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Everything posted by pherce

  1. You are right, this is just a sample of what a plugin can truly output. ChestShop for example can have a heavy PlayerInteractEvent, but I have NEVER seen NoLagg spike while running with everything disabled. Sadly, I spend too much time searching for lag on a day-to-day basis and can produce upwards of 10 examines a day to backup this statement. Gotta love the college life... Bottom line, if you don't want to run either NoLagg or LagMeter you can run CommandBook for their debug. Everyone and their mother trusts WorldGuard and WorldEdit by sk, so CB should be right up your ally of reliability. You also probably want to disable most things on that plugin, or just set the priority event to low in the config. Oh, and greed, I am still waiting for you to sign on...BUDDY. Edit: And yes, IC2 is the laggiest piece of shit in the Tekkit pack, but no one would ever dare remove that mod on their server.
  2. No one cares about the deluxe server list in this thread but you (no offense mods). This is a nice place to get recognition for your hard work, but 99.999999999999999999% of our users come from other avenues. You were the one attacking me because I have no 'experience'. Log on bMC and I'll happy ban your arrogant ass to prove that I run that place. I gave you 2 solutions to your problem and you ignored them both. I even posted a parse of the plugin for you and you have given no physical proof that in fact NoLagg causes issuses. You just said "It sucks in EVERY WAY" Which ways again? That's so vague and unhelpful. We can bust out VisualVM and we'll see the same results. All you have are complaints from other users here (none of which disabled all the features of NoLagg) to back up your nonsense. Next time you post, don't be so negative when someone responds with alternatives. You're the one having the isssues: not me.
  3. That looks like a cool plugin output, which one is it? Btw, we load 30k chunks with 250 online =\ Wanna trade?
  4. Here you can see how heavy NoLagg is with everything disabled: It's taking a whopping 14ms. Compare this to LWC's 34ms, ChestShop's 35ms, WorldGuard's 79ms... I think you get the point.
  5. I'm not trying to poke, but I instead agree. Just saying disable everything and it's fine. Kinda funny he doesn't think I have any experience though Edit: I don't know man, but we have fucking amazing server hardware. Maybe that's why we can run it even with "backdrops" running. The plugin used to be like 10 jars and now it's one jar, but modular. If you have trouble with 50 players on your server, you should be upgrading your hardware instead of worrying about 1 plugin. Or run CommandBook as I said in my post. Surely you trust sk89q's coding?
  6. I run the #1 server on Minestatus and tekkitserverlist so I have plenty of experience. Disable everything in NoLagg except the examiner and it's fine.
  8. Man, just disable everything on NoLagg and you won't have problems. Just use it for the plugin examiner and tps and it's fine. LagMeter constantly polls your server which is why that plugin sucks. Otherwise, if you run commandbook you can just /debug clock.
  9. Probably an error with your patching method. The error occured after your block.yml was loaded so you either typed something wrong or copy/pasted wrong. Mcmmo works fine out of the box except the tree feller skill. Just disable that, turn off the chunk option they have (it will save you a million files in your world folder), and let it run. Then try to apply the patches if you REALLY need them (you don't).
  10. I believe the error was only from the block limiter restriction. If you don't use that feature, you won't see the error.
  11. What server do you administrate on? Just disable everything on NoLagg and use it for a plugin examiner.
  12. Now with a PvP disabler for those who do not wish to engage in PvP combat!
  13. Dude, you REALLY want that credit for posting something on here after it was on bukkit dev, don't you? Let it go, man. It's not like you get moderator on these forums for posting a nice link before someone else.
  14. It's very easy to install and use, especially if they let you do it through a panel. If you can install a Tekkit server, I am sure you can setup the database. PM me and maybe I can help you through it. It's well worth your time to use MySQL.
  15. Do you not have mysql on your host or just no experience installing/using it? You are asking for trouble with a logging plugin that runs off flatfile. You can always try to run the latest CP with Tekkit, but I am pretty sure some methods deprecated in 1.3 so you may run into problems.
  16. He used to have his files listed on bukkit dev and he had a separate version for tekkit, not sure what happened with all them. I only see one file on his bukkit forum thread. LogBlock is 54 times better anyway =p
  17. http://www.canyouseeme.org/ Try port 25565 If it can't see you, then you need to learn how to port forward on your router.
  18. Can you /mvlist? It should only show 3 worlds if the rest are truly unloaded (main, nether, end). If it's crashing after the backups, that would be the first plugin I would visit. Why did the owner purge all those databases? Does he not back those up as well too? Even an sql dump from a day ago is better than no database (assuming you run mysql for those). If your backup plugin is not backing up your plugins as well, then what good is it? It seems to be the very reason you're in this situation AND it's not even backing up the entire folder. Anyway, as Watchful said, a server log would probably let anyone fix all of your woes.
  19. Yeah I just figured that out. I didn't see the threads section myself because we're on Java 7 (instead of 6) so I need to make the jmx connection. Looks good though, thanks. That should be enough data to view stuff on the fly.
  20. Hmm, okay. Everyone gets booted off ours because of all the injections and then they can sign back on, no problem. Edit: you sure he isn't just monitoring? Profiling will pause the application (and everyone disconnects).
  21. I think your spacing is off: Mods: BlockIdsRequiringAccessTrust: - 126 Are you tabbing? Your - 126 should be four spacebars from the start of the line. Also, don't trust those fakeusers. Your users are going to be griefed to shit. Let them do the trusting. That's the point of the plugin, right?
  22. Well I am curious, how do you not knock everyone offline while it's injecting into every method?
  23. How have you disabled the EE mod? Did you actually remove the EE server zip, or just disable every item? Are you using fakeplayers for your BuildCraft? Did you do even worse and op [buildCraft]? If so, set those fakeusers to a 'builder' group or whatever you have (make sure to turn on RedPower and ComputerCraft turtles fakeplayers too). You can remove NEI and your server will work fine still. There used to be a bug where you could die and load singleplayer saves, but I am pretty sure they fixed that. If you don't want to risk it, you can find the patch in a sticky here. Same with WorldGuard, use the Tekkit fork found in the stickies here. As far as the storms, they seem to progressively get worse (weak, electrical, strong_electrical). That may be intended? Never checked my logs and it's a bit weird they never occurred before.
  24. I could be wrong, but LagMeter constantly polls you server. I know one of those plugins does. It just displays the average over 5 seconds or something. As DoctorSLO said, NoLagg with virtually everything disabled is the way to go. You get the examiner for free...who wouldn't want/use that? We've found so many shitty plugins with that examiner. No need to fire up VisualVM and knock everyone offline, just run the examiner for 25 seconds.
  25. On bukkit, go to CP's site and hit Files at the top. That will have all their previous versions. Just find the one that says 1.2.5 in the version column.
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