yes you can set an ME supplier subnetwork with the Cargo Manager in the place of the Ender Chest with some modification to suck out everything other than coal and seeds to the main network. Check in creative with a ME network without drives, with a storage bus placed beside the Cargo Manager. Place something in the Cargo Manager and check if it is available in the terminal. Edit: I just checked and the Cargo Manager works as an external storage for the ME Network. P.S. Those carts are pretty
  6. ... to be exactly the same (to have the same IDs for the same items).
  7. EvilOwl


    Imagine how much it costs the devs to dig through the pile of code to actually make something work.
  8. Some time ago one spoiled kid paid to a greedy server admin some money to be whitelisted, when the parents found out they turned to... Notch. This is how it all started. Butterfly effect. Now look everyone where it got us. If Technicpack depends on vanilla and vanilla depends on millions copies of the game sold to... spoiled kids... There's no other future than this what's happening now. P.S. My cousin regularly spends his pocket money money on XP levels on some online gaming server (not Minecraft) from online 'friends'... His mother doesn't know anything about it... I'll bet this is not allowed in the EULA of this game.
  9. Safe and easy. Open MCEdit, switch to chunk view, select all generated areas besides the one, four or nine chunks you want to keep (your base etc), delete them and save the world. I do it every week when testing mods.
  10. EvilOwl


    This is true only for the biggest packs (Monster) and version prior to 1.6.4. The current trend is different.
  11. EvilOwl


    We need to hurry to keep up. FTB is going live right now with serious alpha 1.7.10 packs.
  12. EvilOwl


    You are way ahead in the future and request information that nobody has. Forge for 1.8 development started couple days ago and nobody knows when (or if) it will end. Ask again in January.... 2016
  13. Go to: technicmodpackstekkitmainconfigcofh open CoFHCore.cfg with a text editor, find a line: B:EnableItemPickupModule=true and change the 'true' to 'false', save the file and restart the game.
  14. Tutorials are not mine. Thank the FTB subreddit... and in this case the mod author shared it. Only the single pics are from my base. Edit: Mmmmm.... Bedrockium drum.... 65 535 buckets of fluid in one block.... I think I'm going to make 20 cobblestone generators today for the recipe...
  15. Well... KingLemming almost gave me a heart attack moments ago.... first post.
  16. Minecraft sold to Microsoft. minecraftcpw (Forge team) just quit, more from him here, more comments head of XBOX on the matter notch is quitting asiekierka (Computronics, the dev that started helping porting BC to use Redstone Flux) said he's quitting (he has a drama tendency - he'll be back), he also fears for future Forge CovertJaguar (Railcraft and Forestry) on the matter ProfMobius (Waila and Opis) comment_1 comment_2 CEO of Sony fears that this can lead to the same thing that happened to Rare RWTema (Extra Utilities) commented. blackdew (NEI Addons / Gendustry) blames Mojang Microsoft CEO welcomes the community mDiyo (Tinkers Construct) just left, confirmed, why? LexManos (Forge team) is figuring out stuff while the community is preparing the LexFAQ, LexManos answered pixlepix (Thaumic Tinkerer) had the final motivator KingLemming is.... trolling FyberOptic (Hopper Ducts) made a statement >below article about modders on re/code Minecraft youtube videos mDiyo chooses boni as a replacement and he's doing pretty good from the start, his contribution to TiCon is already big some kids are very concerned about the whole deal. I'm closing the updates on this topic for now. More in Modding News.
  17. I played some 1.7.10 and some 1.6.4 simultaneously for some time now. As for now - nothing beats a custom modpack. The Digital Miner from mekanism is the coolest multiblock ever. Oh, new Simply Jetpacks is out - mobs can now use jetpacks... Downloading right away. If anyone of you have a problem with the new Redstone Arsenal and Mekanism in 1.7.10 - just drop the IC2 API (only the api not the full mod) to your mods directory. If some of you have problems with TE4 blocks turning into facades - PM me for the solution and for anything on 1.7.10. Bonus: Another auto Inscriber example. (source)
  18. Use EnderIO conduits. They can transfer liquids, power and items in one block. Again the 'Forge Multi Block' type of behaviour. Come to think of it FMP has nothing to do with Forge. Devs stated it should be named Chickenbones Multi Part after the author. Large edit: I'm in love with the 8/32 channel limit for the AE2 fluix/dense cable. You start with 'Why my Induction Smelter isn't working' then you go through 'How can I connect this thing with only 8 devices on one side of the ME Controller'. Suddenly a sheep/spider farm to get wool for the Covered Cable and then the Dense one is number one priority on your list. This leads to rebuilding from scratch the whole network with the ME Controller in the centre of the base and Dense Cables from it sides to the walls an then you can put a simple Fluix Cable. Personally I like the Charger and as stated in the first post - the Inscriber. This adds a lot new futures to the game. The seeds - this is the bad part IMHO, they grow extremely slow but with some trickery (source) you can speed up the process to seconds. TL;DR AE2 is extremely difficult at start and very annoying with slowing down your progress but every step you take and accomplish some automation your smile is much bigger than with AE1 from 1.6.4. As for the added EnderIO - it's perfect. Imagine a MFR Grinder in 1.6.4 connected from three sides with fluid, power and item pipes. With EnderIO you can achieve it from a single side. One conduit to rule them all.
  19. Don't use plating that's the general idea.
  20. 2. There's also a way with ender chest/pouch and a ME sub-network but this works only with defined items. Example: you can define that you will need at all time in the pouch: 1 stack of torches 1 stack of food 1 stack of wood 2 stacks of IDK anything etc. When you pull a torch stack out, the system will automatically craft a new one and send it to your pouch. The ender pouch size and your base size are the limits. The sub-network setup is taking up some space. This is a simple 4 type supplier sub-network. I once made this ugly thing and it works. You carry two ender pouches the first as a 'send home' and the other as a 'I need food, torches and a quarry'. You can also set the sub-network to automatically (fuzzy buses) charge your capacitors/energy cells and send them to you again. Edit: This solution has no distance / dimension limits. Edit2: This needs fine tuning. Considering lag and stuff my setup always send me 66 items instead of 64 so I've set it to 62 items and I've got a full stack.
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