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Everything posted by Jorcer

  1. I don`t think so Once you convert it, the items break so opening with the correct version likely won`t work. Definitely try it though (It can`t hurt)
  2. Its not an unwritten rule... From the RULES POST: Don't be a dickbag - (A bag of dicks). There is the rule you broke.
  3. Looks like I just gained a personal chef and stripper! Best day evar!
  4. But then I will just hack your supercomputer and turn you into my well dressed, little blue slave...
  5. It was just updated. There was actually a post a few weeks ago (maybe more) where someone posted a step by step guide to making the Aether work with the most recent version of the Technic Pack (SSP) OP: Search these forums for that thread as he has a link to the recently updated version. You don't need to use it with the Technic pack, you could just install it to the Vanilla Pack included in the launcher (If you do that you don't need to bother with back patching, just select the Vanilla option for 1.2.5 (NOT 1.3))
  6. Is your old world from a different version of the pack? If so, when the pack is updated, item ID's change and thus the items break.
  7. That has been established My "joke" was that the banned image on the forums is a kitten in jail. See what I did there! I'm so punny!
  8. That is what I meant. It might be an issue with ID resolver not correctly identifying open ID's or something like that. The reason I asked is because if that is the case, there could be a slew of other errors due to the fact that the devs expected ID resolver to fix the ID's for them and thus there are some more conflicts.
  9. I miss you man :( We had such fun times

  10. Shouldn't ID resolver fix the issue if it was working as intended?
  11. Sigh, get used to it if you plan on reading through very many of these bug reports.
  12. Metadata not found just means that the mod creator did not include a text file that describes what the mod does. It has nothing to do with the functionality of the mod. Are you sure you have the correct bit version of Java?
  13. Post the error reports
  14. Please fix you error report by including the following: the bit type of OS, Java Version number, Antivirus and a better description of the problem.
  15. P.S. Metadata not found means nothing. It is just telling you that the mod author did not include a document with a description of the mod. The mod will still work (if it is loaded correctly) OP: Try redownloading the pack.
  16. Check the COMMON PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS sticky. Try using the jar instead of the exe. On a related note, does you Windows username have a space in it?
  17. That is way too old school. There is an app for that now. I just press a button on my tiny phone and the cleaving is done promptly.
  18. And soon to be in jail...
  19. Jorcer

    Won't launch

    I thought I was pretty clear... ;)
  20. Jorcer

    Won't launch

    What operating bit do you have? Are you using an Antivirus? Do you have the same bit OS and Java? Have you disable firewalls? Is there an error report? I could go on...
  21. Oops didn't see that Thank for pointing it out.
  22. http://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp Choose Windows 64 bit Also try allocating more memory in the launcher by going into Options and increasing it.
  23. Depending on the context it can mean alot of thing Original poster, operator, overpowered, overly plump, opal partridge, etc.
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