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Everything posted by Diabloz

  1. Yes at the moment there is a map transition so we are currently a bit un-organized when it comes to the spawn zone, this is usually not the case and thx for making the report against mrsjiinx she will be temp banned for spawn camping.
  2. this spamhaus.org is a botnet blocker, this usually happens when you try to join using some sort of proxy or, smartphone hotspot,or some sort of VPN. As you may or may not know nationsmc.com is a rented server and the hosts have this http://www.spamhaus.org/xbl/ in their data-center, there's really nothing i can do to prevent you from joining.
  3. can you get on the server teamspeak at ip: nationsmc.com
  4. On my server i have rules about machines, factories and large factories, what is ideal, and guidelines to "large" factories. When i say an admin to clean up, its mostly an Admin who enforces the factories rules and guidelines, if the machine/factory isnt up to regulations the factory gets quarantined (all energy sources are isolated and air blocks around and inside the machine are replaced with bedrock. It's not fair that one player builds laggy factories and ruins it for others who build their factories according to the rules and guidelines.
  5. no 2gb each server, so 500x500 sounds right...
  6. get Multiverse, Boarder guard, make each server host a 500x500 area, link them all on through multiverse, gives the illusion of one server @_@
  7. All whitelisted and Server OP has been updated to comply with the new format requested by the forums moderators.
  8. yea but it needs to be done, can't expect the lagg to go away on its own, get an admin specifically for that.
  9. You're right, but to watchful, the crashing code isn't there anymore so it shouldn't be an issue anymore, sorry for miss understanding. Besides only very experience CC players have the ability to find this code in the first place, Most will do this for fun and will usually keep this code to them selves so other can't find a fix. You shouldn't be worried about this as long as you do this code.
  10. this is the fix as he posted all you need to do is follow his instruction: For example: As stated by matejdro: FIX: Add this to the end of the /mods/ComputerCraft/lua/rom/startup : Code: oldRedstoneFunction = rs.setOutput rs.setOutput = function(side, bool) sleep(0.05) oldRedstoneFunction(side, bool) end Or you could stop it by just typing in at the top oldRedstoneFunction = nil
  11. get on teamspeak ip: nationsmc.com

  12. you need to clean up your map, remove laggy wiring, laggy machines, factories, looping Computers, quarries largers than 32x32 all theses need to be cleaned up it looks like.
  13. you delete the player data from the server, in the world folder under player data
  14. hes refering to you HDD I/O (inputs and outputs; (taken from http://blog.scoutapp.com/articles/2011/02/10/understanding-disk-i-o-when-should-you-be-worried) to read full article click the link. Do you have an I/O bottleneck? Your I/O wait measurement is the canary for an I/O bottleneck. I/O Wait is the percentage of time your processors are waiting on the disk. For example, lets say it takes 1 second to grab 10,000 rows from MySQL and perform some operations on those rows. The disk is being accessed while the rows are retreived. During this time the processor is idle. It’s waiting on the disk. In the example above, disk access took 700 ms, so I/O wait is 70%. You can check your I/O wait percentage via top, a command available on every flavor of Linux: If your I/O wait percentage is greater than (1/# of CPU cores) then your CPUs are waiting a significant amount of time for the disk subsystem to catch up. In the output above, I/O wait is 12.1%. This server has 8 cores (via cat /proc/cpuinfo). This is very close to (1/8 cores = 0.125). Disk access may be slowing the application down if I/O wait is consistently around this threshold. What impacts I/O performance? For random disk access (a database, mail server, file server, etc), you should focus on how many input/output operations can be performed per-second (IOPS). Four primary factors impact IOPS: Multidisk Arrays – More disks in the array mean greater IOPS. If one disk can perform 150 IOPS, two disks can perform 300 IOPS. Average IOPS per-drive – The greater the number of IOPS each drive can handle, the greater the the total IOPS capacity. This is largely determined by the rotational speed of the drive. RAID Factor – Your application is likely using a RAID configuration for storage, which means you’re using multiple disks for reliability and redundancy. Some RAID configurations have a significant penalty for write operations. For RAID 6, every write request requires 6 disk operations. For RAID 1 and RAID 10, a write request requires only 2 disk operations. The lower the number of disk operations, the higher the IOPS capacity. This article has a great breakdown on RAID and IOPS performance. Read and Write Workload – If you have a high percentage of write operations and a RAID setup that performs many operations for each write request (like RAID 5 or RAID 6), your IOPS will be significantly lower.
  15. are we supposed to know what type of server you are going to be running to read your mind and know what kind of permissions you want?
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