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Everything posted by Ashzification

  1. All of your wishes are granted in the LAUNCHER bug board. Where there is a posted, and stickied, fix to the problem. You're all looking in the wrong bug board.
  2. Different problem, read the COMMON PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS sticky, 2 threads below this.
  3. Why are you posting this in Tekkit Bugs?
  4. It's not the same thing, go do what I said on the other thread you tried to jack.
  5. Next time, read the other sticky too. It's called COMMON PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS.
  6. Dude, Hugh, use the edit button. So, you read this thread but skipped the sticky at the top of the page with a nice "fix" tag on it? Seems reasonable. You should go read that one.
  7. Sticky at the top of the page with a "fix" tag. Read it.
  8. Did you skip every other sticky just to post on this one?
  9. You did not say that. You said Read the sticky at the very tippy top of the page. The one with a "fix" tag.
  10. Read the thread at the very top of the page. It has a "fix" tag
  11. Why are you asking a forum for a modpack for help updating your computer? Fyi, just because you're running Linux, doesn't mean you're immune to viruses. Get your nose out if the sky.
  12. Disable or remove railcraft?
  13. Read the COMMON PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS thread at the top of the forum. Try the stuff in it.
  14. Do a clean reinstall of the pack/java.
  15. Um, OK. Don't clear the cache. There, whatever 'it' is should work now.
  16. You need to fill out the bug report. In the correct bug reporting section.
  17. Read the sticky at the top of the forum It has a [Fix] tag in front of it
  18. Read the sticky at the top of the forum It has a [Fix] tag in front of it
  19. I only provided that because the other people having this problem seemed to 'try everything' (including the .jar). It's the only thing I've come up with that has anything to do with this problem.
  20. Since none of my other solutions have worked, I turned to google. I found this: http://www.codeproject.com/Questions/51647/can-t-write-to-registry-in-currentuser Problem: The following code causes an error but should work. Why doesn't it work? The same code (originally in REALbasic) does work so the currentuser (also an admin on the pc) does have access to write to the registry. Public Sub SavePreference(ByVal pref As String, ByVal value As String) Dim tmp As RegistryKey = Registry.CurrentUser Dim tmp2 As RegistryKey tmp2 = tmp.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\example") If tmp2 Is Nothing Then tmp.CreateSubKey("SOFTWARE\example") tmp2 = tmp.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\example") End If If tmp2 IsNot Nothing Then tmp2.SetValue(pref, LCase(value)) End Sub A first chance exception of type 'System.UnauthorizedAccessException' occurred in mscorlib.dll err> Cannot write to the registry key. stack> at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowUnauthorizedAccessException(ExceptionResource resource) at Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.EnsureWriteable() at Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.SetValue(String name, Object value, RegistryValueKind valueKind) at Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.SetValue(String name, Object value) at ConnectionTools.mMiscFunction.SavePreference(String pref, String value) in mMiscFunction.vb:line 92 First solution: You're using the wrong overload of Registry.OpenSubkey[^]. Registry.OpenSubkey(String) opens as read-only. Use RegistryKey.OpenSubKey(String, Boolean) instead. ie: Public Sub SavePreference(ByVal pref As String, ByVal value As String) Dim tmp As RegistryKey = Registry.CurrentUser Dim tmp2 As RegistryKey tmp2 = tmp.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\example", True) If tmp2 Is Nothing Then tmp.CreateSubKey("SOFTWARE\example") tmp2 = tmp.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\example", True) End If If tmp2 IsNot Nothing Then tmp2.SetValue(pref, LCase(value)) End Sub I put it in a code box as to not confuse what I'm saying and what I found. While I do NOT recommend messing with registry keys, this seems to be a solution that may work. I got to that link by searching: Can't write to registry Java, and you'll notice that the posted problem is from 2010. But it's a start, and google seems to be the way to find some answers for you guys. Again, I do NOT recommend messing with registry keys. Try to find a different way to do it, and don't blame me if you do and screw it up.
  21. The update is replacing all outdated minecraft versions we use in the launcher. You will need to download the correct .jars for the versions you're using (YogBox and Voxel are running 1.2.3 and 1.3.2 respectively) -I think This is actually a different problem entirely. When Apple force updated you guys, it messed a few things up (if you search OSX Java 6 it should come up with some of the solutions) Sorry your issues were compounded by the update, if you got it working, good for you! When you click the download button, if you're running windows, it downloads the windows version. He had 2 known problems going on at once. Go to the COMMON PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS sticky. It will tell you how to get to the files you need.
  22. Thanks Jay? It seems that was a wall of text you saved me from! Mr. multipost, here's the link http://pastebin.com/
  23. There are known problems with 32-bit set ups, so your probably isn't the same problem. Please post your own bug report.
  24. Did you try the apple pies?!

    1. SimpleGuy


      Nope, too busy making jello shots for this weekend's Halloween party. I'll probably make 'em closer to Thanksgiving!

    2. Ashzification


      Well, then make them with puff pastry dough instead ;)

    3. Jorcer


      There was pie!?

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