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Everything posted by Lethosos

  1. ...and you're asking us? No offense, but this isn't the best place to ask for medical help.
  2. I'll grant Regan wasn't half bad, but I was never sure about "Reganomics".
  3. Let's also keep in mind that, even though he's not alive anymore, Cave Johnson was a crazy m-effer driven by SCIENCE!
  4. Have you accepted Our Lord and Savior, Obama, in your heart yet? :trollface: Realistically, though, the last good President in this country was Jimmy Carter. :p
  5. Long Soupa is loooooong. You remind me of someone, she does art sorta ad-hoc like this and in a silly sort of way.
  6. *points to the official Optifine thread on MCF* Based on your avatar, wisdom obviously didn't come with age.
  7. When the mods have a sense of sarcasm that would make Rodney Dangerfield blush, you know it's a great forum.
  8. I just remembered something which may be relevant here--didn't the Ratman modify the long sleep system to ensure that Chell would actually survive the enforced shutdown after Portal 1?
  9. Well, all you have to do is take the redpower downloads and put them directly into the mods folder. That's it. Fair warning if you get ID conflicts, of course. You just need to change the redpower ids in it's config file to unused ones.
  10. I'm aware of that part, as I've played it. I just mean the time discrepancy.
  11. That's why I like having a sounding board--it reminds me of what I overlook.
  12. I think that you ought to ask Pahimar about how he did it with the Alchemist Stone in EE2. (He might have done the same with the Minium Stone as well, I haven't had a chance to play with EE3 yet.)
  13. Then explain the rampant potato plant growth.
  14. Tell you what--lemme look at the forum software on Dreamhost, I can throw you up something on my domain.
  15. It's called "removed links".
  16. Go play Star HERO, that's the closest you're gonna get to a system that does all of these things besides artwork.
  17. It looks like a torture/detention center. You... you... SHEEP BOTHERER! :eek:
  18. *reskins the armor to Iron Man and starts pew-pewing everything in sight*
  19. His dong, no. His balls, yes. Put a raccoon mask on his face, and he'd qualify as a tanooki. :D
  20. If Andrew would relax his whitelisting just for me, I'd be on it like white on rice. But that sets dangerous precedents, and TMI is what he wants, so I'll just wait for my community to restart their Tekkit server.
  21. And save your configs across versions.
  22. A big Ol' stack of Kalendrite. Blarg.
  23. I think we need to find a sensible solution before we end up seeing a Baskin-Robins on MCF. No one needs to know what the 31 flavors of that would be.
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