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Everything posted by Lethosos

  1. Actually, have you checked the API suggestion list for rendering/chunk processing hooks for use in CUDA cores? I'm sure Mojang would be thrilled at the idea of further optimizing MC without having to write code utilizing it.
  2. Or wait for the unofficial "Railcraft Edition" that some wag will maintain for us.
  3. Just watch the overhead on XLBiomes, it's easy to lag just from looking at a redwood forest if you aren't prepared for it.
  4. And you can! Just don't expect any big help in making it work--it does, but it's really up to you to fix the ID conflicts.
  5. Just to verify Forestry working on TekkitLite that, yes, it works but IDs will have to be reassigned to make it function. Have fun.
  6. Ergo, expect it to become "Cupid Jail" or some such gay nonsense soonish.
  7. ...I think that's pretty much what he does every night.
  8. As a fun question, what would be the best way to pull a model out of the MC files, edit it, then cram it back into its (more or less) original place? I've always been bothered that our local Testificates have hoods in the texture files, yet the MC coders are too lazy/ignorant to consider adding the mesh for it on the villager model. So, I figure I might try and do that for fun--who knows, it might also give me a way to code that player model modification setup that I've had brewing in my head for months...
  9. I noticed in the vid that you don't have a way to keep stuff from falling into holes after breaking the wall. May I recommend a line of block breakers right under the force field to create a lip for all those falling blocks to land on?
  10. Be glad. That was a rambling mess. At least we're having a better thread of conversation here for a change--it feels like a slower paced IRC chat room here. Also, hype is overrated. :D
  11. Hehe. I recommend the Noxxious servers, then. Used to go there before MC, has some great variety there. (Practice being an engineer first, best non-shooty class on their pvp servers.)
  12. I'm not trying to bring teen drama & angst into playground politics. :p
  13. Long story short, it's playground politics and FC is the fat wierd kid with emotional problems who wants other kids to play with him the way he wants to.
  14. Easy fix: WorldEdit. Just run a single solid layer of bedrock across under the entire known world, and edit out any above that. Do it every week as a just-in-case prevention method for any new chunks generated.
  15. Funny, I thought people kill people, not guns kill people. You can take the gun away from some gangsta punk, and they'll still beat you up with a baseball bat. Just point out that it's really a hat simulator and that those "guns" actually fire hugs and love. (Just make sure you turn on Pyrovision from here on out.)
  16. D'awww! *hugs squishy cute kitty* Every self-aware golem should have their very own Darth Smooshy©. :D
  17. Try sending them without the bottle of peppermint schnapps under their wings.
  18. Try Steel ignots. You'll have to spend some time making a Blast Furnace to make those out of iron, though.
  19. Er, frames only move in the cardinal directions, and never rotate. That's something that not even the great Eloraam can get to work without a huge amount of voodoo coding right now. (Not to say that it can't be done, Ugocraft is the best example, but I wouldn't touch that buggy mod with a 100 block frame setup.)
  20. (Can't seem to find that derailed train one for some reason. This one was the closest related one I have.)
  21. Because someone wanted to use the white Legos to build a house, but some fat kid took all of them to build his space ship and refused to share.
  22. I recommend looking at onEnter events instead, less ticks per second. You know, "Soandso entered the world" messages, they have to be triggered somewhere.
  23. Now I can't wait to see Gold Saucer in all it's blocky glory. :D
  24. DUDE. I can see your liver spots from over here. The oldest I can recall is The Dungeons of Doom for the TI-85.
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