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Everything posted by Luke_1_

  1. In game name : Silly_Boo skype : dont have skype group : na age : 40 (old) maturity level : 9
  2. looking for a vanilla server to play on 

  3. thank you hope it works out luke
  4. i am willing to give it a try if it dont work out just say i have not played a lot of roleplay stuff but will give it a go if that is ok with you
  5. hi i am 40 and from the uk my IGN is Silly_Boo and have played b team a lot and can use most of the mods i do most of my building with a wood and stone look and try to hide the tech stuff away would like to work on some big builds with people and see how it works out thanks for you time luke
  6. i think there is a cofig file named "worldofdinos" in this file is a list of what biomes the dinosaurs can spawn in if you remove all the biome id numbers it will stop them spawning
  7. Hi My ign : Silly_Boo Age : 40 My Residence: uk Looking to build a nice village / town and try not to use to much of the machines but I do like a tree farm mob grinder and stone generator have played this mod a lot and know a bit about it i know what bits can give a lot of lag so will not use them a lot can help with the odd bit of server problems as well Thanks Luke
  8. ​yes i am 40 but no problem up to you and from the sound of it happy not to be on the server
  9. ​yes i did just adding my name to the list as have played with some of the people that you have got on your server and had fun so if a space pops up i can fill it thats all not a problem just i know that some people get on a sever and a week later you dont see them again i was op on the last server and that went because of lack of play apart from one or two that are now on your sever
  10. hi i am looking for a new sever to play on so if you have space i would like to join my in game name is Silly_Boo thanks
  11. Age: 40 How long have you been playing the modpack: a long time What are you going to build on our server : a house and a farm Why do you want to join our server : like to play and help people play What is your skype : sorry dont have What is your IGN : Silly_Boo What is your location (State and Country) : south uk
  12. IGN: Silly_Boo AGE: 40 (OLD) EXPERIENCE :played a lot in the last year or so SKYPE : dont have thanks luke
  13. Hi IGN Silly_Boo Age 40 Skype don't have How active I play most nights UK time Fun scale about 7 What are you good at OK with most thing's need to get better at good looking building Thanks Luke
  14. hi IGN : Silly_Boo AGE : 40 SKYPE : dont have TS3 : dont have Reason : just like to play and have fun
  15. hi IGN : Silly_Boo AGE : 40 SKYPE : dont have TS3 : dont have Reason : just like to play and have fun
  16. Thanks for letting me on your sever played a bit with no problems all works well Silly_Boo
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