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Everything posted by Lethosos

  1. More like this layer of benign bacteria over a gaping wound that is the modding community, in hopes that not too many nasty things would establish there. (The analogy works for the most part--FlowerC is the flesh-eating bacteria, so that's gonna need some serious antibiotics.)
  2. http://db.tt/0nCFZ4oR Seriously. I wish Jeb could see this and craft some clue-by-fours to hit Notch with over the rendering engine.
  3. *fistbumps Mike* Jon, can you take a look into your server files and see if there's any changes you may have made to your HeroChat setup? Oh, and can you confirm the version that you're using at this time?
  4. *points to the necessity of adding a piece of code to the jar that even Forge needs* Still, it's a great mod. Now if the API will get here, it'll get wider use.
  5. Full on Forge mod, yep. I'll see what I can do for some textures, although I'm still busy on my own stuff first.
  6. Just a quick point out that Metallurgy has Utility Ores that include sulfur and saltpeter, as well as a gunpowder recipe. Considering that I pretty much include this in my vanilla setup, it's worth looking at as a shortcut, as it also includes a nice range of Fantasy Metals as well.
  7. You could simply set water source blocks from "air" to solid for a set period of time--that's the basic implementation of how I'd approach it. (I know there's more involving specific blocks under the player and all that jazz, but that's my take.)
  8. Suggestion: If the code can support it, how about Delphinus' Burden--basically a water walking spell.
  9. The hamster tax helps pay for the warhamsters. They need funds to run the computers that play their favorite song, The Hamster Dance, so they won't get grumpy and start eating our penguin supplies.
  10. Is it just me, or are some people here quite bi-curious? :D
  11. The ones over by the cats in green boots.
  12. Heyla! Would you happen to point us at a decent 3D model software package that can be used with the object format you're using?
  13. That explains the cappuccino and croquettes I get every time I visit. *sips his drink*
  14. ...I see you missed the point of polystyrene in actual construction foam.
  15. I'm so tough, I just had tea with Nylarhotep and I'm still cool as a cucumber.
  16. Ever stop and think what the main ingredient is in construction foam?
  17. You're not far off the mark--supercomputers are getting pretty small these days. :D
  18. Best answer I can give would be to ask the guy behind ccSensors or such about testing for light and how he did it, that may point you in the right direction.
  19. Private or public? I suspect it's a private function from your comment, but it can't be called on otherwise?
  20. *puts up a sign that says "UNWATCH NAO", adds a stone button underneath, then starts pushing it repeatedly* :confused:
  21. Ever try a "wheat spammer"? Two deployers and a block breaker hooked up to a sequencer that plants a seed, uses a bone meal, and finally breaks it to send the wheat to a condenser, which then makes more bone meal. Then that and the seeds go back to the deployers, ad infinitum. I'll have to check the EMC values to be sure, though.
  22. Which is why the API is delayed yet again. Like I wouldn't put out a texture pack that looked like a 4-year-old with Down's fingerprinted it.
  23. Holy flying donkeys! Now that is a mod worth following. Can't wait to mess with it when it's ready.
  24. I just wanna say, I'm quite proud to have helped even a little bit on this mod. *goes back to poking the meat texture for no reason at all*
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