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Everything posted by xxmikegigsxx

  1. Why don't you just use casper's installer? Anyway ddid you delete Advanced machines and nether ores from the correct folder?
  2. This is what you call an opinion. That is your opinion. Many people disagree with your opinion and enjoy the mod. No developer is going to remove EE just because you don't like it. That is your job, and many server moderators have been able to remove EE, so you can remove it also.
  3. Seems like a cool mod, but put it in the suggestions thread. Also Technic pack isn't about tech it's about fun awesome mods.
  4. You should read the stickies. Also Tekkit is meant for multiplayer.
  5. Is that a single player world?
  6. Well you edited your post to have the picture correct and have text, but that isn't much to work off. I doubt anyone can help based on what information you have given.
  7. Anyone else watching the UEFA Championship? Who do you want to win? I personally want Italy to win and I think they can pull it off because I don't think Spain will score on Buffon. It is just up to Balotelli to score.
  8. If it is a small server use hamachi.
  9. This "grandpa mincraft" guy is starting to make FC look very saint-like.
  10. Since this seems to be the hub for fantastical hoaxes I think it is the appropriate place to share some shocking news. The moon doesn't exist. Read it here http://www.revisionism.nl/Moon/The-Mad-Revisionist.htm that is complete facts so I don't think anyone will ever claim that cash prize.
  11. We actually prefer the spelling Merica or Emerica as this Google images search demonstrates.
  12. While on the topic of propaganda I feel the need to share this vital information with all of you- http://mindcrap.com/index/video/nuclear-bomb-on-the-way
  13. I don't know what your problem with hamachi is. If it is a private server it works fine, I use it and plenty of people I know use it. If you do have a "big" problem with it why don't you use that crazy thing called Google? I mean all those servers in the server section aren't using hamachi, are they?
  14. Cats are the best thing added to the game since rain.
  15. Can you stop posting that everywhere? People want help not your shit. Also if someone bought a mac they want a mac. Budu413 what OSX are you on and did the launcher work for you before?
  16. You need to get Chop Tree 2 plugin. It was removed because the server files no longer come with plugins.
  17. I want assassins creed three because ubisoft told me so. As for watch dogs, it seems cool so I'll probably get it too.
  18. No one is going to remove EE because you said so. Its fairly equal in the amount of people who want it and those who don't. So it isn't a inconvenience to one half the people who don't like it just get by with removing it. The reason you felt you were special and that one post could change the technic teams mind is kind of ridiculous especially since you felt you were above the rules. As for "make it harder" technic team doesn't make mods so that wont happen. They also aren't going to find a way to prevent how many times you can milk a cow. As for that whole design you can't use it on many "large servers" because most of the deluxe servers have condensers off and those that don't limit EE on their own. The limitation of EE is the modder and server makers job, not technic team. SO if you wont to try to make a difference ask one of those to choices.
  19. And you are still wondering why you were hellen kellered?
  20. I feel that is you have a large open server, it is wise to turn off some (or all) or EE. For personal servers or smaller servers I think that it is fine because if it is a small amount of people they wont grief or use duping bugs, or at least that is what I have seen. When saying it is OP that is only true at the end game. Starting out EE is somewhat difficult because you need four diamonds, a decent amount. As for"not playing nice with other mods" I think that doesn't make sense. Red power and buildcraft both have pipes and industrial craft and buildcraft have miners. When putting any "big" mods together there will be overlap that makes things obsolete. Then for getting every item from a transmutaion table, well first you need the item. That might not seem like much but finding some blocks/items is difficult.
  21. Yeah in a Hunger Games map you don't break blocks.
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