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Cheap Shot

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Everything posted by Cheap Shot

  1. Also mod pack exclusivity. Not sure why.
  2. That's debatable. Pretty sure they were working on it at the same time. Just you know...going in a different direction.
  3. uh...please consult modpack author? That's not us.
  4. I don't know if I share your optimism. I'd say it's worth buying if only so you can use the Platform and other things. I really don't think I would ever say the modding community can compare to no other though. As someone who has been a part of it since day one, I can say it has improved quite a lot, but it still has a lot of growing up to do. Not that I'm going to let this turn into a discussion. I'm no derail-er!!!
  5. Banning people is no trouble, it's like two clicks.
  6. Pretty sure this is just an advertisement but whatever. Moving it to the games section.
  7. Hi. This is literally the stupidest petty bullshit I have heard in a good long while, and you can imagine I hear some pretty stupid petty things in my position. I am talking to a stubborn child right now because this is the kind of thing stubborn children get upset over. I'll ban anyone I see whining about this from now on. Also, the OP is going to have to correct the thread title. It's not in the proper format. Don't worry about changing your servers name though :lizard:
  8. Hi look at me, I'm an admin. I see everyone and their mothers already tried to tell you the "humorous" way, so I wont bother. Whatever was up with you and your friend has nothing to do with us. All our stuff is open source and publicly scrutinized and checked. It would be impossible for anything malicious to slip in there without a million+ people being very angry all at once. Your situation is completely unrelated. Simple logic will tell you to look elsewhere for the source of your blizzard thing. Coincidences do happen. You play with your friend I imagine and probably got bagged at the same time by some account thief.
  9. Stop reporting "necromancy" at all. We don't care.
  10. Looks like a week probation this time. I am very tempted to make it forever at this point. Get your shit together.

    1. okamikk


      yes sir, cheap shot overlord sir.

  11. I will be personally cracking down on backseat modding. Let me copy paste my statement from a particularly bad thread here: How about everyone stop frothing at the mouth and scrambling over each other to keep being redundant? We have this thing called the "report" button, and I'm tired of seeing pages and pages of people ignoring it to play undeputized sheriff in every goddamn thread. Unless you are the king of fucking comedy I will be handing out warnings next time I see this kind of idiotic pointless posting . (protip: You probably aren't the king of comedy)
  12. Hi guys. I just gave warnings to two people for backseat moderation. How about everyone stop frothing at the mouth and scrambling over each other to keep being redundant? We have this thing called the "report" button, and I'm tired of seeing pages and pages of people ignoring it to play undeputized sheriff in every goddamn thread. Unless you are the king of fucking comedy I will be handing out warnings next time I see this kind of idiotic pointless posting. (protip: You probably aren't the king of comedy)
  13. I guess I must have clicked harder that time.
  14. Cool story. Come back and tell me the ending sometime. See you!
  15. And it takes 1 click to ban. Interesting, no?
  16. Stop bumping. Review the forums rules or I will hand out punishments. Also to the OP. Please update your threads title to follow the server list format. It can be found in the sticky at the top of the list.
  17. How did this slip through? This is very very low effort. Try again with a better OP.
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