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About Mario86151

  • Birthday 09/02/1993

Mario86151's Achievements


Grass (2/9)



  1. it keeps saying connection reset wtf is going on
  2. Minecraft Username: DEADxSHOT Time Zone:EST Reason for Applying:I want a private no PVP server with nice people and fun things to do:D Do you plan on staying:yes i plan on staying on this server until i get everything in the game completed Opinion on Explosions:its horrible it causes lag and crashes Are you a nice person:im a verynice person ill help people who really needs help on anything:D dont read secret butter level BUTTTTTTTTTWEERRRRERRERREERREE
  3. it wont let me join it keeps saying failed bad login???
  4. alright how bout this : i also like the fact that griefers and stealers will be banned quicky and with all the mature people in this server i hope itll be fun and exciting:)
  5. Your exact user-name as it appears in game DEADxSHOT A short description of why you wish to join I would love to be on this server and i would be on 24/7 Your biome preference (forest, grassland, desert, tundra, jungle)Forest/grassland Your terrian preference (mountain, flat, mixed)Mixed Access to water (coastline, river, lake, none)lake
  6. In game name DEADxSHOT Age18 LocationUSA Minecraft experience to date 5 years Why do you want to play on our server Because i like the way of this server and how its all put together so i would be pleased to join this server as its proud member
  7. im sorry sometimes my laptop caps gets stuck

  8. lusifer remmeber meDEADxSHOT please message me the ip to the server were we met


    1. profjb


      I would like you didnt use caps u put IGN:DDeadxshot i used common sense and took the D out of :D to do DDeadxshot just ask me next time please instead of raging.

  10. IGN:DDEADxSHOT Have you ever been banned:Never What do you plan to do on the server:Make one badass factory What is your experience level with Tekkit?Medium almost know most stuff in tekkit
  11. IGN: DEADxSHOT Reason for wanting to become a member: I would like full access to your plugins. Why should we accept you: If you would like a loyal member, I believe that you should accept me along with my friends who have yet to post
  12. look up on google or youtube
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