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Everything posted by Markarthian

  1. Yes, that is true.. mostly. If you have transferred your account to mojang you need to use your email. If you haven't you'll have to use your nickname.
  2. True.. but you know, there's a search function on the technic platform. Try that ;)
  3. You answered your own question friend.
  4. What kind of format is the modpack downloaded in? If it's .zip you need to contact the maker of the pack, if it's a .rar you need to change it to .zip.
  5. I just took a peek at causes of this problem: there seem to be a few block combinations that cause huge lag/crashes and sometimes playing in fullscreen causes lag. Can you describe your exact setup?
  6. What I think is happening, is that betterdungeons went bonkers on you. Try turning down your ram to 2gb (that's the max you should do anyway with java) as I think betterdundeons is calculating a lot in advance. In combination with java's screwy garbage collection, it could go out of hand rather quickly. If that doesn't solve the problem, try making a backup of your world and resetting the pack, that does some magical stuff too Edit: I am bad at reading... I thought you had 8gb allotted >.< hmmm... Try 2gb? Edit2: are you running the latest version of java?
  7. It actually is. That was an entertaining little read The only problem with the theory is that A and B can only be equal in certain specific situations. That's maybe something to look at.
  8. OP, try what cheap suggested as it is indeed not your specs causing problems. I have almost the exact same specs (E: as in, graphics card and RAM are exactly the same) and I run Voltz +-70fps
  9. Compare this forum to you being with friends then. If you say something really really dumb, your friends will laugh about it and tease you with it for a few moments, right? Well, that's exactly the same here. He said something really really dumb and was not following the rules and guidelines, we laughed and teased.
  10. Look man, there are strict rules and guidelines on how to post about certain things. For example server posts and bug reports; they have strict rules set up around them to prevent terrible posts like this and other unwanted things. There's an unwritten "rule" that when you are too damn lazy to read the rules and guidelines and put some effort in your post and your post is of this quality as the OP, we get to make fun of you. This section is a place for serious posts, promoting your server. Not some random crap like "look I server made, join noe pl0x" EDIT: my advice to you is not to go all ballistic in this discussion (this includes calling people names) as that won't win you the discussion and will probably turn the mods against you.
  11. That is most certainly possible :)
  12. Yeah, the port to 1.6.x should be very straight forward. If you're wondering, do whatever you want with my code... It's yours my friend (does that answer your question blaster?)
  13. Yes... I let it die a silent death... I just haven't got the time for it Trust me, if I did, this mod would update by the snapshot.
  14. Hmmm... I can tell ya that the rock is mostly magnetic but not all iron, so that's not gonna work.
  15. To the OP: do you know how to get to your .minecraft or .technic folder? (If not, type %appdata%/.technic in your file browser) In there, there's supposed to be a folder named voltz. Open that folder, there should be a file called something along the lines of forge-client-0.log. post the content of that file in code tags here. Edit: oh, wow... I didn't look at the date >.<
  16. I don't know of any mod that does that... You could try and find the code in the vanilla Minecraft code that gives that functionality and copy-paste it over. Other than that, I don't think there's a way to get the click-and-drag function....
  17. Well, in that case you could run two separate versions of java. Just install java 6 and every time you start Minecraft disable java 7. It's a bit of a pain, but it's worth a shot.
  18. People, before anything: why would people like me, with some experience, who might be able to help you, even try to help you if you aren't capable of reading rules and stickies? I mean, I do not have a single clue what the OP's problem is: "it closes wtf" as description of the problem, no extra info, nothing... How am I supposed to help you then? Mac users, there are a number of topics and a few stickies on this problem... Look for solutions to common problems before you go raging or whatever, use common sense please... Now, your problems: as a suggestion (this solution is also on the solution to common problems list) try using java 6 instead of 7. I've been out of the business for a while, so that problem may have been resolved already, but that was a common problem when I was around more.
  19. It might be an unknown bug or a very specific one few people have... It's always worth a try posting stuff like this in the bug section. We won't bite. (Well, if you post like "halp i cras teh gam" we will... don't do that )
  20. But the point is that it's easily distinguishable which drive is linked with which, using the colour coded ones. You'll need some sort of GUI to tell that drive A Is connected to drive B, using the linking cards. That's what we want to avoid: GUIs
  21. About mindblowing, try Achron. It is amazing. It's an RTS with time travel, which allows for crazy stuff. (For example the grandfather paradox) www.achrongame.com is the website IIRC
  22. So far, I've created five worlds, I explored them almost all for about 10k blocks in all directions: no lag at all. I've got optifine installed, it is required for the shaders I use, that probably helps. I suggest you try that.
  23. I'm not experiencing any lag at all, not on 1.0, not on 1.0.1. (Well, besides from framerate lag which I'm causing by using settings and shaders that melt my poor laptop )
  24. Try resetting the pack. I think something didn't install correctly. I believe the only thing that you'll have to include is the modpack.jar, the rest is downloaded automatically.
  25. Really? He had a virus, asked how to solve it, got it fixed; done. Why bother to post these two useless posts that aren't even remotely funny?
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