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Everything posted by Markarthian

  1. During the finals is actually quite nice, a lot of free time (of which most is lost to learning, but still) and very tranquil. That is, if you're not stressed out like hell, in which case it'd be hell on earth.
  2. That may be because of the java version you're using, could you check whether you have java 7 build 21? (Controlpanel -> programs -> java)
  3. I just tried it, I'm noticing the same bug.
  4. Are you sure that you've configured the server.properties file correctly? "ip=" should be your hamachi ipv4
  5. Thanks a lot, I'll add it to the code ^^
  6. Custom dungeons, biomes and dimensions (probably some ores as well), in that order of implementation. I am glad you are willing to help ^^ I will think of how I want implement all of it, I'll pm you when I know. :)
  7. The repo has the code that I want to get working, it is clean and tidy, but the recipes won't load, as do some other things :/ Yes please to any help you can provide Alright, I'll take a look at them Dope... Well, I'm done in a week with my finals. There will be a couple of weeks of texturelessness
  8. We have had no communication in that area, pm me
  9. Hey guys, I am just checking in to tell you guys, I am not going anywhere until MageCraft is finished. I'm currently in my finals, so that's why there haven't been updates for the past couple of weeks. Slowly I am getting a bit more time for coding and updating n stuff, however the alchemy system change that I've announced will be pushed back a little. Some of the things that I've announced/planned have appeared to be a little too hard for this poor modding newbie. They will come, but they will take some more time. Here's my list of things I want to implement. (In order of things that I am most likely to finish first because of the difficulty ): -Wizard armor -Wizard satchel -amulets (have to look at in world conversion) -biomes -bad guys -dimensions (2) -dungeons + custom dungeon loot -alchemy workaround -spells + achievements (I love achievements) -golems -endgame finger breaking but at the same time mind blowing epicness (that's right ) Bug me if I forgot anything But yeah, my coding skills are very basic still, (I don't even know how to make a custom inventory) but before I make things more fancy I want to give MageCraft a bit more substance. Also, where has LazDude been? Did he dieded? I need to bug him to get back over here and help me out ;)
  10. That can happen yes. GC changes quite a lot...
  11. To me it looks like it crashed because you put in a character that java didn't understand. I may be wrong though, java tends to throw a lot of nonsense at your face when you're doing something wrong...
  12. Well... If you are creative with the different types of energy... Sure, I guess...
  13. But it is a good try, seen that matter is (using Einstein) mere packets of energy or waveforms if you will.
  14. I heard that it helps if you use smooth lighting. I don't know if that completely solves it though.
  15. No, not possible. Don't ask, read rules.
  16. Help me, how I shot web?
  17. Don't bump, if someone knows the answer you'll get your reply. I for one, don't know either.
  18. Moreover I believe his other account got banned/kellered for this.
  19. Whoa, being a little too aggressive, don't you think? The problem has been dealt with, no need for such a reply.
  20. I'd love to see them do that! O.o cookies, yum!
  21. Ah, I think to know what's causing your problem. The flight control. Turn it off when you're not flying, else you are always "flying" and therefore have a slow mining speed.
  22. You forgot to deactivate yer cloak of distortion my friend. It is only logical.
  23. It's a shame yeah. I really wanted to mess with those things. They are so COOL!
  24. Didn't expect that from you King Lemming What do you think would be the best next step: to "recycle" the uranium, or to change it all around and go for plutonium-icantrememberwhatnumber reactors? There have been recent studies on those, they seem to be a lot safer (not that it isn't safe already), produce more heat, and generate almost no "waste" at all. Fusion would obviously be a long term goal, as it nets way more energy but the energy (kinetic in this case) required is insane for the startup and the current materials wouldn't be even able to hold such a reactor.
  25. Good job on the guide Luke! I'm sure this will be of use for a lot of people. :)
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