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Everything posted by DXWarlock

  1. Just remember, downloading starting the server is about 0.01% of the work RUNNING a server. be sure you want to open that can of worms dealing with plugins for permissions, protections, ranks, etc before you jump into it. I cant count the number of people Ive seen over the years of hmod/bukkit/tekkit that go "I want to start a server!" then fail to grasp the basics before diving in and trying to go 'balls to the wall' speed deciding they want to host one. To get even MORE frustrated once they figured out what a bat file was, how to launch it, then stuck in a deer in headlights look trying to admin it and keep it fun, safe from griefers, and bugfree (or as least buggy as possible). Think of it like buying a 'do it yourself steam engine kit" Just because you finally figured out how to open the box it was shipped in, doesn't mean your ready to try to slap it together and go cruising around town in it and inviting people to ride along if you've never used a wrench and screwdriver before in your life .
  2. wait, if it overheats and shuts itself down regularly..that wouldn't be very efficient would it? Given that with EU over time it outputs due to shutdowns, can be matched with a lower ucell count? And I agree, its using EE to do it, nothing seems impressive with the "I win button" boxes EE provides :)
  3. I make both my kids goto bed, so I can shutdown the 1.2.5MC tekkit server I have, and launch the 1.4MC tekkit without them knowing and play ALL night long! But I agree, I'm in no rush..nothing in the updates since 1.2.5 we really NEED to enjoy the game. I'm happy on this one until a solution is made. Just a bit concerned about if all the plugins for bukkit are going to have to go Been using bukkit since it took over hmod..its like a friend. would hate to choose between going back to plain bukkit or raw tekkit.
  4. Welcome aboard Corndog. We try to keep the kids from acting too wild, and griefing/stealing only gets them one notice of breaking the rule for it.. their inability to log back in after being kicked We are still looking for other players. We have 'dead spots' of no one on. So all are welcome to come!
  5. Plus the excitement of minecraft was gone for some with EE. the actual excitement they missed of being down to red on a diamond pick, and hitting diamonds so they can make a new one while trying to start off a town. Or if trying to make a machine setup and needing diamonds..setting up a quarry and waiting to see if it mines enough diamonds for them to finish it all..or if it was a waste of 2 days of waiting to start over. Or trying to work on a factory setup with only coal as fuel, and running low and the good feeling of actually going out and finding some. With EE, they lost that whole "risk vs reward" feeling, the 'unknown' factor of what you was going to find that day to work with. where having 10 diamonds was amazing....to going where you think "crap I only got 1/2 a chest of diamonds left..need to transmute some more" You know, the little things that bring so much happiness while playing..or excitement over the details of what happened, didn't happen anymore when they could turn anything into anything else.
  6. oh we turned EE off. Too many people was running around transmuting in towns ruining houses, mass fabing every type of item in the game automated with a dim anchor and condenser, basically playing with EE in all the wrong ways because it was so powerful they could break things with it faster than someone could notice. Not to mention those that wanted to play 'legit' and gather the materials, couldnt out do those using EE to make the "look at my diamond and gold block mansion". it took down the 'wow thats a lot of work and nice' factor of the stuff that was made by hand...because anything that WAS done that way and looked good..people just ASSUMED it was all EE'd in. and the builders felt like crap having to defend all the time it wasn't. And by the time we restricted enough of EE so new people couldn't do it, EE lost its point of having it for those that could be responsible with it..So we just decided by server choice that EE wasn't worth the hassle.
  7. what did I do? what did I do that was bad..or what did I do to deal with it?
  8. Well that doesn't work to ignore someone, when one of my towns wants to make a well thought out, and beautiful city by hand..and the guy next door is strip mining the whole island to bedrock for the EMC. Hard to ignore someone when you look off your balcony of your painstakingly built mansion..and see the great ocean view you had the day before is now a barren pit of a void with 4 quarries on it pumping out EMC because hes not worried about looks, hes worried about EMC per tick. Or when they join your town, and decide they are EMC horders, and don't care to help out on the build..they just want to mine the entire underside of the city out to make EMC so they can have a diamond chest of diamondblocks to show off. But thats my take, I think the multiplayer part is just that, playing with like minded people..its the point of playing with others. If I have to try to ignore 1/2 the server because they are all about hording EMC and ruining the land doing it..then Im playing with the wrong people :D
  9. Oh I wasn't saying that its a bad playstyle googleflef..I was stating trying to deny it can be WAY overpowered, as a defense of why to keep it, was silly. If you like it because of how overpowered it can be when you want it to, good on ya, just don't hide it behind a veil of excuses of how its not in the wrong hands :)
  10. But thats the difference between singleplayer and multiplayer, just because you have restraint, doesn't mean the guy living next to you on the map..making many huge ugly 64x64 quarry holes for EMC does So for multiplayer I think its a matter of the entire server population agreeing one way or the other.
  11. Ah, I just use a filler set on 'clear'.
  12. Im not upset, I dont play with EE myself. for #1 To me transmuting ruins the fun of the game, after 3-4 days I have every item I need in quantities of more than I can ever use. with EE, 90% of the other parts of tekkit aren't needed. The majority of the fun of minecraft to me is knowing the rarity of items I need and having to go find them. If I can turn cobble into anything else..then the challenge is gone. Nothing has any 'value' anymore. If someone makes a huge castle out of diamond blocks...but they was made using cobble to diamonds..then the castle isn't any more impressive than if it was just made out of cobble to start with to me since he can now have 'unlimited diamonds', which makes them less rare, so the fact that his castle is made of them is lost in that point.. Plus why worry about quarries, and miners, and factories, and such. when all you need is a condenser, some pipes, and an autocrafting table to make everything you ever need. For #2 With redmatter in EE, to me isn't needed..which is ironic in every handtool you can make in EE using redmatter is useless if you have EE turned on. Like why make red matter shears, pickaxe, axe, hoe or shovel..when you can just make the items you use them on to start with, without needing to go use tools to collect them? Like whats the point of a redmatter shovel? I can just mass create dirt/sand/gravel/etc with a condenser no need for a powerful shovel to get it..same for other tools.
  13. well the best route is the pay one..get a domain name (TheElites.com) if its available. Then you can have a website at theelites.com, and point like tekkit.theelites.com via a dns entry to your server IP. with a paid domain the options are endless you can point any subdomain, like something.TheElites.com, to any ip you want. So have www.TheElites.com as the website tk.TheElites.com as the server address ts.TheElites.com as your teamspeak server vent.TheElites.com as a vent server ect ect.
  14. Without trying to sound offense, You are a seasoned player that enjoys the freedom of creative mode, without the stigma that comes with being labeled as using creative mode I mean to me personal someone saying "I built this in creative mode" and "I built this using EE to get items" is the same to me. The same "well its not as impressive at all now" thought applies to both the same. EDIT: I mean if you enjoy that type of gameplay, go for it. everyone enjoys the game differently..Far be it from me to belittle you for it. But don't make out like its not creative/easy mode in the end..as if using EE gives more validity to getting the items than just clicking in creative mode does. its just one more click than creative mode Creative mode..click and you get endless items. EE mode..you click AND drag(to condenser) to get endless items.
  15. I think you are confusing "take away very useful stuff" with "take away very easymode stuff". If all you want is endless amounts of everything to build with, why is creative mode any different? the end result is the same..More items than you can ever use. Im mean seriously, without even using collectors..in a 9x9x9 space..you can make a EE factory that makes every type of ore, diamonds, and such faster than a condenser can convert into them and move them to a chest. I can fill a diamond chest with stacks of diamonds from that factory in about 12 minutes...then just replace the items in the condenser to something else..and fill ANOTHER chest with other items faster than that. Drop a dimensional anchor, a timer to switch the items I want made...goto bed, and return the next day with seperate diamond chests stocked full of every item. No thats not unbalanced.. In the end Its creative mode pretty much. but with the false security of being able to say "no no I didn't use creative mode to get this..I MADE it!".
  16. Try running a open public server with vanilla tekkit (if that can be a term)..I mean tekkit with no plugins at all. Id give it a week before its overrun with griefers, people playing with nukes on other peoples houses, every diamond chest looted THEN stolen, people deciding that huge factory setup that guy that just logged off has looks nice, and decides to tear it down and take it home with him...etc :)
  17. If you miss the old options in the new EE, why not just go into creative mode? its the same thing, just without the personal guilt of creative mode :)
  18. wait...this coming from a guy with a juggalo smoking a blunt avatar? Captain Irony Strikes Again!
  19. Your leaving tekkit, because people that dont even play on your server, are rude to other people that dont play on your server? If that's the case, I'm not eating at BurgerKing anymore..because I saw 2 customers arguing in the parking lot that I never seen before in my life. :)
  20. theprolo..you don't understand the difficulty in trying to get help for something you cant figure out, while still trying to maintain that keyboard cowboy persona...give him some slack :P
  21. judging by that post there, hello pot, this is kettle... How it is useless garbage helping to point out the correct place to post?
  22. I agree, when I started my server 3 years ago..it was ROUGH. I didn't have any friends I trusted that played. So i did the staffing all alone. Dont trust anyone that's willing to be staff from the get go when asked who wants to be a staff Member, most (not all but most) want the position NOT to be helpful so much, but only for the power and rights it gives them..and for the tag of 'mod on a server'. What I did was run it myself for a few months, found the players that was being helpful, nice, mature, online a lot, and talkative to the new players on their own. And watched them. If they was doing the 'right thing' without temptation of reward of a rank..they was the ones I wanted. As they was helping the server and new people because they wanted to, not because of what it got them. I added ranks of 'some responsibity' for some of the trusted users..to see if the abused the power. Like One step up the ladder can mute people, the next can mute/kick..the next can mute/kick/ban...the next higher rank is Mod, they can do all the mentioned, as well as rollback blocks, use logblock to see who placed what..etc. If someone gets the mute rank..and started muting people 'for the lulz' then I know they cant handle the power without waving it around, and they dont make it up the ladder for a long time(if at all) Hell, I still got people that's around for all 3 YEARS, that aren't on the staff. They ask randomly..but I tell them politely that aren't mature enough, have the right skillset to deal with problems, or just act up too much. And they usually understand why I wont add them without complaining.
  23. Im using disablecraft, it works great for stopping them from making items. for placing them pex modifyworld should do what you need. (I use worldguard for stopping people having/placing items)
  24. Cant help you on the first part, but for the last statement I can give my 2 cents. If any of the server admins are like me. Unless an entire range of bukkit plugins that are core functions of running can be made for tekkit (Logblock, towny, worldguard, disablecraft, permissionex, etc) My tekkit server will be going back to a plain ole boring bukkit server I can't see any viable way to run an open and public server without 10x the workload of manually enforcing what those auto enforced..to keep new players 'inline' without them. I will hate to leave tekkit, going from minecraft to tekkit was a one way thing..I dont think I could enjoy normal MC anymore, it seems simplistic now. But if it boils down to having a bukkit server with the plugins I need, or a tekkit server without replacements for them...Im afraid bukkit wins.
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