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Everything posted by Markarthian

  1. It would be pretty cool the first few days/week, and then you realise this setup is too close to reality with all the nasty (and good) bits....
  2. I completely agree with the system, the system is good as it is. But does it give people the right to act like this, instead of just calmly telling them?
  3. Dude...OK, I challenge you all: I wanna see what happens if we temporary ban all the 12-year-old-never-reading-rules-always-annoying-whatever-the-*uck-you guys-call-'em and also ban the 15+ year olds who think they're mature and therefore have the right to act just like a 12 year old. I wanna know how much normal and calm people (any age) will be left, I'll tell ya: not much. Edit: I am bloody 17 years old and I need to teach people the same age as me how to behave?! Is there someone here that can actually explain their behavior without bullshitting?
  4. You know what I'm giving up, can't you guys be somewhat reasonable? He apologized or his spelling even before you made a fuss about it, it's not his native language... Oh and he never spelled it like technic, always like technik.
  5. YES! I knew I wasn't the only one thinking just that. Thanks for sharing, now I'm less lonely ;P Also, Japan/France + tentacles + anime = :confused:
  6. Just saying sorry is enough no need for an extra thread. :)
  7. Guys, guys, relax. Don't be so hard on him, I know rules blah blah, but please just tell him and don't tell him by bitching (this isn't that a severe variant of it, I've seen in a lot here O.o) And bolt, that's probably one of the reasons that it was removed. Have you tried to reboot Tekkit? That somehow fixes a lot of stuff usually.
  8. Haven't you accidentaly deleted it from the folder? Otherwise, only thing I know that could work is reboot. :p
  9. Yes... please go all caps with the exclamationmarks and such. You get a lot of help that way.
  10. If that doesn't work change your GUI scale around a bit, till you can see it again (happened to me some times)
  11. (I also bought the game, no piracy) the easy way is: server properties -> "online mode = false"
  12. That's the problem. When running my server, it doesn't create a .prop file serverside, because it breaks down before it gets to that stage. When I copy over the .prop file from my clientside counterpart (which does initialise succesfully), nothing signifficant happens and the mod still crashes, telling me its ID is already in use. It's like it's never even using the config file. Maybe the mod location is wrong? I put it in the mods folder next to my server executable and put the transplanted config file in the config folder. Thanks for your help.
  13. Hey there, I've got a question regarding the installation for this. I'm having trouble making it Tekkit compatible, since all the IDs are clashing with RedPower IDs. Now if I edit all the IDs for RedPower, I run into the trouble of having to change the IDs for a lot of other mods. You see, when I edit one ID, it conflicts with yet another mod that was using that ID again, so what I'd rather do is edit the IDs as defined in SecretRooms mod; however, I'd need to somehow decompile and open the .class files to do this. How did you make your packs compatible to your Tekkit? I've edited the ID values of the client and server already, so that there are no more severe ID conflict errors. However, some RedPower blocks appear as stone blocks in-game, and I noticed this was because the server and client were for some reason using two different IDs for the same blocks. Now when I try to match those up correctly, I get the beforementioned problem, so ideally, I would just edit the .class files. Is this what you did? Thanks for the effort.
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