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Everything posted by xxmikegigsxx

  1. Re: Texture Pack [128x] Sphax PureBDcraft [Technic 6.0.7 / Tekkit 2.0 and down] Can you repeat that in English?
  2. Not sure what you mean with "i called it." Also I'm not gonna read that right now since it looks over 100 words.
  3. Actually until you are 18 you have no rights. Your parents basically own you so it is what they say goes. The same thing is true if you go to a private school, since you pay to go there you have to follow all there rules.
  4. Put the panels right next to the bat box and don't put anything coming out of the bat box, just to see if it works. The solar panels generate so little power if it is I think five cables away it disappears.
  5. Mod Name: Tale of Kingdoms Mod URL: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/751960-110-tale-of-kingdoms-version-130-pre3/ WORKS, DOES NOT WORK, OR NEEDS ID SWITCHING: Works Additional APIs required: None
  6. Is it connected directly to the bat box? is anything else connected to the bat box?
  7. This story seems really good, but I can't follow along because the first post makes no sense. Can someone put it in simpler terms?
  8. If you aren't stupid they never explode. , but seeing how you are a Helen Keller it makes sense.
  9. Is it a 1.1 yogbox? *edit* I guess not because when you go to play it says update failed. o well now it works
  10. I think they updated from pre-launcher times. That was why they had advanced machines. To the op they aren't in it because it isn't updated.
  11. I don't think it is documented anywhere what the conversion chart is, the fuel to power, but there is a time one here http://minecraftbuildcraft.wikia.com/wiki/Steam_Engine ( sorry I don't know how to post a pic). That is because it varies, the first piece of coal in a steam engine will not provide as much energy as the last piece. That is because as they heat up they go faster. So for a redstone engine if you leave it running, because it heats up and goes faster, overtime it will produce more energy. Steam engines burn something and get hotter the longer they run. The hotter the faster, which means more energy a second. This same basic principle works for combustion engines.
  12. The only Mjs I know are Michael Jordan and Michael Jackson so you may want to expand on that. As for engines, they power everything.I goes redstone<steam<combustion(oil)<combustion(fuel). Not much else to say but if there is a specific part you don't understand I'm pretty good with buildcraft so I could probably help.
  13. It has support for every mod.
  14. Re: Sugestion! Why you think dogs shouldn't be allowed to marry? If yes then YOU should go to hell.
  15. Re: Sugestion! Who gets to marry next?! Cats?! NO! I SAY NO!!!!!!!
  16. Well it is only three other people on the server so we can easily monitor it and I haven't seen it yet. In the op first line it just said to turn it off, never that it was actually duplicating. It might have just been the way I read it so sorry for the miscommunication.
  17. In your original post you made no indication of a transmutation duplication bug/glitch. That might also be isolated because I haven't experienced it on my server.
  18. Thanks because this isn't in bold right here. http://forums.technicpack.net/index.php/topic,1810.msg11121.html#msg11121
  19. Maybe you should try playing tekkit with tekkit?
  20. Yeah I knew that when I was probably twelve, and you make it like it is a big deal. After you hit a certain age you kind of don't find stuff weird because it just gets diluted down from your exposure to it.
  21. Why would you want to, or even need to sign your posts? It is just stupid and only people who have low self esteem put it because they want to try to show how awesome they are and are insecure that know one will know to look to the side to thank for posting something stupid.
  22. All trees have transparent leaf blocks
  23. Then you must have a lot of anti virus software. I see this flip side of this because I never bought a microsoft product except an xbox, office, and some games. All my computers have been apple.
  24. Well people still bought them and apple made millions so I guess it was a good idea.
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