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Everything posted by xxmikegigsxx

  1. This never happened. There was a foot and a half of snow, my school didn't close, and I never went out of power. The hurricane flooded my basement however. As for what I would remove, it would be money. It would probably solve most of the world's problems.
  2. How tough am I? How tough am I? I had a bowl of cereal this morning... with no bowl.
  3. I don't think the original pic is supposed to be shopped. Also that second pic is some pretty poor shopping.
  4. They create a 3D render on a computer and can test it on there or have the design made and then do tests with the model.
  5. The thread isn't in the server thread for a reason, we aren't accepting anyone else unless you personally know them.
  6. Mechanical, electrical, and aerospace engineers also need computers.
  7. I agree with op, it's annoying. I found out about it yesterday and it was the biggest waste of five minutes in my life. This might just be because I don't listen to "mainstream" music, but it was just bad. IMO both the dance and beat were stupidly bad. So, I'm not really sure what the big hype about it is.
  8. Well currently I play games on my MacBook Air. It works perfectly fine and this was the "computer of my dreams" so I just did a beefy iMac. The only limitations are games that aren't Mac ported, but I'll usually already have those for a console. I just find Macs much easier to use and I grew up using them, except for school and if I was at someones house. To Mrfly: I did miss that part, but I'm still wondering what that third monitor is for.
  9. Sounds like it would be a lot of fun, but you would need to do a lot of map editing to make the wires and I believe the vector city make creator said no server can use the map.
  10. So you use two for movies and redit(not sure why you need to for that), what do you use the third for? Since xylord brought it up, my dream computer would cost just under 3,500 usd ( don't hate on me, but this would be a Mac)
  11. Any youtuber I watch uses two monitors. Game and recording software/publishing. Pro gamers need one. Skype can be on the same screen in the background and steam doesn't need to be open, but can be open in the background. At 70" they wouldn't need to monitors for the game.
  12. Why do you need more than three monitors(three is pushing it)? Both are completely illogical purchases. I'll say the first because that much power going it to it would fry it quickly.
  13. Well were I live the law is innocent until proven guilty. If you don't have definite proof he did it, don't ban him. Also for now you can ban nukes and later on in the server you can turn them on, once you are good with roll backs.
  14. Are you sure you are playing Tekkit SSP? First off you really shouldn't do that and secondly did you install other mods?
  15. You need a iron ore block under ferrus and I'm not sure what under redwheat, try redstone.
  16. I think quantum has six people now.
  17. Pm me if you wanna join GT.
  18. 1-3 GMT I think, not sure because of DST. I'll be the CEO of my own company, GT or GigTech.
  19. Hmm, I found a huge mushroom biome.
  20. Really? Then you are of the rare group of people who gets weird symptoms and hopefully you don't have much hemotoxin in your blood stream, because then you should be fine. I'm surprised a recluse even bit you.
  21. That doesn't seem to have eyes.
  22. I said for downtime. You do know what that is, right?
  23. Like I said the reason for current down time is to try to get everyone on when the server starts, just like the beginning. The rest would be andrews decision, but if that is how he wants to do it, let him. This is his server.
  24. If no one can be on except one person, it is unfair. When we started the server it was most people on the server at the same time, andrew probably wants something similar for a restart. If you can't understand why it is best for people of the same company to be on at the same time, then I don't know what to tell you. You don't need to be part of a company, most of us like it.
  25. Try googling spiders in your area. Figure out the biting/venomous ones. Check your symptoms against its effects and see if you need anti-venom for it. This article may help
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