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Everything posted by Fireheart

  1. Well no... ,but he did say A Hunger Games map. Also I'm pretty sure breaking blocks would be kinda helpful in a survival situation. Thanks Roondak for answering my question
  2. Well are you new to it?? Because I am And with no prior knowledge of the game it is hell of a confusing.
  3. What?!?!?! You are shitting me, big brains = smarter? WHAT?!?!?!?
  4. What kind of batshit insanity is that?
  5. I'l try! Also playing vanilla just in case you tell me something I can't do. Edit: HOLYSHITDAFUCKISGOINGON yeah...
  6. I should try this game out 'cause I just suck at games in general. Any beginner tips?
  7. That isn't minecraft related... Although it is kinda clever
  8. What...? How? That's the only way to survive by building a shelter.
  9. Yeah plus I don't think you can place blocks which is even worse.
  10. Do mobs set these off? I'm guessing they do, but I have a cool idea...
  11. Haha Torchweed to Captain Jack Harkness Anyways good job I'm definitely gonna use this.
  12. Wait 4 sides? Oh a triangular one.
  13. Who the hell uses Windows 98 (besides my cheap ass school)
  14. I'm 14 and I remember Tiny Toons and phones with cords! I think we still have an old one somewhere in my house...
  15. Oh okay thanks for clearing that up.
  16. Really? I always thought it was the other way around.
  17. Hmmmm I like your idea, but together... I don't know.
  18. Triple? Seems a little overkill I'd say have a chance of doubling sorta like that one enchantment I can't remember at the moment.
  19. Hooray for being a non-entity! Unless I get an avatar and this post is useless.
  20. This seems really interesting. I've never played a TRPG, but I'm willing to try something new.
  21. Well that sucks I usually get some pretty good items in towers.
  22. Are you talking about dungeons or towers? 'Cause Towers have only one chest with good items and dungeons have a couple chests with meh items.
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