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Everything posted by Ashzification

  1. I've been going through the Launcher Bugs section lately, using Google and other posters to further my knowledge of how Minecraft and the pack work. I've come across a lot of posts saying their launcher doesn't work or run. In the off chance that the error log is posted, I have seen that many of them have this following the first [info] line. What does it mean? Google doesn't have a simple answer for me Again, the part is: [MD5 Mismatch]
  2. According to the log, it's a 64 bit OS.
  3. You could try posting in the Tekkit Bugs section, as this is not a launcher bug.
  4. I said the same thing on his other bug report...a repost of this exact bug report! But, I found myself accidentally posting more than once today (stupid android phone not communicating with the servers) so I wasn't going to hassle him for it!
  5. No, not stalking you! Just enjoy not being the only one telling people to get their head out of their bums and read the stickies :)

  6. I have to say, this kind of happens. Not sure why though, sorry.
  7. My apologies, I had not realized they removed the bug board! I don't usually go that far down in the forums :)
  8. I feel like we have been saying that a lot lately....
  9. USE THE EDIT FEATURE. Multiple posts are just as bad as bumping.
  10. No, I do not. Would you prefer a forum mod tell you not to bump your posts? Note: if you are going to tell us you reinstalled windows, and that you did not have this problem before your reinstall, then the logical answer is you did something wrong with the reinstall.
  11. I cannot believe how many people do not use the forum search function and don't bother reading the common problems and solutions thread. Why do I say use Google? I cannot see your computer, I do not know your computer specs, I do not know if you are telling the truth concerning the information you provided. Hell, I don't even know if you have some mysterious restriction on your computer that mommy or daddy enabled to prevent you from downloading or running downloaded things on your computer. Edit: and before you decide to jump down my throat again, maybe try telling us why you have 2 different incomplete bug reports posted about 6 hours apart(with this being the first one). Did you find a solution that fixed this problem and caused the second? Or are you just trying to have a mod see your problems and help you individually?
  12. You only need one java, the one that matches the bit type of your computer. There is always a log. Read the stickies.
  13. Make sure you have the correct Java installed?
  14. He also seems to be under the assumption that his computer model is the correct answer for hospital os version. One can learn from this, he probably doesn't have the correct java version for his os.
  15. Use Google.
  16. And do not bump posts.
  17. You should have left your original post and said what your solution was, then maybe people would see the solution.
  18. Line 15. And don't beg for help, you made a bug report, that means you need help.
  19. DO NOT BUMP POSTS. Your issue (which I can assure you, other people have successfully fixed) is no more important than the other issues posted. Read the stickies. They probably have a suggestion you have not tried.
  20. Please post the launcher log. Use pastebin if it's enormous.
  21. Don't bump your posts. You aren't any more important than anyone else. I have never seem an error like that, but my guess is you screwed something up when you reinstalled windows. Edit: apologies for the double post! Phone showed nothing posted and when it sent the second time the first post appeared.
  22. Don't bump your posts. You aren't any more important than anyone else. I have never seem an error like that, but my guess is you screwed something up when you reinstalled windows.
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