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Everything posted by Lethosos

  1. I do recommend just putting the overflow through a series of recyclers. At least you can get quite a few stacks of UU-matter from that as well.
  2. His GFX card is getting old and glichy. I've had similar issues before.
  3. Yeah, but I already thought of a cool way to use it. I'm not gonna say until I can make my idea work, though.
  4. ...no. In fact, death is too good for you. I'll think of something specifically for you.
  5. ...you do realize that there's ways of detecting certain players? I could make it so that in Drunkraft all the alcohol you drink makes you explode? Then don't sass the mod makers. :p
  6. *looks at the brightly-lit billboard-sized sign behind Sev* Nope, not at all.
  7. That's not a bug, that's a feature. There's no point of generating power if there's nothing to receive power. Try sticking a battery in there.
  8. Uh, no. It's not hard to do that, anyways, and you don't even need a Modpack for it.
  9. Actual moral of the story: Don't listen to Okamikk. :Psyduck:
  10. :frogsiren: :frogout3:
  11. Relax, it's a satire thread. This is kinda like the Kitty Jail thread but even sillier. On topic: HURR DURR TEKKIT IZ DA BOMBZ FART FART FAAAAAART!
  12. Hate to sound like a broken record, but I'm still not able to get on due to white-listing. I'm hoping you, Ysharma, might know why where Andrew can't.
  13. Have to get all the assets Shadowdancer did for the Lethosium armor and weapons first. ...that avatar looks like a plucked chicken trying to pass a parrot's head. Anyways, once I can get on and get settles in, FATE, Inc. will be in business. :D
  14. The mix isn't half bad, although those faces... Those freak me out on those bodies. Perhaps they should try mixing Space Jam with The Pillows' "Runner's High" from FLCL.
  15. Might want to think about it, Shadowdancer gave Metallurgy to RebelKeith, his code helper. The whole mod is being rewritten come 1.5, so things will change in that mod. I know this, because I donated and had the money refunded with apologies not that long ago. Even had a metal alloy named after myself. :p
  16. Technic Platform: How do you want to mine today?
  17. It's TBRRC13020, and 25565 is the default port, but changed it anyways. Still says "not whitelisted on this server."
  18. Nope, still telling me I'm not whitelisted. Gonna try one or two things, see if it's modpack related.
  19. Still would be even funnier if that link was pointing to, say, meats##p.com. It'd still be on topic. :D
  20. I'll give it another go tonight, then. Also, I seen to have major processing issues with Mystcraft in SSP, so that should be taken into consideration. Still, Jungle biome Cave world is pretty sweet.
  21. I believe he will need to have his title changed now. He's now a lean, mean, swole Dong Queen.
  22. Given that the distillation process for whiskey does call for concentrating ethanol alcohol (or at least what the process says, I'm not looking it up again,) you can light this stuff just fine. So it's on the menu.
  23. Much bigger fan of this one, plus there's no stigma of bronyism.
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